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Indonesia Bans Sex Outside Marriage

who the FK said its most pure Islamic society on Earth ? or are you dumb enough not to know what an actual Islamic state is?
With how aggressive you holy warriors of Islam get, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is 100% as Islamic as it gets.
But just for fun, what is an "Islamic State"?
So you justify something based on numerical superiority of its supporters and less number of its opponents without you yourself considering its rights and wrongs based on your Nature-given reasoning ? Then I must ask you direct : How many Hazrat Muhammads and his Sahabas were existing right in the beginning ? 40 million ? They too were less. Very very less. By your argument you should reject their existence too and their propagation of the ideas they preached, which means you must discard Islam.

"A just and civilized humanity"
"Social justice"

Great words, Indos, but why don't you inform the world that those words have no meaning given the NATO-ordered genocide of up to three million Indonesian Communists, supporters and sympathizers during 1965-66 carried out by NATO's mullah boi, General Suharto, and his mullah militias and in the police and army, and overthrow of the democracy-preaching leader of Indonesia, Sukarno ? A genocide. And you come here and talk nonsense about "A just and civilized humanity" ????

The PKI, the Indonesian name for the Communist party there, was till 1965 the largest non-ruling Communist party in the world with two million members. After the genocide mullah Suharto banned it. And you call this as democracy ?

:rofl: But Indos, it is so disappointing to see you convert into a superstition-believing mullah like it is my disappointment with @SalarHaqq who has also turned into a mullah and is supporting the Irani terrorist mullah regime which is being defended by NATO ( and I will reply soon to Salar's replies to me ).

Indos, your statement reminds me of these mullahs who in June this year tried to put out the fires in a super market in Karachi using what they thought was the power of azaan :
They thought they could control Nature's element fire using their human-made "pious" talk. Did they succeed ?

Then tell me, Indos, in the earthquake in Indonesia just a few days ago, were no mosques damaged and demolished ? :)

Never saw you say that about the Hindutvadis. At every opportunity you condemn the Hindutvadis. :)

Afghanistan is the perpetual example because you and every other mullah believes that it is the shining-like-diamond example of Islamicity. The revolutionaries of Islam in the name of Taliban ( students of Islam ) fighting wearing only shalwar-kameez and sandals and taking on the might of the Crusader American military and winning and taking control and establishing the supreme "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan.

But reality being that the Taliban was birthed by NATO and last year was allowed to take over control by NATO which would certainly not have allowed a progressive / leftist group like the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan to start governance. Mullahs are the favorite go-to bois and gals to impose NATO's systems on Muslim-majority societies. And now the situation is that Afghans don't have money to buy food to feed their children ( becasuse Taliban hasn't made even basic food free ) so they are buying the low-priced anxiety tablets to feed their children, even one-year-olds, to put them to sleep so that hunger is forgotten. The older people have to make do with two breads in a day, the morning one dipped into water as accompaniment. People are selling their kidneys and daughters to get money to survive. And what is the Taliban doing ? Building 400 mosques. But since you find all this irrationality and oppression ideal and you say you could as well go to Pakistan but in Pakistan too you want to bring Taliban rule, and you stone the Aurat March, so why don't you go to the source of your ideal society - the "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan ?
lol for a sell-out modern Muslim like yourself who believes in a wrong interpretation of Islam, why do you care about Muslims?



He was only repying in the same language that started by you and you are calling him abusive.

But as we say one cannot be liberandu without being a hypocrite.
What language? Where did I make personal insults?
And lol at the childish "I know you are but what am I?"



He was only repying in the same language that started by you and you are calling him abusive.

But as we say one cannot be liberandu without being a hypocrite.
lol, this @Rusty2 guys is a funny guy. One hand he calls Muslims living in the West hypocrites, when the very West committed genocide against other peoples and took advantage of countries in the developing world like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and China.
The goal isn't to genuinely hunt down everyone who has done it and punish them, but rather stop it from being normalised and glamourised.

Even in the strictly Islamic sense it requires proof that is difficult to obtain for an activity that is done in private, but what it does do is societally disincentivise it.

