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Indo-China war Inevitable ?

So far the thread is all about rhetoric and jingoism with plenty of Indo-Pak history.

Factually, any border confrontation between India and China will be localised and of short duration. Neither country is in a position/motivated to carry out sustained operations in an extremely unfavorable terrain where the height of mountains and the depth of the intervening valleys will negate the technological advantages of either armies wheresoever may be applicable.

It shall be a war of attrition and both sides are loathe to get involved in one.

The future conflict of interests will be in speheres of influence where India is now lagging behind with Chinese effectively securing their energy supply routes as also sources for energy through a mulit-pronged policy, something which India has failed to due to lack of strategic thinking at the political level.
Till certain extent its true, but the quote "it is courage of a soldier that wins the war" is some what not applicable as soldier cannot win against a full modern armed soldiers with a sticks and courage, so quantity and Quality of weapons does matter and help in winning wars.

Did i say that one soldier would have stick as compare to the other who has modern equipment, u my friend are assuming too much in your favor for the sake of argument.

All today soldiers being somewhat equally equipped, the one who will win would be the one with courage, passion and patriotic zeal for his land and Religion
Pathetic response. It is good that pessimestic people like you are not in India.
I think you can take up the job of fortune telling in pak army.

Loser ? who is loser ? India has lost only 1 out of 5 that it has fought. And the effect of increasing military prepardness after 1962 showed up clearly in decisive military victories of 1965 abd 1971.

The gap between Indian and Chinese military is the least ever. And we are moving in the right track to match them.

Ghatak. i am compelled to answer your self patting about 1965 war as i have answered other Indians before many times, India attacked two cities Lahore with force or two divisions and 250 tanks and Sialkot with three division and 3 to 4 hundred tanks and did not go more than 3 to 5 kilometers, how than you Indians figure u won the 1965 war, u guys are always patting yourselves, the fact is M M Alam was declared an ace pilot in the same war for downing 5 Indian jet fighters, supposedly better quality jets.

Story of khemkaran is also worth remembering. I am amused by you Indians as being cunningly taking all the credits, even if it does not belong, had not Mukti buhini gone traitors and trained in India as sent by Mujib ur Rahman, u would have never stood a chance, the whole story of Indian Army is unfolding in kashmir and did unfold in Amritsar, Sir your Army like to kill innocent or unarmed people. and your Leadership like to interfere into the affairs of others.

In 1948 we were near Srinagar and withdrew at the request of U.N,. to the present LOC area to prove our sincerity, but u guys a never keep your end of the bargains, it is pathetic.

U guys are hilarious, always taking credit of every war.

Stop the charade and see the facts.
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You send Tibetans to India. What are we expected to do? Let 'em starve to death ?

BTW, I wouldn't call them terrorists. They are at worst unruly protesters. I have not seen them getting any arms or ammunition. Neither US nor India has been accused of sponsoring terror (not even by Chinese govt.). Nobody from India has moved into China. Where are you getting your news ?

That fact is that Indian and White American supports Tibetan independence groups against China.
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