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PTDI received contract to convert 3 RMAF CN-235 for Maritime Patrol.

Malaysia To Convert CN-235s For Maritime Patrol

Apr 20, 2018 Marhalim Abas | Aerospace Daily & Defense Report


CN-235: Indonesian Aerospace

KUALA LUMPUR—Malaysia has signed a contract to convert three of its seven Indonesian Aerospace CN-235 transporters into maritime patrol aircraft ..

Makna nama KRI Ardadedali-404, kapal selam terbaru Indonesia

Rabu, 25 April 2018 15:16 WIB


Menhan Ryamizard Ryacudu dalam acara penamaan kapal dan penyerahan KRI Ardadedali-404 di galangan kapal Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME), Okpo, Korea Selatan, Rabu 25/04/2018. (ANTARA / Dyah Dwi Astuti)

Okpo, Korea Selatan (ANTARA News) - Nama KRI Ardadedali-404 pada kapal selam TNI AL hasil kerja sama dengan Korea Selatan diharapkan memberikan makna yang mendalam, sesuai kesaktian senjata tersebut, kata Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu.

"Diharapkan dengan menggunakan nama ini paling tidak serupa kesaktian senjata yang dinamakan itu," ujar Menhan dalam upacara penyerahan KRI Ardadedali-404 di galangan kapal Daewoo Shipbuilding Marine and Engineering (DSME), Okpo, Korea Selatan, Rabu.

Pemberian nama Ardadedali pada kapal tersebut diambil dari salah satu nama senjata panah yang dimiliki oleh tokoh cerita mahabarata Arjuna, sosok Pandawa yang menawan parasnya dan lemah lembut budinya.

Dalam cerita disebutkan ardadedali berbentuk ujung anak panah pusaka seperti burung dan memiliki jiwa. Anak panah ardadedali dapat melumpuhkan musuhnya di medan pertempuran besar.

Ryamizard Ryacudu yakin KRI Ardadedali-404 akan mampu melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya dalam menjaga dan mempertahankan kedaulatan negara serta keutuhan wilayah.

Selain itu, KRI Ardadedali-404 juga diharapkan dapat melindungi kehormatan serta keselamatan bangsa dan menegakkan hukum di perairan Indonesia.

Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Menhan juga berpesan kepada komandan kapal selam KRI Ardadedali-404 Letkol Laut (P) Widya Poerwandanu beserta awak kapal untuk menjaga kepercayaan yang diberikan oleh bangsa dan negara dengan pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan yang benar.

"Rawat sebaik-baiknya, usahakan usia kapal selama mungkin. Pergunakan dengan baik," tutur Ryamizard Ryacudu.

Ada pun kapal selam pertama hasil kerja sama dengan Korea Selatan yang telah datang Agustus 2017 diberi nama Nagapasa-403, diambil dari nama senjata tokoh pewayangan Raden Indrajit berupa panah sakti.

Kapal selam ketiga yang dikerjakan PT PAL di Surabaya akan diberi nama KRI Alugoro-405, diambil dari nama senjata pemukul berbentuk alu yang dalam cerita pewayangan digunakan oleh Prabu Baladewa.

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Kroko Tactical presented its products and solutions at IWA OutdoorClassics 2018 in Nuremberg. Serving the Croatian Armed Forces, Croatian police, manufacturing more than 300 of their own product designs, developing and offering new solutions of apparel, tactical and ballistic equipment, camouflage patterns, backpacks, holsters, belts and other specialised equipment, the company has made quite an impact for themselves. “We are proudly outfitting Croatian Armed Forces as well Police, Customs and various other forces within the MOD and Ministry of Interior,” a company executive stated. “Apart from that, we are supplying Swiss Federal Police, we have outfitted the complete Armed Forces of Monte Negro, as well as Indonesian Special Forces, Kosovo Security Force, German Federal Police and Portuguese Armed Forces in recent time.”

The M-4017 Hybrid Carrier, aka Assaulters Ballistic Carrier, is a modern body armour system that has a multi-platform modular design. It offers a wide range of operational configurations and allows full customisation by the user depending on the environment, threat and mission. The vest can be equipped both with soft armour (up to level IIIA) and/or hard armour plates, provided by Point Blank Enterprises.

