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2017 Tu-95MS visit was just courtessy visit. Besides Russian has no interests establishing military presence in Asean even if they do rationally they would after former USSR base Cam Ranh base in Vietnam instead of Biak but again so far Russia has no interests on establishing military presence in Southeast Asia.

All i know so far, midget submarine programme is delayed due to budget constrain even if it went as planned it would be in 2022 - 2023 as according to BPPT chart before we constructed 1st prototype however this programme is now in limbo

that sad to hear
My attention is drawn on something else though. Look at 2 lowest ones in the chart, we spend on Education & Higher Education the lowest among other Ministries

Well actually on previous administrations Kemenristekdikti and kemendikbud are under one Ministry (Depdikbud) and their budget is always among the top 3 largest... It was separated only during the Jokowi era into these 2 ministries... the reason, if I recall correctly, is to better allocate the budget and focus between general education and higher education + research.. So if we combine the budget for these 2 education ministries then the overall education related budget will be on the 4th place... add this with the Kemenag budget (which apparently also mostly manages religious education - Pesantren/Madrassa/etc) then the overall education budget allocation would probably be on the 3rd or even 2nd place... Still a very respectable allocation...
Raider unit in Papua

Indonesia outlines defence industrial priorities for 2020–24
Jon Grevatt - Jane's Defence Weekly
22 July 2019



In recent years, Indonesia has developed the Kaplan MT tank (pictured) with Turkey. Industrial collaboration with foreign contractors will remain a key part of Indonesia’s industrial development strategy for 2020–24. Source: FNSS
The Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has called for greater levels of synergy between the government, military, and the national defence industry in efforts to improve indigenous military production capability.

The MoD said in a press release on 22 July that the requirement for enhanced collaboration is one of several priorities outlined for implementation in its 2020-24 defence industrial development plan. The plan, which will be overseen by the MoD's Defence Industry Policy Committee (KKIP), coincides with the third and final phase of the Indonesian armed forces' (Tentara Nasional Indonesia: TNI's) modernisation programme called Minimum Essential Force (MEF).

In announcing the 2020-24 plan, Defence Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu said that Indonesia's defence industry has improved capabilities following the enactment of the Defence Industry Law 2012 - also called Law 16 - which commits the MoD to procure from local industry whenever possible. Law 16 also states that when defence imports are pursued the foreign contractor delivers the contract through partnerships with local industry.

Ryacudu said local industry programmes supported through Law 16 include the local production of submarines, frigates, medium tanks, rockets, and munitions.

Ryacudu also stressed a requirement during the 2020-24 plan for government, the TNI, and local industry to expand co-operation and "synchronisation" to support local defence production. He also said that the TNI needed to "consistently prioritise" domestic products over defence imports.

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. . . .
Arms acquisition achievement by end of MEF IIView attachment 570630
We can conclude that Ideal Essential Force would be a thing in the future, as the Kemhan and TNI did have that "ideal" number figure. There's so much to expect in MEF 3 2020-2024 and post-MEF (IEF?), but how well TNI and Kemhan go through it is the question, although it surprised me that they see 1224 "aircrafts" as the ideal figure for the Army :v, idk if that's the case or if it's any realistic, 300 aircrafts is good already, if we assume the large portion of it being (transport and attack) helicopters.

anyway, is that a watermark?
postur ideal pesawat terbang for tni ad 1224 ? is that helo's for penerbad or fixed wing aircraft ?

and for the AL i dont think we should stop for submarine fleet at 12 unit only , should be more like 14-20
Actually i post the chart here because i confuse myself on seeing Army " airplane " goal by end of MEF as for submarines, we don't seek for ideal but minimum forces and lately didn't we reduce the number from 12 to 8 ?

