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holy shit , enlarged tankboat with Kongsberg NSM AShM could actually become houbei class v2.0 .
Tankboat with NSM, meanwhile our corvettes and frigates only equipped with exocet. :-)
A surprise to be sure but a welcome one.

Klewang v2 should carry NSM.

holy shit , enlarged tankboat with Kongsberg NSM AShM could actually become houbei class v2.0 .
From every AShM we have in our inventory,they decide to advertise it with NSM? Quite a riddle right there.
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holy shit , enlarged tankboat with Kongsberg NSM AShM could actually become houbei class v2.0 .
Omina omina omina

Can we have or acquire NSM/JSM? I see this missile have many capability better than exocet. As this missile is newly designed
Omina omina omina

Can we have or acquire NSM/JSM? I see this missile have many capability better than exocet. As this missile is newly designed
the latest exocet block IIIc would have the same capabilty as the NSM .
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  • Indonesia grows muscles as arms manufacturer

    • Ghina Ghaliya
      The Jakarta Post
    Jakarta / Sun, December 22, 2019 / 04:24 pm

    State-owned weapons maker PT Pindad workers prepare the Harimau medium tank during the Indo Defense Expo 2018 at the Jakarta International Expo in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. (The Jakarta Post/Dhoni Setiawan)

    While modernizing its weaponry system, the country’s defense industry has become a competitive producer of weapons and military vehicles, as seen in the surge of exports.

    Statistics Indonesia (BPS) recorded growth in defense equipment exports in January-September, an increase of 500 percent to US$ 479,500 from the same period in 2018. The main export destinations for weapons and ammunition were South Africa, Belgium and Japan.

    The country also exports combat vehicles to various countries, recording an increase of 38 percent to US$ 1.07 billion during the first nine months of the year. The main destinations for the combat vehicles were the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand.

    In his first two months serving as defense minister, Prabowo Subianto has toured countries and received visits from his counterparts, during which he has actively marketed Indonesian defense equipment.

    The minister's spokesperson, Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, said the ministry had secured new purchase deals for state-owned weapons manufacturer PT Pindad from several countries following Prabowo’s round of meetings.

    “Laos, Ghana and the United Arab Emirates are thinking about purchasing more defense equipment from Pindad,” he told The Jakarta Post on Friday.

    Pindad corporate secretary Tuning Rudyati confirmed the aforementioned countries had expressed interest in purchasing defense equipment from Indonesia.

    “They are mostly interested in buying SS2 [long-barreled weapons] and vehicles, both panzers [big tanks] and medium tanks,” Tuning told the Post.

    With the UAE, according to Dahnil, the government has agreed to jointly produce weapons and tank boats. Pindad will partner with Caracal International, the country’s leading arms producer. The company has a portfolio that includes the technologically advanced 9mm striker-fired combat pistol, and three modular sniper rifles.

    Pindad will also work together with Abu Dhabi’s Al Seer Marine Technologies to produce tank boats. The company specializes in developing tailored unmanned surface vessels.

    Indonesia has prioritized defense in the past decade. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) recorded that Indonesia was the country with the second-largest military expenditure in Southeast Asia in 2018, spending $7.44 billion, 0.7 percent of its GDP. It only came second to Singapore, which had spent $10.84 billion, 4.9 percent of its GDP.

    Worldwide, Indonesia ranks at 26th, with the United States topping the chart with $649 billion, 3.2 percent of its GDP.

    In President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s first term, however, the government missed the target of its weaponry modernization program, the Minimum Essential Force, in which it reached 62.8 percent of implementation, far behind the targeted 72 percent.

    Aside from the setbacks, the government has improved the defense industry through several bilateral agreements to produce weaponry. Among the strategic partnerships is with South Korea to develop the KF-X jet fighter, which is designed to be a cheaper alternative to the American-made F-35.

    International relations experts have praised Prabowo’s move, saying that it is a great way to start defense diplomacy for Jokowi’s second term.

    Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) senior international relations researcher Dewi Fortuna Anwar said defense equipment exports would level up Indonesia’s position among other countries.

    She argued that the considerable warm welcome from other countries indicated that they had started to increase their trust in defense system products from Indonesia, which in return, would also benefit the country since it could ask them for help in case of a threat that could harm its sovereignty.

    “There are at least two things that Indonesia will gain from exporting defense equipment: they [the partnering countries] will have acknowledged that Indonesia produces high-quality defense equipment and they will also see Indonesia as their friend,” Dewi told the Post on Sunday.

    She also believed Indonesia could easily sell defense equipment since it had less geopolitical influence than other countries with more sophisticated defense systems, such as the US and Russia.

    Dewi said when countries purchased weapons from Russia or the US, it could be perceived as them wanting to show an alliance with either of those countries, therefore purchasing weapons from Indonesia would be a neutral decision for them.

