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Indonesia Defence Forum

is meads really that good ??? why the US said "no thanks" to this system though ? im more interested with SAMPT to be honest
Cuz us already have pac-3&thaad,not to mention meads have more flexibility than patriot (plug and fight),360° radar coverage,dedicated to shot down UAV,balistic&cruise missile,using pac-3 MSE hit to kill&IRIS-T for shorad purpose,using X-band it really suits us well,and can moved using C130

Just notes I'm not sales I'm just suggesting something good and have great capabilities for us,sampt is too pricy for us

Also @Chestnut any news about boeing products? (Wedgetail,poseidon,pegasus,chinook&apache) are we really dead set on getting these products AFAIK only poseidon that we're really sure will buy that

Single seater variant,really looking forward for gen 5 mockup later
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Single seater variant,really looking forward for gen 5 mockup later

we're probably not getting the one with internal weapon bay AKA the block 1 (which can be upgraded with internal weapon bay but choose to not with) , the block 2 and block 3 if the information was right , is going to be truly 5th gen
we're probably not getting the one with internal weapon bay AKA the block 1 (which can be upgraded with internal weapon bay but choose to not with) , the block 2 and block 3 if the information was right , is going to be truly 5th gen
So does S.korea,we will developing block II&III with s.korea or other producer like boeing,saab or airbus

It look like baby Strike Eagle rather than baby Raptor
Yes,gen 4,5 ifx look more like eagle but proposed gen 5 look like F22 with F35 wing tail
Late post from Pusat Penerangan TNI
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LOL they seems to putting in the viper rather often in their media release. I really hope they get it fast in the next renstra. Btw man about that REM you posted earlier, mica officially installed? I am not sure if that CGI picture or real one, pls excuse my aging eyes and laptop :D
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that's rather a lot ..... almost the same as the budget for dephan .

would the budget going to get doubled by administration next year ?
Dont worry too much about new capital budget allocation for TNI. We will short it out, basically for basic infrastructure and things that to be made locally and using local contractor etc would have economic impact locally. So that money is not going anywhere/far. Its different if we are going to buy NASAMS or others 100% imported alutsista, on this one financial planning need to be exercised. Yes it will be alot, but using multi years planning and peran swasta/bumn it is possible as most of govt assets in Jakarta is highly valuable. This plan will also give a huge boost to our economy which is needed considering the negative future prediction of global economic growth. Semoga ga perlu import bahan baku terlalu banyak dari luar buat konstruksinya :D

Note: Maybe not all TNI budget allocation will be put in its yearly budget. Things like land swap/barter tanah can be done and not refelcted in their yearly budget. So we should wait and see.
Any infos what armament are included in su 35 purchase? Is it really2 lengkap? Hoping HARM included in viper purchase


Joko Widodo (Antara)

TNI akan memindahkan markas besar jika ibu kota pindah ke Kalimantan Utara. TNI rencanyanya akan menjadikan salah satu wilayah di Kabupaten Kutai Kertanegara sebagai tempat markas besar.

“Instansi militer termasuk rencana pemindahan mabes tni beserta jajarannya berada di wilayah kutai kertanegara. Rencanannya kita 117 KM dari wilayah ibu kota nantinya,” Kasum TNI Letjen Joni Supriyanto dalam rapat bersama Pansus Pemindahan Ibu Kota di Kompleks Parlemen, Senayan, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (26/09/2019).

Dilansir dari laman Liputan6 (26/ 09/ 2019), Pemindahan markas besar TNI tidak lepas dari potensi ancaman militer dan non militer dari dalam atau luar negeri.

Joni mengatakan, ibu kota negara baru akan berhadapan dengan batas darat negara Malaysia dengan jarak 6202 Km. Serta berbatasan dengan Malaysia di laut. Kemudian di udara dekat dengan Filipina, dan Singapura.

“Kekuatan militer negara tetangga, Malaysia kemudian Australia, Brunei, Singapura, Filipina, China dan US,” ujar Joni.

Joni juga mengatakan, nantinya tidak semua anggotanya dipindahkan ke ibu kota baru. Satuan di luar mabes direncanakan akan mengisi mabes TNI. Sementara personil Mabes yang dipindahkan ke ibu kota sekitar 5737.

“Adapun jumlah personil yang mengikuti pemindahan Mabes TNI ke ibu kota baru sekitar 5737 orang,” jelas Joni.

TNI juga mengusulkan Kodam Khusus pengamanan ibu kota untuk angkatan darat. Serta, Kodam VI Mulawarman di Kalimantan Selatan dan Kodam XII Tanjungpura di Kalimantan Tengah diberikan penambahan gelar kekuatan.

Untuk angkatan laut, kata Joni, perlu ditambah yaitu Lanal Sambas, Lanal Ketapang.

