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I was referring to the upper right pic not the render one.

Cropped it for you to see.

View attachment 572797

Not only IFF Bird Slicer but our F-16A/B will be equipped with SNIPER ATP Pod.


Are all of them completed with CFT?
Are they also upgrading their radar to AESA (SABR)?
Are all of them completed with CFT?
Are they also upgrading their radar to AESA (SABR)?


^^ From the blurry text we can see that they upgraded the radar from AN/APG-66 to AN/APG-68(V)9.

Don't know about the CFT though.

AN/APG-68(V)9 Benefits
  • Faster, farther aerial target target acquisition, with 33% greater air-to-air range than legacy radars
  • Synthetic aperture radar ground mapping mode
  • Reduced weight, power, and cooling
  • 25%-45% lower support costs
  • Higher reliability with greater than 120% MTBF improvement over legacy radar
  • Compatible with LITENING and other EO pods
  • Compatible with EW systems
  • Compatible with AMRAAM, AIM-9X, and other missiles and GPS weapons such as JDAM, JSOW and WCMD
  • Retrofit kit can be installed in approximately 2 days on the flight line
  • Robust logistics base, with hundreds of systems fielded
  • Compatible with all F-16 avionics suites.
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MoD is build facility to training in FIBUA, there is plan since long but only recently getting traction and approval nods.


Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu bersama Kasad Jenderal TNI Andika Perkasa meresmikan Ground Breaking pembangunan Fasilitas Latihan Pertempuran Kota (Faslat Purkota) untuk Pasukan Khusus TNI, Kamis (1/8) di Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Pasukan Khusus (Pusdiklatpassus) Batujajar, Bandung.

Dilansir dari laman Kemhan (1/ 8/ 2019), Ground Breaking dimulainya pembangunan Faslat Purkota tersebut ditandai dengan penekanan tombol sirine dan penandatangan prastasi oleh Menhan bersama Kasad. Turut pula mendampingi Danjen Kopassus Mayjen TNI I Nyoman Cantiasa, Komandan Korps Marinir Mayjen TNI (Mar) Suhartono M.Tr. Han. dan Komandan Korpaskhas Marsekal Muda TNI Eris Widodo Y, S.E., M.Tr (Han).

Pembangunan Faslat Purkota yang diinisiasi oleh Menhan tersebut dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan profesionalisme Prajurit TNI khususnya pasukan khusus Kopassus, Marinir dan Korpaskhas dalam menghadapi potensi ancaman perang kota di wilayah Indonesia.

Menhan mengatakan, Faslat Purkota ini merupakan komitmen Kemhan untuk terus meningkatkan kemampuan Prajurit Pasukan Khusus dalam menunaikan tugas yang bercirikan kemampuan khusus dengan tingkat kecepatan gerak dan keberhasilan tinggi di dalam menghadapi berbagai macam dimensi ancaman khususnya ancaman terorisme dan radikalisme.

Upaya peningkatan kualitas SDM melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan terus ditingkatkan antara lain melalui intensitas latihan yang dikembangkan secara terus menerus dalam bentuk latihan perorangan, latihan satuan, latihan gabungan, maupun latihan bersama dengan negara lain.

“Latihan sangat penting, bagi saya dari dulu latihan itu adalah kesejahteraan bagi Prajurit”, ungkap Menhan.

Faslat Purkota ini dibangun di Batujajar agar nantinya fasilitas latihan pertempuran kota ini dapat digunakan bersama – sama oleh infantri yang ada di lingkungan TNI AD, kemudian oleh pasukan Koopsus TNI yang baru dibentuk, Satuan Marinir TNI AL, Satuan Paskhas TNI AU dan satuan pasukan khusus lainnya, baik untuk latihan khusus TNI maupun untuk latihan persiapan operasi.

Sementara itu, Danjen Kopassus menyampaikan bahwa pembangunan Faslat Purkota yang ideal diperlukan untuk menggambarkan situasi sebenarnya guna dijadikan tempat latihan prajurit TNI.

“Kebutuhan Faslat Purkota sangat mendukung operasi baik dalam negeri maupun luar negeri termasuk juga dalam rangka kegiatan kerjasama dengan negara sahabat”, ungkapnya.

Danjen Kopassus lebih lanjut menyapaikan terima kasih kepada Menhan yang telah memberikan ide sekaligus sebagai pencetus dalam pembangunan Pusat Latihan Pertempuran Kota tersebut.

Terima kasih juga disampaikan kepada Kasad yang terus mendukung dan mensupprt untuk terus membangun Sumber Daya Manusia khususnya TNI dan TNI AD agar semakin profesional.

Photo: Ground Breaking Fasilitas Latihan Pertempuran Kota di Pusdiklatpassus Batujajar (Kemhan)

Nice!! I hope that our Police can use this training facility as well.

Don't thank him, he's a troll that has been lurking in this thread for years, he need to GTFO.

Noted! I was wondering why he brought it up, but since Im fairly new I gave him the benefit of a doubt

Yeah literally, the real luwak coffee aka poop coffee.
*But it is already cleaned and safe to drink.

That's why I said the real luwak coffee not luwak coffee (brand), even when not in the industrial scale I've seen lots of luwak caged and forced to eat only coffee bean.
Maybe its possible to make it on industrial scale but with good treatment to the animal. It will be very expensive exotic coffee.