    “It’s a good step for the government toward 2045, when our country is projected to become one of five countries with the biggest GDPs in the world, while at the same time is respected for having such high quality defense equipment,” said Hikmahanto Juwana, an international law expert at the University of Indonesia (UI).

    He said Indonesia would still face fierce competition from countries that had long provided arms and weapons to other countries, such as the US and Russia, while expanding its defense exports.

    Prabowo visited Malaysia, Thailand, Turkey, China and Japan during his first round of trips as defense minister.

    Prabowo met with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey and discussed potential cooperation, including in enhancing the capabilities of defense equipment, as well as the education and training of military personnel. The two countries have agreed to produce medium-sized tanks together. The tanks are expected to enter production in 2020.

    In China, Prabowo discussed the development of defense technology with the deputy director general of the National Institute for Science, Technology and National Defense Industry, Xu Zhanbin, and a number of strategic state-owned enterprises in China's strategic industries, including China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corporation, Norinco and China Electronics Technology Group Corp. (glh)
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Puspenerbal Mendapatkan 5 Pesawat Latih Piper Archer Dx PA-28-181

23 Desember 2019

Pesawat Latih Piper Archer (photo : Puspenrbal)

Pesawat Latih Piper Archer Sap Membantu Puspenerbal Mencetak Prajurit Penerbang yang Handal

Penghormatan militer mengawali kedatangan 5 Pesawat Latih Piper Archer Dx PA-28-181 buatan Florida USA yang telah hadir dijajaran Puspenerbal pada Jum'at tanggal 20 Desember 2019 di Apron Base Ops Lanudal Juanda, kebutuhan akan pesawat latih sangat diperlukan sebagai bagian dari sub system pembangunan Sistem senjata Armada Terpadu (SSAT).

Sebelumnya Puspenerbal mengirimkan 5 Pilot Dan 6 teknisi untuk mendapatkan pelatihan di Fasilitas Legacy Training, Vero Beach, Florida, USA sebagai bekal dalam mengawaki pesawat latih Piper tersebut. Sehingga akan meningkatkan profesionalisme para Penerbang TNI AL dalam mengemban tugas yang lebih kompleks di masa mendatang khususnya untuk mendukung tugas pokok Puspernerbal dalam menjamin tegaknya Kedaulatan Negara di laut dan menjaga keutuhan wilayah serta melindungi kepentingan di laut Yurisdiksi Nasional.

Pesawat Piper Archer banyak dipakai oleh Sekolah Penerbangan (photo : Galih Mahastra)

Pesawat baru ini akan di operasional di Skuadron 200 Wing Udara 2 guna untuk mendukung terciptanya generasi baru prajurit – prajurit Penerbang TNI AL yang handal dan professional.

Acara dilaksanakan dengan prosesi penerimaan water salute (Penyiraman Air) ke pesawat latih dan dilanjutkan penyerahan secara simbolis dan penandatanganan dari Aslog Kasal Laksda TNI Moelyanto, M.Si (Han) kepada Komandan Puspernerbal yang diwakili oleh Wadan Puspernerbal Kolonel Laut (P) Sisyani Jaffar. Acara dilanjutkan dengan prosesi Penyiraman air bunga ke moncong dan ke kedua Wing pesawat latih oleh Aslog Kasal, dilanjutkan penyiraman oleh Pangarmada II Laksda TNI Heru Kusmanto sampai dengan penyiraman air bunga oleh Wadan Puspernerbal.

Turut hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut Inspektorat Jenderal Angkatan Laut Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Irjenal Kasal) Laksamana Muda TNI Suselo, Komandan Brigif Mar 2 Sidoarjo beserta pejabat TNI-AL lainnya.

Puspenerbal Mendapatkan 5 Pesawat Latih Piper Archer Dx PA-28-181

23 Desember 2019

Pesawat Latih Piper Archer (photo : Puspenrbal)

Pesawat Latih Piper Archer Sap Membantu Puspenerbal Mencetak Prajurit Penerbang yang Handal

Penghormatan militer mengawali kedatangan 5 Pesawat Latih Piper Archer Dx PA-28-181 buatan Florida USA yang telah hadir dijajaran Puspenerbal pada Jum'at tanggal 20 Desember 2019 di Apron Base Ops Lanudal Juanda, kebutuhan akan pesawat latih sangat diperlukan sebagai bagian dari sub system pembangunan Sistem senjata Armada Terpadu (SSAT).

