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Indonesia city to ban women 'straddling motorbikes'

Preventing rebellion vs Sharia?

Indonesia is undoubted not a country based on any religion since the first time it was established, our constitution is based on 1945 constitution and never mentioned any god in it, however, people from Aceh province who had been fighting valiantly with Indonesia to crush British, British Indian, and Dutch invasion to prevent the independence, demanded a special recognition for their home province to practice Sharia law. At the first attempt, the national court did not grant Aceh province to practice it, and it led to a rebellion for more than 3 decades, they demanded a separation from Indonesia. In 2004, the government agreed to to grant them a special authority to use Sharia law as long as they don't cross the constitution.

You see, muslims in Indonesia are majority moderate, we care about the progress of the country more than demanding the use of some religious laws. But there were some people whom hardly believe that they should use religious law and were ready to rebel the government in order to achieve their goal. Therefore, to prevent their rebellion, the government allow Aceh province to practice Sharia law, that's why, there's one and only province in Indonesia that practice religious law, that's Aceh.
I know this Nufix, Aceh has burned number of christian churches and they are different from Indonesian, cause i have lived in jakarta and surabaya, a nasi guring lover.

but, the topic here is one which by default involves sharia. On whose terms these folks are dictating women.
Hope you understand.
I know this Nufix, Aceh has burned number of christian churches and they are different from Indonesian, cause i have lived in jakarta and surabaya, a nasi guring lover.

but, the topic here is one which by default involves sharia. On whose terms these folks are dictating women.
Hope you understand.

Glad you understand, and I thank you for making the topic straighter for me. Well, the terms must be come from Allah, you know, since they are practicing Sharia law.
You are trolling your way to Afbanistan !!

...So logic is Indians cannot tell Indonesians to follow Sharia ? ...if they do ...they get banned?

Glad you understand, and I thank you for making the topic straighter for me. Well, the terms must be come from Allah, you know, since they are practicing Sharia law.

...so the real point is ....if the words have come from Allah and your a practicing muslim then why not practice sharia. Its illogical ...no?
It aint the religion,its the idiots who misinterpret the religion
I always have a problem with that argument. Yes, it is the religion.

That does not mean I believe there is something in Islam that specifically mention sidesaddle for women, like how Islam demands specifically 5 times prayers a day for a devout Muslim. What I am saying is that we do not live our lives in complete intellectual and moral vacuum. A religion, be it Islam or Christianity, is a major component of promoting morality, which includes condemning behaviors that goes contrary to those moral edicts, and that we call 'immorality'. Promotion of Morality and Condemnation of Immorality are the twin rails of proper behaviors by members of a society.

Technically speaking, astriding a horse is superior to riding sidesaddle, but what would override common technical sense? How about religion? That is why we have devout Christians refusing modern medicines and died for that devotion. There is nothing in the Bible that specifically demand Christians to refuse man-made salves and potions to treat illnesses and injuries. There is only the gross exaggeration of the demand by God of man to place his faith in God for 'all' things, and that 'all' was absurdly stretched to include illnesses and injuries. However, that exaggeration is not possible unless there is a moral and intellectual foundation upon which a person could stand and use to exaggerate. That moral and intellectual foundation did not came from shamanism, or ancestor worship, and least of all science. That moral and intellectual foundation came from religion. You cannot misinterpret a religion unless you have more than just access to said religion. You must have a strong belief in that religion, to the point where its instructions, according to you, override common sense and science.
It aint the religion,its the idiots who misinterpret the religion

Dont tell me that these sharia loving Aceh people are idiots and all of them cant separate the chaff from the grain, as for as the religion is concerned.
...So logic is Indians cannot tell Indonesians to follow Sharia ? ...if they do ...they get banned?

...so the real point is ....if the words have come from Allah and your a practicing muslim then why not practice sharia. Its illogical ...no?

Here is a simple answer for you; Because we live in a country that doesn't involve any religious laws including sharia law in the constitution.