“Kemudian TNI AU selain satuan yang sudah tergelar di pulau Kalimantan diperlukan beberapa penambahan gelar kekuatan lainnya yaitu Lanud Tipe A, Skudron tempur, skuadron angkut, skuadron teknik, skuadron pengamanan ibu kota, resimen pertahanan udara detasemen pertahanan udara, rumah sakit dan rumah dinas,” jelas Joni.

Editor: (D.E.S)

This means alutsista strategis bakel ditaro di kalimantan including 5 melorad detachment
K-FX CDR sets stage for prototype production

  • 27 SEPTEMBER, 2019

Seoul has completed the critical design review (CDR) of the Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) KF-X fighter, setting the stage for the rollout of a prototype in the first half of 2021.

The twin-engined fighter will operate its maiden sortie a year later in the first half of 2022, according to a Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) statement. Development will be completed by 2026.

In addition, a full-sized mock-up will be displayed at next month’s Seoul International Aerospace and Defense Exhibition.

The statement follows a CDR meeting that ran from 24-26 September held by the Defense Affairs Agency. The CDR confirms that the proposed jet will meet “all requirements reflected in the initial product specification.”


A full-sized K-FX mockup will be revealed at October's ADEX show.


Work leading up to the CDR included wind tunnel tests, the refinement of systems, and analysis.

“In this detailed design review meeting, reviewers composed of government and civilian experts, including the Air Force, reviewed about 390 technical data [points] to ensure that the military requirements were properly reflected in the design,” says DAPA.

The Agency for Defense Development (ADD) and KAI are leading the $7.2 billion KF-X project with Indonesia, the project’s junior partner with a 20% share. As now envisaged, the KF-X will be 4.5-generation fighter aircraft on par with advanced version of the Lockheed Martin F-16.

The statement, however, makes no mention of project partner Indonesia or the I-FX variant.

In July it emerged that Jakarta continues to press for concessions on the price of involvement in the K-FX/I-FX fighter programme. A report by Indonesia's official Antara news portal quotes government minister Wiranto as suggesting that the next payments be not in cash, but potentially a contra deal involving Indonesia-produced defence equipment.

The achievement of the aircraft CDR follows the CDR of the aircraft’s active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar earlier this year. The prototype of the radar was developed by Hanhwa systems with assistance from Israel’s Elta Systems. ADD will help with airborne tests of the radar.

The KF-X will be powered by two General Electrics-built F414 engines, variants of which power the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and the Saab Gripen E.
Recommended to watch (it mentions us too in this simulation)
If both Indonesia and Australia could get their shit together and sign something of a "permanent" MoU that would bond them closer and further stressing the points of Lombok treaty, it would results in one of the most strategic "alliance" in Asia-Pacific, as both will find it easy to hand-in-hand countering anyone from the North rather than head bashing each other.
Kalla still got a knack at international stage

Kalla dismisses Papuan referendum proposal by Pacific nations at UNGA
27th Sep 2019 13:27


Vice President Jusuf Kalla attends the 74th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, the United States. (ANTARA/Vice Presidential Press Bureau)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla refuted a claim that Pacific countries had put forth a proposal on a Papuan referendum on self-determination during the 74th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in New York.

"There was no such agenda. Four of them (Pacific countries) have spoken earlier (at the forum), and none of them (came up with the proposal for referendum). Moreover, we do not consider the issue that big to be discussing it at the UN General Assembly," Kalla noted in a written statement released on Friday.

The four Pacific nations -- Fiji, Tuvalu, Kiribati, and Tonga -- spoke at the international forum, though none breached the topic of the Papuan referendum.

Related news: Melanesia Solidarity rejects Papuan referendum

Kalla affirmed that the 74th UNGA laid greater emphasis on lowering the poverty rate, conserving the environment, and maintaining health, so no country raised the issue of a Papuan referendum.

"Talks at the General Assembly mostly covered ways to reduce the poverty rate, (conserve) the environment, and (maintain) health. Several global problems should be discussed, so none of the Pacific countries touched on it," he stated.

The vice president explained that it is highly improbable for the UN to accept a proposal for a Papuan referendum on self-determination, as it had been conducted in 1969 through the Resolution of the UN General Assembly known as the People's Self Determination (Pepera).

"Do not forget that Papua is the result of the UN Resolution decided here (New York) in 1961. Hence, it is impossible (for the UN) to cancel the resolution. It is important to know (about it). Papua is different from East Timor that was not decided at the UN," he added.

Related news: Vice President to attend UN General Assembly in New York
Related news: President orders authority to tackle Papua unrest: Moeldoko
Editor: Sri Haryati


If both Indonesia and Australia could get their shit together and sign something of a "permanent" MoU that would bond them closer and further stressing the points of Lombok treaty, it would results in one of the most strategic "alliance" in Asia-Pacific, as both will find it easy to hand-in-hand countering anyone from the North rather than head bashing each other.

If you paid more attention to the Lombok treaty, it has several addendum and also some revision. But permanent is just un-realistic in politic.
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