We can conclude that Ideal Essential Force would be a thing in the future, as the Kemhan and TNI did have that "ideal" number figure. There's so much to expect in MEF 3 2020-2024 and post-MEF (IEF?), but how well TNI and Kemhan go through it is the question, although it surprised me that they see 1224 "aircrafts" as the ideal figure for the Army :v, idk if that's the case or if it's any realistic, 300 aircrafts is good already, if we assume the large portion of it being (transport and attack) helicopters.

anyway, is that a watermark?
Same i wonder myself on the number army intends to achieve by end of MEF, as for the watermark down below, well that's also what i wonder as i also frequently found @jmp watermark everywhere on charts like this though some suggest that's from particular Fb group.
postur ideal pesawat terbang for tni ad 1224 ? is that helo's for penerbad or fixed wing aircraft ?
Actually i post the chart here because i confuse myself on seeing Army " airplane " goal by end of MEF as for submarines, we don't seek for ideal but minimum forces and lately didn't we reduce the number from 12 to 8 ?

Same i wonder myself on the number army intends to achieve by end of MEF, as for the watermark down below, well that's also what i wonder as i also frequently found @jmp watermark everywhere on charts like this though some suggest that's from particular Fb group.

i had already left that "Jiwa Merah Putih" Facebook group a long time ago since 2014-2015 time when im trying to focus on college stuff , i believed they were already set as closed / secret group on facebook setting (you can't even search them anymore unless one of the member invited you), there were so many "official" from that group that leak some of the information about our defense project and procurement , kinda like maxdefense philippines but with more secrecy

looks like most of our 180 ship until 2024 timestamp would probably dominated by fast attack craft and logistic/troops deployment ship , rather than 3000+ or 6000+ tonner combatant vessel
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postur ideal pesawat terbang for tni ad 1224 ? is that helo's for penerbad or fixed wing aircraft ?

and for the AL i dont think we should stop for submarine fleet at 12 unit only , should be more like 14-20
We can conclude that Ideal Essential Force would be a thing in the future, as the Kemhan and TNI did have that "ideal" number figure. There's so much to expect in MEF 3 2020-2024 and post-MEF (IEF?), but how well TNI and Kemhan go through it is the question, although it surprised me that they see 1224 "aircrafts" as the ideal figure for the Army :v, idk if that's the case or if it's any realistic, 300 aircrafts is good already, if we assume the large portion of it being (transport and attack) helicopters.

anyway, is that a watermark?

1224 aircraft for our army?
Yohoho my dream of aviation brigades will come to reality.
Slightly OOT... It's good that Kemenhan and KemenPU&PERA are on the top of the list, it's easy to see why both would require the biggest budget allocations... However I never understood how the heck does Kemenag always got a higher budget than Kemenkes... :what: Does Kemenag lobby better than Kemenkes when it comes to budget? Or is it simply because health is considered a lower priority than being religious...? And on what does Kemenag spends all that money anyway...? Do the government pays the salary for all Ustadz, Kyais, Pendetas, Romos, Bhiksus etc..?

AGM 65 Maverick, Rudal Penghancur Sasaran Darat Andalan TNI AU
6 Okt. 2017
Putut Reza


AGM 65 Maverick Sumber :airforce-technology.com

Berbicara tentang Rudal Udara Ke Permukaan yang dipunyai oleh TNI AU tentu kita tidak bisa melepaskan satu nama rudal legendaris buatan Raytheon, Amerika Serikat ya AGM 65 Maverick sudah mengabdi kurang lebih 25 tahun di TNI AU. TNI AU tidak salah pilih dalam memilih rudal ini karena catatan pengabdiannya yang bagus sebut saja dalam perang Yom Kippur, Perang Vietnam, Perang Iran-Iraq hingga Perang teluk dan sampai saat ini eksistensinya terus dijaga. Rudal ini juga dikenal sebagai rudal multiplatform tercatat 25 jenis pesawat tempur bisa membawa rudal ini sebut saja F16, F15, A10 dan pesawat lainnya.