And this is a harder answer for you; Indonesian people, that includes the muslims, are very close to their culture, unlike many muslim societies, we do not leave the way of our ancestor's cultures, we do not care if those cultures are close to Hinduism, animism, or Buddhism, as long as our ancestors practice it, we practice it. Our ancestors believe that this country shouldn't be under the influence of any religion because that will ruin the purpose of "Bhineka Tunggal Ika" or "Unity Among Diversity" that's a sanskrit words from the age of Hindu empires, Majapahit, ruled the most parts of Indonesia today. Majority Indonesians still believe that the sacred word shouldn't be betrayed in order to keep the country stand as one, therefore, adding any religious laws into the country's constitution is an act of betrayal to our ancestor's wish. Indonesian muslims are different with any other muslims in the world, you can't see us the way you see muslims in Arab or South Asia.
Here is a simple answer for you; Because we live in a country that doesn't involve any religious laws including sharia law in the constitution.

And this is a harder answer for you; Indonesian people, that includes the muslims, are very close to their culture, unlike many muslim societies, we do not leave the way of our ancestor's cultures, we do not care if those cultures are close to Hinduism, animism, or Buddhism, as long as our ancestors practice it, we practice it. Our ancestors believe that this country shouldn't be under the influence of any religion because that will ruin the purpose of "Bhineka Tunggal Ika" or "Unity Among Diversity" that's a sanskrit words from the age of Hindu empires, Majapahit, ruled the most parts of Indonesia today. Majority Indonesians still believe that the sacred word shouldn't be betrayed in order to keep the country stand as one, therefore, adding any religious laws into the country's constitution is an act of betrayal to our ancestor's wish. Indonesian muslims are different with any other muslims in the world, you can't see us the way you see muslims in Arab or South Asia.

Bhineka Tunggal Ika is old Javanese (not sanskrit)

I dont bunch Indonesians with Arabs or people who admire arabs.........gambit has expanded the point I was trying to make, only I was hoping a Muslim will come up with that explanation.
Bhineka Tunggal Ika is old Javanese (not sanskrit)

I dont bunch Indonesians with Arabs or people who admire arabs.........gambit has expanded the point I was trying to make, only I was hoping a Muslim will come up with that explanation.

Ancient javanese language is based on sanskrit or sansekerta we called it.

Al right, it all is settled then?
BBC News - Indonesia city to ban women 'straddling motorbikes'

The regulation has been met with criticism from well-known Muslim activists like Ulil Abshar Abdalla, who is based in the capital, Jakarta.

"How to ride a motorbike is not regulated in Sharia. There is no mention of it in the Koran or Hadiths," he said on his Twitter account, referring to the second most sacred text in Islam after the Koran.

That's the deadliest statement in this development.

When the critic himself promotes the involvement of religion in state affairs, who will be left to keep a check?
I always have a problem with that argument. Yes, it is the religion.

That does not mean I believe there is something in Islam that specifically mention sidesaddle for women, like how Islam demands specifically 5 times prayers a day for a devout Muslim. What I am saying is that we do not live our lives in complete intellectual and moral vacuum. A religion, be it Islam or Christianity, is a major component of promoting morality, which includes condemning behaviors that goes contrary to those moral edicts, and that we call 'immorality'. Promotion of Morality and Condemnation of Immorality are the twin rails of proper behaviors by members of a society.

Technically speaking, astriding a horse is superior to riding sidesaddle, but what would override common technical sense? How about religion? That is why we have devout Christians refusing modern medicines and died for that devotion. There is nothing in the Bible that specifically demand Christians to refuse man-made salves and potions to treat illnesses and injuries. There is only the gross exaggeration of the demand by God of man to place his faith in God for 'all' things, and that 'all' was absurdly stretched to include illnesses and injuries. However, that exaggeration is not possible unless there is a moral and intellectual foundation upon which a person could stand and use to exaggerate. That moral and intellectual foundation did not came from shamanism, or ancestor worship, and least of all science. That moral and intellectual foundation came from religion. You cannot misinterpret a religion unless you have more than just access to said religion. You must have a strong belief in that religion, to the point where its instructions, according to you, override common sense and science.

Read the Old Testament lately?

Its pretty graphic about Wrath of God.
Ancient javanese language is based on sanskrit or sansekerta we called it.

Al right, it all is settled then?

Literal translation of 'Bhineka Tunggal Ika' is 'Many Unite into One' and not 'unity in diversity'.

Hindus in Indonesia has been forced into monotheism due to your constitution permitting only 'belief in one god'.

Their Agama tantra has been twisted from defining god as 'achintya' or 'one who is beyond comprehension' into 'Sanghyang Widi Wasa' which was the christian god.
idiotic decision and this thread is definitely gonna be a troll fest.

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