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I do have bro
He say if we have enough budget we'll take F15,i i thi we do have budget now ask for cpo trade plus some bonus or discount

Kinda triggered why they don't even consider super hornet or typhoon as F-5 replacer if we have full equipment hornet its litteraly a missile truck, cost efficient and spare parts everywhere
They are air force guy, maybe only ever talk with usaf guys, so SHornet never come in mind..
AU ya gaulnya sama sesama AU, ngapain usaf ngomongin hornet, kan ada rivalitas juga. Gitu mungkin
I do have bro
He say if we have enough budget we'll take F15,i i thi we do have budget now ask for cpo trade plus some bonus or discount

Kinda triggered why they don't even consider super hornet or typhoon as F-5 replacer if we have full equipment hornet its litteraly a missile truck, cost efficient and spare parts everywhere

Super Hornets are a better bang for your buck than the F-15.

They are stupid capable for their price.
It's not just PT.PAL , the whole defense industries (PT DI , Pindad , PT PAL) were planned to set a new production line and RnD workshop in lampung . it was planned to set at tanggamus regency , but after the recent incident of undetected tsunami due to half of the krakatoa part land slided to the sea , i think the government now will rethink for the alternatives location (better avoid the area near tectonic plate)

If in east kalimantan are it is secure? Or maybe emmm in ambon?
If in east kalimantan are it is secure? Or maybe emmm in ambon?
there's a big and long fault line/tectonic plate in northern part of east indonesia , northern part of maluku , papua , biak etc , are very common for quake to happened. northern sea of java , sumatera are relatively safe , kalimantan is even more safer.
there's a big and long fault line/tectonic plate in northern part of east indonesia , northern part of maluku , papua , biak etc , are very common for quake to happened. northern sea of java , sumatera are relatively safe , kalimantan is even more safer.

Kalimantan ok it maybe safest other region

Maybe in au mindset f18 is desiganted only for naval purpose...
Btw malysia also used f18
So they prefer f15 to match RSAF?

(Kalo rudal gotongan kaprang kita prefer mana sih)
Kalimantan ok it maybe safest other region

Maybe in au mindset f18 is desiganted only for naval purpose...
Btw malysia also used f18
So they prefer f15 to match RSAF?

(Kalo rudal gotongan kaprang kita prefer mana sih)
Exocet for ashm if u talking about AAM lets just wait for iver,for now mica andalannya,also as far as i know F18 dinilai nanggung sama au au makanya gak terlalu diconsider padahal bisa jadi missile truck

They are air force guy, maybe only ever talk with usaf guys, so SHornet never come in mind..
AU ya gaulnya sama sesama AU, ngapain usaf ngomongin hornet, kan ada rivalitas juga. Gitu mungkin
Bro gausah jauh jauh,RAAF used Shornet and use them in latgab bareng AU

Ralat,i mean SAM not AAM
Maybe in au mindset f18 is desiganted only for naval purpose...
Btw malysia also used f18
So they prefer f15 to match RSAF?

F-18E/F Super Hornet is an entirely different platform than F-18C/D Hornet despite their similar name & designation. Comparing them is like comparing orange to apple.

I doubt the reason is to match RSAF, the most likely consideration are combat range & payload among other things
It's great that we get closer and closer to Boeing massive procurement deal (oh super eagle.... , mudah-mudahan kesampaian), but this tankers problem get me nervous



So we stick with already betel prupen exocet? Are mbda in future still upfraded this missile?

Also for SAM for naval force are we more stick to european style or american style?

Which one has better (parameter : easy to maintenance, eqsy to use, spare part, ToT, price-of course-, also "kerawanan embargo"?

F15SA the saudis' f15 can carry many missile load with latest AMBER weapon carry system..... can carry dozen missile

(Saudi jual barang bekasan ga ya.... slain jepang gtu lho)

If KFX dipadangin amber kyk f15sa jd bombtruck dah
Base on that pic,
Kfx only had 6 hardpoint or more? In fuselage?

Lahdala yonarhanud 1 kostrad, pke mistral ama ss2 skrg?
Seinget gw pke zsu 23-2 dan ss1

(Tempat ane pas sd ldk ampe jd gosong makan sambil dmarah2in dpukul2in ompreng k deket telinga..... banyak soang pulak
Kenangan masa lalu wkwkkwk
Ah oot)

Wkwkkwk a mistral shoot down f18
Btw there are 2 type mistral launcher manual and automated (with mg)?
So we stick with already betel prupen exocet? Are mbda in future still upfraded this missile?