Same thing with the homosexual stuff, it's done in private and difficult to prove but societally it will never be accepted.
By that logic we should also stop allowing Islamic literature since, unlike ****, we literally have guys blowing up mosques, markets, and even schools after being indoctrinated by it.
We need to stop suicide bombers and "jihadists" who have killed more Muslims in the last 20 years than anyone else by banning Islamic literature....... by your logic.

lol, this @Rusty2 guys is a funny guy. One hand he calls Muslims living in the West hypocrites, when the very West committed genocide against other peoples and took advantage of countries in the developing world like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and China.
I called YOU a hypocrite. Please be honest for once in your life. I will say again, you holly warriors of Islam are always the ones who never actually follow it.

With how aggressive you holy warriors of Islam get, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is 100% as Islamic as it gets.
But just for fun, what is an "Islamic State"?

Rusty bhai, the posts by @salarsikander I have read are against TTP and the other mullahs. He simply didn't get your sarcasm at calling the so-called Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan as a pure Islamic society. :)

lol for a sell-out modern Muslim like yourself who believes in a wrong interpretation of Islam, why do you care about Muslims?

1. What is my wrong interpretation of Islam ?

2. I am a Communist and Humanist too so I care for all innocent, oppressed and power-less humans.
Rusty bhai, the posts by @salarsikander I have read are against TTP and the other mullahs. He simply didn't get your sarcasm at calling the so-called Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan as a pure Islamic society. :)

1. What is my wrong interpretation of Islam ?

2. I am a Communist and Humanist too so I care for all innocent, oppressed and power-less humans.
The problem is that there is no such thing as an "Islamic" society. Even during the prophets time there were guys drinking, fornicating, gambling, etc.
These conservative types look at the time and pretend like everyone was perfect. They then want to recreate this imaginary society which has never ever existed.
This is all fine and good, but the problem comes when these mullah types actually get power... then things become like Afghanistan EVERY SINGLE TIME. There has never, in the history of humanity, ever been a pure "Islamic" society.
"Supportive of Islamic Revolution and of Iran". Now that's contradictory because Nika and other protesters who were killed by the mullah forces and those who agitate against the mullah forces are Irani as well. Or did they transfer two months from Mars or North Korea ?

I was referring to the Iranian nation-state.

There's no evidence that Shahkarami was killed by Iranian law enforcement. That's what NATO regimes and their media mouthpieces pretend, I see you're rehashing their accusations uncritically.

Also those rioters you refer to as protesters, who murdered over 60 law enforcement personnel, may be Iranians but they're objectively acting against the stability and safety of their nation, whether they realize it or not.

And who are this Free Masons that some keep talking about ? I am a secular, so were Nasser, Muammar, Lenin, Marx, Castro and yes, Bashar you keep using as a positive point but are we all under mind control of these Free Masons ? Where might I have found their gatherings in India to become influenced by them ? And books produced by them ? Websites ?

You may conduct some research to find out more. Masonry being a secret society, does not mean it doesn't exist.

I did not incriminate any of the leaders you mentioned. But it doesn't imply masonry isn't promoting secularism as well.

Also President Bashar al-Assad of Syria definitely doesn't share your ideas about Islamic Iran, nor did his late father and predecessor Hafez al-Assad. Hence why Syria entered a strategic relationship with Tehran. Cuba has also had very constructive mutual relations with the Islamic Republic, featuring delightful episodes such as Iran jamming USA satellite signals from Cuban soil.



Contemplate the radiant countenances. What fantastic sight. Is it not high time to act like those leaders and embrace the staunchly anti-imperialist, anti-zionist revolutionary government of Iran, the one and only bulwark against zio-American domination of West Asia?

Has NATO or its local enforcer, Israel government, ever bombed Irani government nuclear facilities the same way that they did against Iraq in 1981 and Syria in 2007 ?

They sabotaged Iran's nuclear facilities with explosive materials, namely the centrifuge assembly hall at Natanz. They murdered several Iranian nuclear scientists. They sanctioned Islamic Iran under the nuclear pretext. Which of course makes your definition of "support" rather bizarre.

As for direct military aggression, I addressed this already: Iran has sufficient deterrence power to make any such move by NATO or the zionist regime too costly for the latter. Syria and Iraq did not benefit from such a capability. Hence why Syria relied on significant Iranian and Russian assistance for survival, and why Iraq was dependent on full fledged support from both global power blocs of the time to be able to attack Iran.

