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Indonesia Defence Forum

Its a pity if we (Indonesia) still can not produce such as surgical mask, N-95 mask, disposable gown, shoe cover or gloves. I think it's not difficult for us to produce all of that.

let's think positively, they might send aircraft to pick up jack ma donation or maybe mindef have other sources.

sure, we have medical factory kits. but they don't have speed and raw material like in china if the outbreak becoming widespread since we're not lockdown till today.
china itself imported this kits several months ago, as precaution. billions ppl live there.
the current pandemic situation in china, becoming low.
i think now, they have excess stock of medical supplies, testing kits and mask.
so, they are willing to donate test kit and other medical kits to others nation, including US and Europe

I hope we all get thru with this plague. indonesia kamu bisa:victory1:
let's think positively, they might send aircraft to pick up jack ma donation or maybe mindef have other sources.

sure, we have medical factory kits. but they don't have speed and raw material like in china if the outbreak becoming widespread since we're not lockdown till today.
china itself imported this kits several months ago, as precaution. billions ppl live there.
the current pandemic situation in china, becoming low.
i think now, they have excess stock of medical supplies, testing kits and mask.
so, they are willing to donate test kit and other medical kits to others nation, including US and Europe

I hope we all get thru with this plague. indonesia kamu bisa:victory1:
If thats the case then its undertsandable, hope in the future each hospital including puskesmas should have enough stock incase something like this happen so if its really happen then at least we have stock to be distribute.
That one is true.
We are interested in F35 and it could be A/B variant, if Jakarta want the B variant like Singapore then we won't get the F35 surplus that intended for Turkey.

IMO F35A variant is far better suited for Indonesia geography than B variant. We potentially have hundreds of unsinkable aircraft carrier, there is no need for B variant. Furthermore A variant is less complex than B variant (easier & cheaper to maintain)

Its a pity if we (Indonesia) still can not produce such as surgical mask, N-95 mask, disposable gown, shoe cover or gloves. I think it's not difficult for us to produce all of that.

Because its not economically viable (profitable) to producing them during normal time. And importing them is far more cheaper. Also lets not forget the usual QC (Quality Control) complication that typically happen in most Indonesia made goods.

hope in the future each hospital including puskesmas should have enough stock incase something like this happen so if its really happen then at least we have stock to be distribute.

NOT going to happen, there will always be shortage
Unhan Terima Kunjungan Chief of The Military Academy Of The General Staff Of The Russian Armed Forces
By On Friday, March 13 th, 2020
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Bogor – Rektor Universitas Pertahanan (Unhan) Letjen TNI Dr. Tri Legionosuko, S.IP., M.A.P yang diwakili oleh Warek I Bid. Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Unhan Mayjen TNI Sudibyo, S.E., D.S.S., M.Si menerima kunjungan Chief of The Military Academy Of The General Staff Of The Russian Armed Forces, Colonel General V.B Zarudnitskiy sebagai pimpinan delegasi.

Delegasi Rusia terdiri dari Savchenko Vladimir Fedorovich, Lieutenant General, Deputy Head Of The Academy For Academic Affairs, Fediunin Aleksander Yurievich, Colonel, Assistant To The Head Of The Academy For International Military Cooperation, Khalilov Ruslan Majidovich, Senior Warrant Officer, Assistant To The Head Of The Academy, dan Belokon Vitalii Viktorovich, Lieutenant Colonel, Translator, bertempat di Ruang Tamu Rektor Lt.2 Gd. Rektorat Kampus Unhan, Kawasan IPSC Sentul-Jawa Barat. Jum’at, (13/3).

Saat menerima Tamu Delegasi Rusia, Warek I Unhan didampingi oleh Dekan FMP Unhan Laksda TNI Dr. Drs. Ir. Suyono Thamrin, M.Eng.Sc , Ketua Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) Unhan Ir. Bennyta Suryo Septanto, M.T, Ketua Lembaga Pengembangan Pendidikan dan Penjaminan Mutu (LP3M) Unhan Laksda TNI Dr. Suhirwan, S.T., M.MT, Wakil Dekan Fakultas Teknologi Pertahanan Unhan Brigjen TNI Susilo Adi Purwantoro, S.E., M.Eng., M.Sc , Ses Prodi Strategi Perang Semesta Fakultas Strahan Unhan Kolonel Pas Dr. Drs. Bastari, M.Pd., M.Si (Han)., M.Sc , Kabag Akademik dan Statistik Biro Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Unhan Kolonel Lek Rayanda Barnas, M.Si (Han).