Also for SAM for naval force are we more stick to european style or american style?

Which one has better (parameter : easy to maintenance, eqsy to use, spare part, ToT, price-of course-, also "kerawanan embargo"?

F15SA the saudis' f15 can carry many missile load with latest AMBER weapon carry system..... can carry dozen missile

(Saudi jual barang bekasan ga ya.... slain jepang gtu lho)

If KFX dipadangin amber kyk f15sa jd bombtruck dah
Base on that pic,
Kfx only had 6 hardpoint or more? In fuselage?
About SAM once again let's just wait for iver,but if you looking at current pattern the highest chance is american SAM but didn't know the sure thing

IMO "embargo" is such a past now,if they going to embargo us they're losing one big ally to stop China military expansion in LCS

That i didn't know but our president ordered TNI to stop purchasing second hand alutsista to prevent more accident
Bruh i thought double engine fighter is required for F-5 replacer
Its the range in relation to combat radius/range and its future home base. Only F15 is close enough for AU requirements regarding range. Draw a circle of SU35 combat radius/range by putting Iswahjudi as a center, then you will see what the role of heavy fighter with excellent range can provide additional layer of defense either for future Viper ska in Kupang or west, north, south side of it. There are other options if we decide not to go for Heavy fighters but it might require additional numbers of airframe, maybe twice as much.

KFX is to be avaiable 2026++, and as like any other new fighters it would take time to mature (bug fix etc). The range of KFX is 50% more than F16 but still less then SU35/F15. With this KFX time frame I can understand why AU still want SU35. By the time kfx is mature enough we hopefully would already have enough workhorse (Viper), perhaps after that we can start to retire the old SU while slowly adding more numbers to KFX. Thats some of the reason why AU still need heavy fighters I think. Price wise F15 cost more then SU35, but we can always argue one fighter acquisition cost and life cost. Put politics and commonality into that mix and prolly we can understand why its not easy to go on with SU35 or even switch to other type of fighters. We all can argue back and forth about it, but its important for us to understand that AU need to operate effective in any missions or assignment. By having medium range fighters with only 1 air tanker avaiable is not a wise choice. With future plan to get it is still uncertain I guess it would be wise if we stick to heavy fighters for now.

Goddamn guys this is really awesome option for us,according to this news
8 F15X will cost around 1,1b if we purchase 16 F15X it will cost around 2,2b lets say we use the same way like su 35 (50% trade return) kalo diitung2 lebih murah &menguntungkan dibanding 11 unit su 35
Bruh those 11 SU35 price already comes with missiles and stuffs
Its the range in relation to combat radius/range and its future home base. Only F15 is close enough for AU requirements regarding range. Draw a circle of SU35 combat radius/range by putting Iswahjudi as a center, then you will see what the role of heavy fighter with excellent range can provide additional layer of defense either for future Viper ska in Kupang or west, north, south side of it. There are other options if we decide not to go for Heavy fighters but it might require additional numbers of airframe, maybe twice as much.

KFX is to be avaiable 2026++, and as like any other new fighters it would take time to mature (bug fix etc). The range of KFX is 50% more than F16 but still less then SU35/F15. With this KFX time frame I can understand why AU still want SU35. By the time kfx is mature enough we hopefully would already have enough workhorse (Viper), perhaps after that we can start to retire the old SU while slowly adding more numbers to KFX. Thats some of the reason why AU still need heavy fighters I think. Price wise F15 cost more then SU35, but we can always argue one fighter acquisition cost and life cost. Put politics and commonality into that mix and prolly we can understand why its not easy to go on with SU35 or even switch to other type of fighters. We all can argue back and forth about it, but its important for us to understand that AU need to operate effective in any missions or assignment. By having medium range fighters with only 1 air tanker avaiable is not a wise choice. With future plan to get it is still uncertain I guess it would be wise if we stick to heavy fighters for now.

Bruh those 11 SU35 price already comes with missiles and stuffs
Dont get trap in perang dagang antar sales bro LOL

Its different to get what we want and what we need
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