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Indonesia Defence Forum

if somehow parchim replacement tender got announced , should we give SAAB a chance ? (with tot offcourse)

Not really tech that some shipyard mastered yet, they will closed many welding and iron works, also not good bussines for nation iron ore producer like us, we may make bancrupt krakatau
Not really tech that some shipyard mastered yet, they will closed many welding and iron works, also not good bussines for nation iron ore producer like us, we may make bancrupt krakatau
hmmmm we're already experimenting with fibre carbon/fibreglass material for marine purpose with lundin aren't we ?
if somehow parchim replacement tender got announced , should we give SAAB a chance ? (with tot offcourse)

I'd rather we build our own larger version of KCR 60. Within our National General Def strategy I see that we are going to need alot corvette and KCR 60/40. It would be wise now that we have our own design KCR 60 to develop it further. Lets feed our own Engineers for this type/class design. To be honest I would love to see open tender design competition for class larger than 60m, so we know what our real capacity in design thruout the country. Im pretty sure that we all going to be surprised seeing how good our engineers are, pretty much like the robot competition or any other scientific competition we have been joining in couple years back. The only downside is prolly no kickback for oknum :D
I'd rather we build our own larger version of KCR 60. Within our National General Def strategy I see that we are going to need alot corvette and KCR 60/40. It would be wise now that we have our own design KCR 60 to develop it further. Lets feed our own Engineers for this type/class design. To be honest I would love to see open tender design competition for class larger than 60m, so we know what our real capacity in design thruout the country. Im pretty sure that we all going to be surprised seeing how good our engineers are, pretty much like the robot competition or any other scientific competition we have been joining in couple years back. The only downside is prolly no kickback for oknum :D
hearing about "kickback" i'd really hope the heavy frigate tender doesn't ended up like the scorpion procurement :( .
Konon pada era Perang Kemerdekaan, banyak didatangkan pakar2 Militer dari Jerman yang banyak menganggur pasca perang, untuk membantu usaha pembentukan tentara profesional yang nantinya menjadi cikal bakal TNI. Contoh yang paling kentara adalah sistem Wehrkreis/ Military District, dan pada perang kemerdekaan memang wilayah2 operasi pasukan Republik dibagi atas WK I, WK II, WK III dst...yang sekarang berevolusi menjadi sistem KODAM. Contoh yang tidak terlalu kentara adalah Goose Step TNI yang jelas bukan berasal dari legacy pemikiran Jepang maupun Belanda, karena mereka tidak pakai Goose Step, hanya Jerman yang secara luas memakainya dalam Drill dan March mereka (bandingkan saja Goose Step TNI paling mirip punya negara mana).

Menurut saya pengaruh KNIL lebih signifikan dalam membentuk TNI modern daripada PETA, terutama dalam bagaimana KNIL membentuk organisasi TNI dan pola pikir TNI yang cenderung internal (melihat ke dalam) dan fokus ke COIN/anti-separatisme. Jajaran perwira militer TNI di awal kemerdekaan sampai akhir Orla banyak didominasi ex-KNIL (Nasution, Suharto, Yani) sedangkan yang ex-PETA saja dan tidak pernah di KNIL, pengaruhnya tidak terlalu signifikan (Kolonel mulu..). Pada perekrutan dan pelatihan anggota2 baru TNI, dilakukan di mess2 peninggalan Belanda, dan jelas dengan alasan familiaritas, mess2 tersebut dijalankan oleh pamong2 yang kebanyakan ex-KNIL, yang tentu melatih dan membentuk prajurit berdasarkan pengalaman mereka di KNIL.

Kalau untuk DOKTRIN, rasanya tidak perlu dijelaskan disini, karena Wikipedia, Buku2 dsb.. banyak memuat definisi dari DOKTRIN, maka anggap saja definisi saya akan apa itu DOKTRIN sama dengan yang tertera di buku.
oh begitu konon...siap....
itu berita lama yang dibangkitin lagi sama media nya , apa emang pernyataan baru baru ini ?
Well, it's newly published. There's no way they don't understand that news should cover the latest information, right?

*teringat berita hoax dan situs berita abal-abal yang bertebaran*

Oops. Who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That guy was annoying as ****, for no apparent reason he started attacking my statements, pretending to be polite or some shit like that, edgy kid.
Imagine if it was mi 26,i think i know why tni dont purchase additional mi 35 and mi 26 for sure:D

That guy was annoying as ****, for no apparent reason he started attacking my statements, pretending to be polite or some shit like that, edgy kid.
Take it slow bru,let it go

they can , if they decide to use new generation APAR radar , it would get rid the need of giant SMART-L mast on the deck , thus more room for stanflex module .
View attachment 582860
The possibility to use apar block II and smart L radar in our heavy frigate is kinda high tho lets just wait till, November maybe? Shopping spree on the way fam:enjoy:
That guy was annoying as ****, for no apparent reason he started attacking my statements, pretending to be polite or some shit like that, edgy kid.
you just serve the troll , that was his main intention anyway , ignoring is the best way to deal with such .
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Jokowi, Rutte dress in batik clothing for meeting
7th Oct 2019 14:30


Dutch Prime Minister (left) signs a guest book accompanied by Indonesian President Joko Widodo (right) at the Bogor Presidential Palace in West Java on Monday, Oct 7, 2019. (ANTARA/Agus Salim/Sw)

Bogor (ANTARA) - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte both apparently made the same choice of wearing long-sleeved batik for their bilateral meeting at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Monday.

The appearance of both leaders bore similarity, as the batik they had worn were brown-black in color that matched with their black trousers.

After receiving a warm welcome from President Jokowi and children in traditional clothing at the palace stairs, Rutte entered the building to sign a guest book. Thereafter, Jokowi and Rutte held talks in the company of their officials.

Related news: President Jokowi receives Dutch Prime Minister

The duo also had lunch together and engaged in informal talks at the veranda of the Bogor Palace after Rutte planted a tree in the palace yard.

The leaders will hold discussions pertaining to the concerns of future strategic bilateral cooperation between both nations based on the principle of comprehensive partnership as stated by the Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry.

Rutte's visit to Indonesia is part of a series of his visits to Southeast Asian and Pacific countries that will also take him to New Zealand and Australia.

Dutch Chief Adviser for Foreign Affairs and Defense as well as the National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism are accompanying Rutte during his visit.

During this day-long visit to Indonesia, Rutte will also hold meetings with businessmen, students, academics, and alumni of Dutch institutes of higher education in Jakarta.

Rutte had last paid a visit to Indonesia in November 2016.

Related news: Indonesia, Netherlands reach comprehensive partnership

Editor: Rahmad Nasution


Future bilateral cooperation and Netherlands position regarding Papua issues both are important but I think the dutch will be more careful with the second.

That guy was annoying as ****, for no apparent reason he started attacking my statements, pretending to be polite or some shit like that, edgy kid.
What happened, what did I miss?
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