Warek I Bid. Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Unhan dalam sambutannya menyampaikan ucapan selamat datang kepada Delegasi Rusia di kampus bela negara Universitas Pertahanan (Unhan) dan ucapan terima kasih atas kedatangan Delegasi Russian di Kampus Unhan.

Warek I Unhan juga memperkenalkan Unhan yang saat ini telah memiliki Akreditasi “A” serta memiliki 4 Fakultas diantara Fakultas manajemen Pertahana, Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan, Fakultas Teknologi Pertahanan dan Fakultas Keamanan Nasional. Serta memiliki 17 Program studi khusus program Pascasarjana (S2) selain itu Unhan juga menawarkan Beasiswa program Doktoral Ilmu Pertahanan (S3).


Deputy Head Of The Academy For Academic Affairs
menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih atas sambutan dari Unhan. Dari delegasi Rusia juga dipresentasikan tentang Post Conflict Syria . serta dilakukan pertukaran Plakat dan pemberian Goody Bag. Selain itu Delegasi Rusia meninjau gedung serta fasilitas yang dimiliki Unhan.

Authentifikasi: Kabag Humas Unhan.

Russian officers share combat experience in Syria with Indonesian servicemen

March 2020 News Defense Global Security army industry
Posted On Thursday, 19 March 2020 08:40

Officers of the Russian Armed Forces’ General Staff Military Academy have shared the experience of post-conflict peace-building in the Syrian Arab Republic with cadets of the Indonesian Defense University in Jakarta, the Russian Defense Ministry’s press office said.


Russian soldiers in Syria (Picture source: Wikimedia)

"Deputy Chief of Russia’s principal military educational institution Lieutenant-General Vladimir Savchenko, who had accomplished missions in Syria more than once, delivered a lecture for Indonesian officers and generals," the press office said. He noted the role of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of the Opposing Sides and the Refugee Migration Monitoring and emphasized the delivery of humanitarian cargo, medical assistance to civilians and operations to demine vital facilities. The lecture interested the audience that asked Savchenko numerous questions.

During a working meeting, the Russian delegation and representatives of the Indonesian university’s leadership agreed on extending mutually beneficial cooperation, in particular, forming joint teams to organize interaction, exchanging delegations, and holding training sessions for senior officers of the Indonesian Armed Forces.
. .
The allowed PTDI and GMF AeroAsia to conduct MRO maintenance on them, something that can't be said for any of our Russian bought arms.

UU no. 16 tahun 2012 concerning the defense industry ratified in 2012. followed by UU No. 3 tahun 2014 concerning Industry which includes strategic industries.
I do not like this. as if you are trying to manipulate information, you are mixing up old procurement, before there is a law regulating it. PT DI and GMF involved in MRO or services for Apache or fighter aircraft? the information you provide is not very clear and also does not include the sources
. .
Unhan Terima Kunjungan Chief of The Military Academy Of The General Staff Of The Russian Armed Forces
By On Friday, March 13 th, 2020
· no Comments · In Berita


Bogor – Rektor Universitas Pertahanan (Unhan) Letjen TNI Dr. Tri Legionosuko, S.IP., M.A.P yang diwakili oleh Warek I Bid. Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Unhan Mayjen TNI Sudibyo, S.E., D.S.S., M.Si menerima kunjungan Chief of The Military Academy Of The General Staff Of The Russian Armed Forces, Colonel General V.B Zarudnitskiy sebagai pimpinan delegasi.

Delegasi Rusia terdiri dari Savchenko Vladimir Fedorovich, Lieutenant General, Deputy Head Of The Academy For Academic Affairs, Fediunin Aleksander Yurievich, Colonel, Assistant To The Head Of The Academy For International Military Cooperation, Khalilov Ruslan Majidovich, Senior Warrant Officer, Assistant To The Head Of The Academy, dan Belokon Vitalii Viktorovich, Lieutenant Colonel, Translator, bertempat di Ruang Tamu Rektor Lt.2 Gd. Rektorat Kampus Unhan, Kawasan IPSC Sentul-Jawa Barat. Jum’at, (13/3).