It is produced using genuine Invista CORDURA fabric with an additional layer of Teijin TWARON LFT-AT-FLEX, enhancing the ballistic attributes of armour within the vest and providing structural stability. Padded spacer mesh cushions are used internally for comfort. “We teamed up with Teijin Company, them having supported us with their ballistic fabric solutions for years,” the company states. “We now found a new application for one of their amazing products: Twaron LFT-AT FLEX.”

LFT-AT FLEX is a material permitting an effective reduction of the impact depth. It is made out of CURV (by Propex Fabrics), and extraordinary hit-resistant polypropylene woven surface, combined with TWARON CT 707 high-tenacity fabric. This material is light, thin and has the sufficient flexibility to reduce blunt trauma behind the ballistic pack.

Depending on the bullet and its speed, one or two layers of LFT-AT FLEX may lessen the trauma signature by 30%-60% even near the edges of the target. One layer is usually packed inside the ballistic package, while the other is placed between the ballistic package and the user’s body,” the company continues. “This additional layer is formed around the inner cushioning part of the vest that is placed directly onto user’s body, to provide even more blunt force trauma reduction. In addition, this outer layer of LFT-AT FLEX provides structural stability of the vest/plate carrier/combat MOLLE belt used as a tactical vest/belt with no ballistic protection. LFT-AT FLEX is also used in a strategic position for other products, such as backpacks, in areas that require extreme abrasion resistance and sturdiness. Adding only a few hundred grams per square metre, TWARON LFT-AT FLEX offers an optimum combination of weight, volume and performance currently available.”

The back of the M-4017 features a WDB system that transfers load from the shoulders and back to the users hip-region. The side cummerbund is fully stripped, allowing the user to attach different pouch options.

WDB (Weight Distribution Bars) is the second part of our WDS (Weight Distribution System),” the company official informs. “The whole system consists of WDA (Weight Distribution Adapter) and WDB which allow full range body movement together with the shift of substantial amount of weight that’s being distributed from upper body to the hips. Both M-4017 and WDS are currently in late development phase and are scheduled to be distributed to end-users for testing.”

Kroko is a Croatia based company that has been manufacturing military and law-enforcement equipment for more than 27 years. “We have our own R&D department, and our overall focus is on Research, Innovation, Development, and Enhancement - or as we like to say - that’s our RIDE,” he concludes.


Kroko Tactical’s M-4017 Hybrid Carrier features an integrated triple mag pouch on the front with bungee magazine holders, height adjustable, two additional side MOLLE panels that can be oriented towards outside/inside and high performance main material with extreme friction and tear resistance amongst other features. (Photo: Mönch/DPM)


Which unit,?
Berita ifx indonesia mundur , itu pasti ada pertemuan pembicaraan antara 2 sijoli lah, pihak cowok koreanya datang bicara lanjut apa putus, saat ceweknya ga punya duit ,kalo duit penyebab cinta mereka putus ya pasti ada omongan dari cewek nya lah .

Kerjasama internasional kok putus ga ada pertemuan , diputusin lewat sms atau telpon doang emangnya pacarannya cah ingusan.

Ada enggak itu pertemuannya DAPA dan menhan mengenai kurang dana, atau penyebab lain mundurnya atau menarik diri kita dari kfx ? Pertemuan mundurnya indonesia dimana ?

Ada enggak menhan atau dari tni au langsung menyatakan menarik diri dari proyek kfx dengan korea ?



During DSA 2018, held 16-19 April in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, MONCh received a quick update on US Ordnance and its range of weapons by the company’s Sales and Marketing Vice President, Steve Helzer.

Starting with the 40mm MK19 MOD 3 automatic grenade launcher, Mr. Helzer said that while the cost of U$80 per round and its high rate of firepower made it expensive for some countries, he stated that this was offset by the firepower provided by the weapon along with the ability of penetrate up to 4in thickness of steel plate.

US Ordnance currently has eight international customers for the MK19 and hopes to gain more. It is now the sole manufacturer for the Mk 19. For the .50 cal M2 heavy machine gun , US Ordnance has orders up to 2023 for 3,700 guns with nine different countries including the US military and under FMS. Finally on display was the 7.62mm M60E6 general purpose machine gun which continues to post strong sales globally and in service in the region with Thailand and Indonesia.