Di TNI AU sendiri rudal Maverick ini dapat dibawa pada pesawat tempur F16 A/B dan Hawk 209. Varian rudal Maverick yang dimiliki oleh TNI AU adalah AGM 65G yang dilengkapi dengan pengendus sasaran infra red. Secara umum kemampuan Maverick ini mempunyai kapabilitas fire and forget jadi Bila sensor guidance Maverick telah mengenali sasaran dan pilot mengunci (lock on), tugas selanjutnya akan dikerjakan sendiri oleh Maverick. Meskipun dalam perjalanan menuju sasaran banyak gangguan termasuk jamming, decoy ataupun upaya lain, termasuk menembak jatuhnya.


Hawk 209 TNI AU membawa sepasang AGM 65 Maverick Sumber :Indomiliter.com

Dalam sejarahnya TNI AU sudah beberapa kali menguji coba kehebatan Maverick, yang pertama oleh Pesawat F16 yang dipiloti oleh Letkol (pnb) Muhammad Syaugi, Letkol (pnb) Agung Sasongkojati dan Letkol (pnb) Fachru Adami, uji coba dilakukan di Lombok Timur. Kesempatan kedua didapatkan oleh para penerbang Hawk 109/209 Skadron 1 pada Tahun 2011 di Ponorogo.

Setelah hampir 25 tahun AGM 65G Maverick mengabdi pada TNI AU akhirnya pada tahun 2012 menurut rilis dari DSCA Amerika Serikat, Kemhan membeli varian terbaru dari Rudal Live AGM 65K2 sebanyak 18 Unit, TGM (Training Groung Missile)-65K2, rudal tiruan (dummy) yang dipakai sebagai prasarana latihan.


Uji Kalibrasi AGM 65G TNI AU Sumber : Indomiliter.com
Saking terkenal dan presisinya rudal ini Pihak Dislitbang TNI AU bekerjasama dengan LAPAN melakukan pengujian model Dummy Rudal Maverick ini untuk dilakukan Reverse Enginering Model tersebut dibuat dari bahan aluminium dengan berat total sekitar 6 kg, panjang 0.98 m, dan diameter 0.12 m. Model tersebut berskala 1 : 2.58 dari ukuran sebenarnya. Tujuan dari model tersebut di uji di terowongan angin adalah untuk memperoleh karakteristik aerodinamika dari model tersebut. Hasil yang diinginkan adalah memperoleh nilai koefisien gaya hambat (CD), koefisien gaya angkat (CL) dan koefisien momen pitch (CM). Pengujian dilakukan dengan konfigurasi clean konfigurasi sebanyak 10 polar dengan variasi kecepatan 40 m/s, 50 m/s, dan 60 m/s

4299368b26c3da98100b8f268ac388b9 (1).jpg

Kegiatan Uji Rudal Maverick Sumber : LAPAN
Referensi : Indomiliter.com/maverick-rudal-maut-pelibas-tank/

All i know so far, midget submarine programme is delayed due to budget constrain even if it went as planned it would be in 2022 - 2023 as according to BPPT chart before we constructed 1st prototype however this programme is now in limbo

Sad news, just as I thought no continuation. We fight for ToT deal but our own r&d got left behind, then say after tot we can make our own submarine. I see that statement as false and misleading. Transfer of Technology (ToT) is mostly "kerjaan mekanik" so dont expect too much from it. Making own submarine is doing own design and build, it wont happpen via tot alone ever. I hope in his last 5 years terms our President can see all the scattered puzzle and put it together to feed our bright scientist project and stop us from being "Negara dengan 1.000 prototype" :D
Sad news, just as I thought no continuation. We fight for ToT deal but our own r&d got left behind, then say after tot we can make our own submarine. I see that statement as false and misleading. Transfer of Technology (ToT) is mostly "kerjaan mekanik" so dont expect too much from it. Making own submarine is doing own design and build, it wont happpen via tot alone ever. I hope in his last 5 years terms our President can see all the scattered puzzle and put it together to feed our bright scientist project and stop us from being "Negara dengan 1.000 prototype" :D
the KN tanjung datu can be our light frigate platform tbh
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