Saat menerima Tamu Delegasi Rusia, Warek I Unhan didampingi oleh Dekan FMP Unhan Laksda TNI Dr. Drs. Ir. Suyono Thamrin, M.Eng.Sc , Ketua Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) Unhan Ir. Bennyta Suryo Septanto, M.T, Ketua Lembaga Pengembangan Pendidikan dan Penjaminan Mutu (LP3M) Unhan Laksda TNI Dr. Suhirwan, S.T., M.MT, Wakil Dekan Fakultas Teknologi Pertahanan Unhan Brigjen TNI Susilo Adi Purwantoro, S.E., M.Eng., M.Sc , Ses Prodi Strategi Perang Semesta Fakultas Strahan Unhan Kolonel Pas Dr. Drs. Bastari, M.Pd., M.Si (Han)., M.Sc , Kabag Akademik dan Statistik Biro Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Unhan Kolonel Lek Rayanda Barnas, M.Si (Han).


Warek I Bid. Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Unhan dalam sambutannya menyampaikan ucapan selamat datang kepada Delegasi Rusia di kampus bela negara Universitas Pertahanan (Unhan) dan ucapan terima kasih atas kedatangan Delegasi Russian di Kampus Unhan.

Warek I Unhan juga memperkenalkan Unhan yang saat ini telah memiliki Akreditasi “A” serta memiliki 4 Fakultas diantara Fakultas manajemen Pertahana, Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan, Fakultas Teknologi Pertahanan dan Fakultas Keamanan Nasional. Serta memiliki 17 Program studi khusus program Pascasarjana (S2) selain itu Unhan juga menawarkan Beasiswa program Doktoral Ilmu Pertahanan (S3).


Deputy Head Of The Academy For Academic Affairs
menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih atas sambutan dari Unhan. Dari delegasi Rusia juga dipresentasikan tentang Post Conflict Syria . serta dilakukan pertukaran Plakat dan pemberian Goody Bag. Selain itu Delegasi Rusia meninjau gedung serta fasilitas yang dimiliki Unhan.

Authentifikasi: Kabag Humas Unhan.

Russian officers share combat experience in Syria with Indonesian servicemen

March 2020 News Defense Global Security army industry
Posted On Thursday, 19 March 2020 08:40

Officers of the Russian Armed Forces’ General Staff Military Academy have shared the experience of post-conflict peace-building in the Syrian Arab Republic with cadets of the Indonesian Defense University in Jakarta, the Russian Defense Ministry’s press office said.


Russian soldiers in Syria (Picture source: Wikimedia)

"Deputy Chief of Russia’s principal military educational institution Lieutenant-General Vladimir Savchenko, who had accomplished missions in Syria more than once, delivered a lecture for Indonesian officers and generals," the press office said. He noted the role of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of the Opposing Sides and the Refugee Migration Monitoring and emphasized the delivery of humanitarian cargo, medical assistance to civilians and operations to demine vital facilities. The lecture interested the audience that asked Savchenko numerous questions.

During a working meeting, the Russian delegation and representatives of the Indonesian university’s leadership agreed on extending mutually beneficial cooperation, in particular, forming joint teams to organize interaction, exchanging delegations, and holding training sessions for senior officers of the Indonesian Armed Forces.
i love the russian uniform , well more like a sweatshirt if it was adapted to our environment , rarely seeing TNI tactical helmet or PASGT got some leather/silk camo coat on it , also knee pad , oh also , russian uniform shirt always had their cool collar hoodie.
i love the russian uniform , well more like a sweatshirt if it was adapted to our environment , rarely seeing TNI tactical helmet or PASGT got some leather/silk camo coat on it , also knee pad , oh also , russian uniform shirt always had their cool collar hoodie.