Dzirhan Mahadzir


US Ordnance M60E6 general purpose machine gun on display at the DSA 2018 exhibition (Photo: Dzirhan Mahadzir)


The 40mm MK19 MOD 3 automatic grenade launcher on display at the DSA 2018 exhibition, US Ordnance is the sole manufacturer (Photo: Dzirhan Mahadzir)
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Image Credit: MINDEF Singapore
A First: Indonesia-Singapore Naval Exercise Features Maritime Counterterrorism Component
The incorporation of a maritime counterterrorism serial is testament to the growing emphasis on the area both bilaterally and regionally.


By Prashanth Parameswaran
April 24, 2018

On April 19, Indonesia and Singapore kicked off this year’s iteration of their bilateral naval exercise that will last through April 27. Though the holding of the drills itself was routine, this year’s version featured the incorporation of a maritime counterterrorism serial for the first time. The development is testament to the growing emphasis on this area both within the bilateral defense relationship as well as in the broader region.

As I have pointed out before in these pages, though the defense ties between Indonesia, Southeast Asia’s largest state, and Singapore, the subregion’s smallest, have tended to be prickly historically speaking, both sides still maintain a cordial security relationship that includes the usual components, including visits, exchanges, and exercises.

One of these exercises is Eagle Indopura, which was previously known as Ex Eagle. Inaugurated in 1974, the exercise has since grown in scope and complexity, and it now involves modern multi-dimensional warfare comprising air, surface, underwater, and maritime security operations.

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This year’s iteration of Exercise Eagle Indopura occurred from April 19 to April 27 in Singapore and Surabaya, Indonesia. The opening ceremony was officiated by RSN Fleet Commander Colonel Edwin Leong and TNI-AL Commander Sea Combat Task Force Eastern Fleet Command First Admiral Rachmad Jayadi.

According to Singapore’s defense ministry (MINDEF), the RSN participated with a Formidable-class frigate RSS Formidable, a Victory-class Missile Corvette RSS Valour, and for the first time, an Independence-class Littoral Mission Vessel RSS Independence; while the TNI-AL participated with two Diponegoro-class frigates KRI Diponegoro (embarked with BO-105 helicopter) and KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda, a Kondor-class Patrol Craft KRI Pulau Rusa and Quick Reaction Force teams from GKBA, and a CN-235 Maritime Patrol Aircraft.

This year, for the first time since the inception of the exercise, the drills featured a counterterrorism serial in the maritime environment between the RSN’s Maritime Security Task Force (MSTF) and the TNI AL’s Western Fleet Sea Security Group GUSKAMLABAR (GKBA). According to MINDEF, the two navies exercised information sharing and sense-making to enhance maritime domain awareness; joint operational planning to facilitate effective responses for regional maritime security contingencies; and collaboration during the serial to deploy naval assets to disrupt a simulated terror attack threatening commercial shipping.

The integration of counterterrorism into the exercise comes as no surprise. Given the rising threat of the Islamic State and affiliated terror groups in the region – including actual or planned attacks targeting both Singapore and Indonesia – the two countries have each been focusing more on integrating counterterrorism into security-related engagements bilaterally and regionally (See: “ASEAN’s Post-Marawi Islamic State Challenge”).

That has included the defense component of the Indonesia-Singapore relationship as well. For instance, as I noted previously, last year, for the first time, the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) and the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) held a counterterrorism table-top exercise (CT TTX) in Singapore designed to boost interagency cooperation in the area of counterterrorism and discuss responses to potential scenarios. The two sides went through several realistic scenarios to identify areas for improvements and further collaboration, including bomb threats in public areas, vehicles ramming into pedestrians, and gunmen launching an assault in shopping malls.

More broadly, Singapore has also made counterterrorism on the top of its security agenda for the duration of its chairmanship of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) (See: “Singapore’s ASEAN Chairmanship: What’s on the Security Agenda?”), while both Singapore and Indonesia are also involved in various other minilateral initiatives around counterterrorism as well from the Malacca Strait Patrols to the Sulu-Sulawesi Seas.

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Extended production of French Nexter’s CAESAR 155mm self-propelled howitzer


Nexter Systems maintains the CAESAR 155mm/52 cal self-propelled howitzer in serial production for ongoing export orders and for possible follow-on orders from the French army.


Nexter System's CAESAR 155mm/52 cal self-propelled howitzer on 6x6 chassis in French army service (Picture source: Army Recognition)

In September 2011, Saudi Arabia placed an order worth $210 million for an additional 32 CAESAR weapon systems. Deliveries under order reportedly began in late 2013. This order was in addition to the 100 CAESAR systems already fielded by the Saudi Arabian National Guard. Nexter reportedly completed final deliveries under the follow-on order during the first half of last year.