By the way, Isra"el" isn't simply NATO's local enforcer. The zionists largely dominate western regimes through their networks of influence.

In fact it was the Irani mullah government which supplied an Irani government man who guided Israeli planes towards the Iraqi reactor.

This is a fabrication.

But the collaboration of Iran mullah regime and Israel government was quite early :

Every mullah regime or movement was seeded by NATO and that includes the Iran one.

Untrue as well. Note that the source is a zionist regime official, I'm at a loss as to how it could be deemed credible. Moreover the USA-based author citing the zionist official is known to be close to the western-absolving reformist faction in Iran.

Also, something of this nature (Isra"el"i planes landing in Iran) would not have gone unnoticed. It's gibberish.

A proxy war erupted between Iran and the zionist entity with the 1979 Islamic Revolution, since the new government in Iran immediately began backing Palestinian Resistance factions. The Islamic Revolution is of anti-zionist orientation through and through. Imam Khomeini (rA.a.) had consistently denounced the relationship between the toppled monarchy and the zionist occupation regime. This was in fact one of the main reasons behind the 15th Khordad uprising of 1963, when the Imam (rA.a.) openly denounced the western-backed shah as an illegitimate ruler and called for his overthrow.

Other than taking over the USA's so-called embassy and arresting the spies it was housing - with the exception of females and Black Americans though, who were permitted to leave, Iran also shut down the diplomatic representation the shah had allowed Tel Aviv to operate in Tehran. It was replaced with a Palestinian embassy. Isra"el"is present on Iranian soil proceeded to flee head over heals (one of the slogans of Islamic revolutionaries was: "if you see a Jew, protect them. If you see a zionist, kill them"). The head of the local zionist network, Habibollah Elqanian, was sentenced to capital punishment and executed.

The Islamic Republic and the zionist occupation regime were and have always been unreconcilable enemies.

1. Can you give more details of these NATO-allied leftists please ?

Where should I start?

Let's go back all the way to Leon Trotsky himself. After being banished from the USSR and settling in Mexico, he deposed before the House Un-American activities against the leaders of the Communist Party of the United States of America, namely Earl Browder and William Foster. Ever since, Troskyism spawned various NATO-aligned elements. Including the Trotskyist opposition to the revolutionary government of Venezuela.

The Sino-American strategic cooperation consecutive to the Sino-Soviet split offers another set of examples. Washington and Beijing were then aligned for some time on their Southeast Asian policy, not least in their joint backing of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge of Cambodia.

A third set of cases is that of the CIA's promotion of so-called "cultural Marxism" and "Freudo-Marxist" currents, in line with capitalism's tilt towards societal liberalism post-WW2 and especially since the late 1960's. In reality, the 1968 student movements served the interests of capital and thus of its political super-structure, NATO. As Michel Clouscard masterfully demonstrated, capitalism's continued expansion after WW2 presupposed the propagation of an ideology of desire.

Feminism falls under the same category. Which is why certain feminist figures did not shy away from admitting to their cooperation with the CIA:

This whole issue is well understood by what I'd describe as the authentic, intelligent left. It realizes how the CIA has been cultivating a fake left in pursuit of its agenda. Imperialist powers have a long history of engineering fake opposition with the aim of delegitimizing actual opposition in the eyes of whomever it might attract. This kind of subversion was explicitly theorized by a British military officer in the context of the UK regime's attempts at squashing the anti-colonialist Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya.

And since the talk was about Iran, let us top the list by adding these supposed "warriors against NATO", the leftist MKO terrorist cult:






Even though the MKO leadership has ceased believing in a coherent ideology, they have their roots on the left, still indoctrinate their rank and file with "Marxist" theory and continue to be classified as a radical left wing organization.

And here's a prominent Iranian feminist propagandist, known for the campaign she launched - out of an upscale mansion in Washington D.C. acquired thanks to funds she receives from the USA regime, inciting female Iranians to violate the dress code and remove their hejab in public. Admire yet another wonderful "progressivist frontline fighter against NATO":




I should add, every one of the Iranian communist micro-grouplets in exile is based in the west, and they too are on the payroll of NATO regimes, as the entire opposition to the Islamic Republic.