Its already amazing to see our troops using regular kevlar vest and helmet, considering our tropical weather either in sunny or , picture of current discipline of our troops



The original Peace BIMASENA program included MRO services along with limited spare part production by PTDI. The Apache purchase also included MRO services but does not include spare production.

Of the articles you posted, it only states there is a relevant law and how Russia "officially" does business. How it actually does business is a whole different story. There is no mention of Sukhoi or Mil actually having done agreements with PTDI, Pindad, or PAL. What ToT are they referring to then?

For example, if Russia allows us to maintain our equipment, why is it that all of our aircraft (fixed wing and rotary) can only be repaired in Rosonoboroexport designated facilities such as the ones in Belarus and Vietnam? Why is it that the majority of their deals are funded through trade-barter schemes and does not include weapons or sensitive maintenance tools? This is the reality that most Russophiles in the Indonesian defense circle fail to accept, Russia treats us as customers whilst the US/NATO treats us as allies.


The original Peace BIMASENA program included MRO services along with limited spare part production by PTDI. The Apache purchase also included MRO services but does not include spare production.

Of the articles you posted, it only states there is a relevant law and how Russia "officially" does business. How it actually does business is a whole different story. There is no mention of Sukhoi or Mil actually having done agreements with PTDI, Pindad, or PAL. What ToT are they referring to then?

For example, if Russia allows us to maintain our equipment, why is it that all of our aircraft (fixed wing and rotary) can only be repaired in Rosonoboroexport designated facilities such as the ones in Belarus and Vietnam? Why is it that the majority of their deals are funded through trade-barter schemes and does not include weapons or sensitive maintenance tools? This is the reality that most Russophiles in the Indonesian defense circle fail to accept, Russia treats us as customers whilst the US/NATO treats us as allies.
Lol even in such simple procurement like BMP-3 they don't even give us any benefit at all, at first they promised munition factory for BMP, the realization? ZERO
. .


The original Peace BIMASENA program included MRO services along with limited spare part production by PTDI. The Apache purchase also included MRO services but does not include spare production.

Of the articles you posted, it only states there is a relevant law and how Russia "officially" does business. How it actually does business is a whole different story. There is no mention of Sukhoi or Mil actually having done agreements with PTDI, Pindad, or PAL. What ToT are they referring to then?

For example, if Russia allows us to maintain our equipment, why is it that all of our aircraft (fixed wing and rotary) can only be repaired in Rosonoboroexport designated facilities such as the ones in Belarus and Vietnam? Why is it that the majority of their deals are funded through trade-barter schemes and does not include weapons or sensitive maintenance tools? This is the reality that most Russophiles in the Indonesian defense circle fail to accept, Russia treats us as customers whilst the US/NATO treats us as allies.
really manipulative. Mixing old and new procurement, mil 17,35,SU 27/30 is a old procurement. after 2012 the law requires technology transfer.
"A spokesperson for Boeing told Jane’s on 5 June that the US corporation is collaborating with the Apache operator, the Indonesian Army (Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Darat: TNI-AD), but that partnerships with local industry are still the subject of discussions.
The spokesperson added that the principal focus of collaboration is through a related contract with the TNI-AD that enables its engineers and technicians to support the helicopters, with assistance provided by Boeing."
nothing special, just bussiness as usual so the American brat must obey the contract agreement.
A good friend will not embargo his alliance

Lol even in such simple procurement like BMP-3 they don't even give us any benefit at all, at first they promised munition factory for BMP, the realization? ZERO
LAL LOL LAL LOL idek penyet
Last edited:
really manipulative. Mixing old and new procurement, mil 17,35,SU 27/30 is a old procurement. after 2012 the law requires technology transfer.
"A spokesperson for Boeing told Jane’s on 5 June that the US corporation is collaborating with the Apache operator, the Indonesian Army (Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Darat: TNI-AD), but that partnerships with local industry are still the subject of discussions.
The spokesperson added that the principal focus of collaboration is through a related contract with the TNI-AD that enables its engineers and technicians to support the helicopters, with assistance provided by Boeing."
nothing special, just bussiness as usual so the American brat must obey the contract agreement.
A good friend will not embargo his alliance

LAL LOL LAL LOL idek penyet
Nice points.

LAL LOL LAL LOL idek penyet

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