In February 2017, the Indonesian Army placed an order for an additional 18 CAESAR systems. This order will increase the total Indonesian inventory to 55 CAESAR systems.

In May 2017, Denmark placed an order for an additional 15 CAESAR systems, with an option for another six systems. This order will increase the Danish Army inventory to at least 33 CAESAR systems.

The CAESAR weapon system provides unique advantages as a rapidly deployable medium force option on the battlefield. This characteristic gives the CAESAR strong sales potential on the international market. Further, the recent expansion into the European and Southeast Asian markets, as well as the continued patronage of Saudi Arabia, signals growing consumer confidence in Nexter's self-propelled artillery offering.

Beside the currently used 6x6 version, an 8x8 version is also marketed by Nexter, along its Trajan towed howitzer.

President urges women in military, police to maintain Kartini's spirit
Rabu, 25 April 2018 21:03 WIB - 2 Views

Reporter: Bayu Prasetyo


President Joko Widodo (third left) accompanied by National Police Chief Gen Tito Karnavian (second left) and Commander of Indonesian National Army Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto (extreme left) were greeting female police officers at the commemoration of Kartini Day 2018 at Monas Square, Jakarta, Wednesday (25 / 4/2018). (ANTARA FOTO / Widodo S Jusuf)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on women in the military and police to maintain the spirit of Raden Ajeng Kartini in offering their services to the nation.

"The spirit to fight for justice, national progress, and the interest of the Indonesian people above personal or group interest," President Jokowi noted during a roll-call of military and police women personnel to observe Kartini Day at the National Monument (Monas) square, here, Wednesday.

The corps of military and policewomen must always uphold the state ideology of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution within the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and Bhineka Tunggal Ika, Unity in Diversity.

"All of you are the country's expression of love for the people. You are role models for our progress. Never get tired of loving the country. Demonstrate the face of love for the Motherland to Indonesians," President Jokowi remarked.

The head of state lauded the women officers for building close ties with the public owing to their friendly, polite, and respectful services.

Editor: Bambang Purwanto

Third infantry division of kostrad is formed

Divisi Infanteri-3/Kostrad Akan Segera Terbentuk

26 April 2018

Markas Divisi Infanteri 3 Kostrad (photo : TNI AD)

TNI AD-Sulawesi Selatan. Pangkostrad Letjen TNI Agus Kriswanto beserta Ketua persit Kartika Chandra Kirana Ny. Aik Agus Kriswanto meninjau lokasi pembentukan satuan baru Divisi Infanteri-3/Kostrad yang merupakan hasil bentukan pengembangan satuan jajaran Kostrad, di Pakato, Sulawesi Selatan, Rabu (25/4/2018).

Kunjungan Pangkostrad yang didampingi para Asisten Kas Kostrad dan Komandan Brigif Para Raider 3/TBS Kostrad merupakan kunjungan perdana Pangkostrad ke jajaran Divisi-3.

Kunjungan ini sebagai bentuk perhatian dan atensi khususnya dalam rangka percepatan pembangunan asrama dan satuan baru Kostrad yang memiliki tugas menjaga wilayah timur Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia sebagai pasukan Strategis Angkatan Darat (Kostrad) yang direncanakan akan diresmikan dalam waktu dekat ini.

Dengan adanya satuan baru yang dibentuk di wilayah Timur Indonesia merupakan salah satu wujud dan sikap bangsa Indonesia dalam mempertahankan keutuhan wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia dengan adanya dinamika global khususnya di Laut Cina Selatan, sehingga perlu adanya pengembangan satuan di wilayah Timur dalam rangka mengamankan wilayah yang berbatasan langsung dengan negara -negara tetengga di sekitar wilayah perairan dan daratan Laut Cina Selatan.

Dalam kesempatan ini, Pangkostrad juga menyempatkan diri mengunjungi satuan jajaran Kostad di wilayah Sulawesi Selatan yaitu di Batalyon Infanteri 433/JS di Sambueja dan jajaran Brigif Para Raider 3/TBS di Kariango.

Dihadapan prajurit, Pangkostrad menekankan agar tetap menjaga kekompakan, loyalitas dan kemampuan prajurit serta selalu melaksanakan motto Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat yaitu prajurit harus disiplin, jago perang, jago tembak, jago beladiri dan memiliki fisik yang prima.

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