Indonesian coffee is known for its flavour worldwide but way back then we only knew Starbuck and coffee bean in major city. I was pissed knowing how we export the green bean (raw) then imported it again as roasted/ready bean (already cooked). I established a local small coffee shop just because of it LOL. I mean we have these delicious coffee beans but not enough local coffee shop? heh. Nowadays there are alot of local made coffee shop, and those Overseas franchise pretty much help it grow in a way such as system, human resource training, etc. Now they are in abit of headache trying to compete with cheaper and more quality local coffee shop. Now I can say we are "tuan rumah di negara kita sendiri". Up until now I only serve local grown coffee in my shop. Now somebody better do R&D for local made coffee machine! :D

Are all of them completed with CFT?

I was about to ask this question. I am abit skeptical about the aesa radar, but CFT could really help increase the range which is really needed for the operation. Tho Im not sure this A/B structure can accomodate my hope...

^^ From the blurry text we can see that they upgraded the radar to AN/APG-68(V)9.

Don't know about the CFT though.

Do you mean AN/APG-68 (V) 9?

Oh jadi rasa blok 52 lagi dong, why not AN/APG-83? Apa nggak enak sama Singapore dan Thailand ya ? Mereka masih pakai APG-68 (V) 9 kok kita mau lompat ke APG-83 ?

Actually I do hope our MLU aircrafts to be completed with APG-83 AESA radar too.

Nice!! I hope that our Police can use this training facility as well.

Noted! I was wondering why he brought it up, but since Im fairly new I gave him the benefit of a doubt

Indonesian coffee is known for its flavour worldwide but way back then we only knew Starbuck and coffee bean in major city. I was pissed knowing how we export the green bean (raw) then imported it again as roasted/ready bean (already cooked). I established a local small coffee shop just because of it LOL. I mean we have these delicious coffee beans but not enough local coffee shop? heh. Nowadays there are alot of local made coffee shop, and those Overseas franchise pretty much help it grow in a way such as system, human resource training, etc. Now they are in abit of headache trying to compete with cheaper and more quality local coffee shop. Now I can say we are "tuan rumah di negara kita sendiri". Up until now I only serve local grown coffee in my shop. Now somebody better do R&D for local made coffee machine! :D

I was about to ask this question. I am abit skeptical about the aesa radar, but CFT could really help increase the range which is really needed for the operation. Tho Im not sure this A/B structure can accomodate my hope...
If the structure to be rebuild and strengthen, CFT may be installed on the new structure.
Do you mean AN/APG-68 (V) 9?

Oh jadi rasa blok 52 lagi dong, why not AN/APG-83? Apa nggak enak sama Singapore dan Thailand ya ? Mereka masih pakai APG-68 (V) 9 kok kita mau lompat ke APG-83 ?

Actually I do hope our MLU aircraft to be completed with APG-83 AESA radar too.

If the structure to be rebuild and strengthen, CFT may be installed on the new structure.
According to the text yes AN/APG-68(V)9.
. . . . .
Late angkasa magz's replacement sir?
Yup this is the latest ones

Btw do you have a high res of this pic?
I'll see if i can get better resolution screenshoot of this

Nice!! I hope that our Police can use this training facility as well.

Noted! I was wondering why he brought it up, but since Im fairly new I gave him the benefit of a doubt

Indonesian coffee is known for its flavour worldwide but way back then we only knew Starbuck and coffee bean in major city. I was pissed knowing how we export the green bean (raw) then imported it again as roasted/ready bean (already cooked). I established a local small coffee shop just because of it LOL. I mean we have these delicious coffee beans but not enough local coffee shop? heh. Nowadays there are alot of local made coffee shop, and those Overseas franchise pretty much help it grow in a way such as system, human resource training, etc. Now they are in abit of headache trying to compete with cheaper and more quality local coffee shop. Now I can say we are "tuan rumah di negara kita sendiri". Up until now I only serve local grown coffee in my shop. Now somebody better do R&D for local made coffee machine! :D

I was about to ask this question. I am abit skeptical about the aesa radar, but CFT could really help increase the range which is really needed for the operation. Tho Im not sure this A/B structure can accomodate my hope...
CFT is made available from Block 50/52 onward. I don't think all items from Block 50/52 above can be added in MLU Tapes selections

Do our 52ID gonna get it too?
(not just bird slicer but apg68v9 and sniper pod)
FMS for 6 Litening pod originally as a package for 24 F-16 C/D Block 25+ EDA as for the radar they use AN/APG-68V3. There were talks between ACM Yuyu Sutisna ( TNI AU Chief of Staff ) & General Charles Q Brown ( Commander of PACOM ) on future upgrades for 24 F-16 C/D sometime around February 2019 in Australia
. . . .

Cropped pic:


^^ Confirmed the F-16 with IFF Bird Slicer and i can see in the background another F-16 with TNI-AU livery.

Cropped pic:

View attachment 572825

^^ Confirmed the F-16 with IFF Bird Slicer and i can see in the background another F-16 with TNI-AU livery.
Np. I know this is no latest AN/APG-83 SABR but this AN/APG-68 V9 radar, AN/APX-109 Bird Slicer IFF, JDAM munitions and many more we haven't known yet for now. This is more or less MLU almost equall to Block 52 and probably more advance than F-16 C/D Block 25+ ID we have. This is huge
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