Sebelumnya Puspenerbal mengirimkan 5 Pilot Dan 6 teknisi untuk mendapatkan pelatihan di Fasilitas Legacy Training, Vero Beach, Florida, USA sebagai bekal dalam mengawaki pesawat latih Piper tersebut. Sehingga akan meningkatkan profesionalisme para Penerbang TNI AL dalam mengemban tugas yang lebih kompleks di masa mendatang khususnya untuk mendukung tugas pokok Puspernerbal dalam menjamin tegaknya Kedaulatan Negara di laut dan menjaga keutuhan wilayah serta melindungi kepentingan di laut Yurisdiksi Nasional.

Pesawat Piper Archer banyak dipakai oleh Sekolah Penerbangan (photo : Galih Mahastra)

Pesawat baru ini akan di operasional di Skuadron 200 Wing Udara 2 guna untuk mendukung terciptanya generasi baru prajurit – prajurit Penerbang TNI AL yang handal dan professional.

Acara dilaksanakan dengan prosesi penerimaan water salute (Penyiraman Air) ke pesawat latih dan dilanjutkan penyerahan secara simbolis dan penandatanganan dari Aslog Kasal Laksda TNI Moelyanto, M.Si (Han) kepada Komandan Puspernerbal yang diwakili oleh Wadan Puspernerbal Kolonel Laut (P) Sisyani Jaffar. Acara dilanjutkan dengan prosesi Penyiraman air bunga ke moncong dan ke kedua Wing pesawat latih oleh Aslog Kasal, dilanjutkan penyiraman oleh Pangarmada II Laksda TNI Heru Kusmanto sampai dengan penyiraman air bunga oleh Wadan Puspernerbal.

Turut hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut Inspektorat Jenderal Angkatan Laut Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Irjenal Kasal) Laksamana Muda TNI Suselo, Komandan Brigif Mar 2 Sidoarjo beserta pejabat TNI-AL lainnya.

I never heard of this procurement before,another secret deal again i guess eh?
piper archer dx

The Archer DX is Piper’s newest generation of aircraft for today’s pilot. Unparalleled fuel efficiency and superior operating economics offer the freedom of flight with less expenditure. A Centurion 2.0S diesel engine and advanced Garmin avionics suite ensure reliability in this contemporary aircraft.

With 15% less acquisition costs*, the Archer DX offers a compelling argument in the current economy. Piper continues to evolve to meet the modern pilot’s needs, while promoting the most fundamental legacy and maintaining the original intent: A passion for flying.


I never heard of this procurement before,another secret deal again i guess eh?

Hardly worthy to mention, this aircraft is only around 400,000-420,000 US dollar per piece with total procurement should not more than 3,000,000 US dollar. This lyoming diesel engine powered aircraft with power output around 180 hp is very cheap
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Turkey Launches Submarine With Air-Independent Propulsion

Our Bureau
11:59 AM, December 23, 2019


Type 214 submarine launch from Turkey

Turkey’s first home-made Type 214-class submarine ‘TCG Piri Reis’ entered water on Sunday in the northwestern province of Kocaeli district.

TCG Piri Reis, the first vessel of Turkey’s New Type Submarine Project, is planned to start operating in 2020 followed by 5 more vessels delivered to the Turkish Navy, local media reported.

“As of 2020, a submarine will go into service each year. By 2027, all six of our submarines will be at our seas for service,” President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said at the ceremony. “Our aim is to promptly actualize our national submarine project.”

The Type 214 class vessels are regarded as a first for the Turkish Navy due to its air-independent propulsion technology made possible by fuel cell technology. The vessels also can deploy heavyweight torpedoes and anti-ship missiles and lay mines against targets, both at sea and on the ground, Turkish media reported.

Apart from Piri Reis, five more vessels of the project are expected to hit the seas by 2027. As Piri Reis was deployed to the sea, the project’s second submarine Hızırreis’ outfitting and two vessels’ hull production phases are ongoing.

“With the policies our country follows, we seek establishment of rights, which have been delayed. The works we carry out in the eastern Mediterranean, Syria and Libya are in this context,” Erdogan said adding, “If we give up on the process we started with Turkish Cyprus and Libya, they will not let a seashore to even cast a fishing line,” the president said as quoted by Hurriet Daily News.

In 2015, Golcuk Naval Shipyard commenced a 10 year programme to build 6 Type 214, locally know as, Reis class submarines with technology from Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems of Germany.

The type 214-class submarines feature single-hull, one-compartment design and driven by air-independent propulsion based on the proven HDW fuel cell. Increased diving depths and a modular weapon and sensor mix equip them to undertake missions such as littoral water operations to ocean-going patrols including anti-surface ship and anti-submarine operations, ISR tasks, and special forces operations.

Turkey has started talks with Indonesia to export the submarines which is evaluating a similar offer from Daewoo of South Korea which is offering an earlier version of the Type 214, the Type 212A to the Indonesian Navy.

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