But of course, the NATO proxy "is the Islamic Republic", whilst its opponents are "resisting NATO" - in friendly photo shoots and meetings with NATO officials in which they plot how to overthrow the Islamic Republic, that is!

Given the above, you just re-defined the terms friend and foe.

2. So you mean the antagonism between USA government and USSR was fake ? That the thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at each other and prepared to be dropped at each other were water balloons ?

Is this what I claimed?

3. I have met co-leftists in my city and they have been heavily anti-NATO and anti-Capitalism.

Meet up with any of the above mentioned leftist elements and ask them why they accept aid from NATO regimes.

OTOH those movements who forcibly takeover countries and designate them "Islamic Republic of..." are always NATO-seeded or NATO-enabled, whether this be Khomenei's regime or the Taliban.

The Islamic Republic of Iran resulted from a popular revolution. The Iranian people overwhelmingly voted for the Islamic Republic in a referendum. Its constitution was also legitimized by a referendum. There's was no forcible takeover, therefore.

The Islamic Revolution under the leadership of Imam Khomeini (rA.a.) toppled the very archetype of a USA vassal regime, that of the last shah Mohammad-Reza Pahlavi, who owed his throne to the 1953 CIA coup against then Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadeq. In 1979 however, the Americans were booted out of Iran, their spy den (so-called embassy) was neutralized, their businesses shut down, their military advisers expelled and so on. Their never ending, rabid rage against Iran is due to the fact that the Islamic Revolution shook off the American yoke and restored Iran's independence, sovereignty and self-determination.

Your contention is literally inverting historic reality. And it's a baseless claim, not substantiated by any evidence.
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By that logic we should also stop allowing Islamic literature since, unlike ****, we literally have guys blowing up mosques, markets, and even schools after being indoctrinated by it.
We need to stop suicide bombers and "jihadists" who have killed more Muslims in the last 20 years than anyone else by banning Islamic literature....... by your logic.

I called YOU a hypocrite. Please be honest for once in your life. I will say again, you holly warriors of Islam are always the ones who never actually follow it.
Actually you are the hypocrite.

On one hand you criticize Muslims for taking advantage of the West, but when the West wrongs Muslim countries like the Iraq war, you stay quiet.

Time to call a spade a spade.
By that logic we should also stop allowing Islamic literature since, unlike ****, we literally have guys blowing up mosques, markets, and even schools after being indoctrinated by it.
We need to stop suicide bombers and "jihadists" who have killed more Muslims in the last 20 years than anyone else by banning Islamic literature....... by your logic.
My suggestion is line with Islam, yours is literally anti-Islam so it can never be implemented, bring a suggestion that's in line with Islam and sure we can do it.

Mind you that there are many Muslim majority countries that don't face what Pakistan does, so the issue is not Islamic literature.

The real reason for terrorism is not actually Islamic literature anyway, it's because of terror networks who have a strong recruitment mechanism that hasn't been dismantled.
White tourists are the only ones having sex? How about all the Chinese Japanese Korean Thai tourists who are unmarried and visiting Bali with their boyfriend or girlfriend? They should be put in jail as well? This will ruin Balis image as an international destination and the sad part is Bali isn’t even Muslim, it is Hindu.

Valid point. That makes me curious. Can any hindu member shed some light on hinduism's view on fornication? I read that it's disallowed in sikhism. What about other dharmic religions, budhs, jains?

Indonesia is an Islamic nation. If Hindus of bali have an issue, they can leave.
Actually you are the hypocrite.

On one hand you criticize Muslims for taking advantage of the West, but when the West wrongs Muslim countries like the Iraq war, you stay quiet.

Time to call a spade a spade.

So childish.
Yeah I agree, it will most likely be one of the best brown babies murder machine mankind has ever made. lol, those babies will have no idea what hit them.
Now that you have thoroughly embarrassed yourself, are we done here?

And a traitor a traitor
Says the people enabling suicide bombings of mosques and school children.
So childish.

Now that you have thoroughly embarrassed yourself, are we done here?

Says the people enabling suicide bombings of mosques and school children.
Childish of you for not being honest when the West takes advantage of Muslim countries, invades their lands like the Iraq war, and steals their natural resources.
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