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Indo-China war Inevitable ?

A coutry like India can not really understand how important a powerful defence industry is

With private players now allowed in defense industry, the scenario is changing. Within next 10-15 years we will have solid defense industry.
With private players now allowed in defense industry, the scenario is changing. Within next 10-15 years we will have solid defense industry.

It is not the quantity of weapons or abundance of them, it is courage of a soldier that wins the war.

War quotes.

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

God is not on the side of the big battalions, but on the side of those who shoot best.

A country cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war.

Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.

The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.

We make war so that we may live in peace.

When the enemy advances, withdraw; when he stops, harass; when he tires, strike; when he retreats, pursue.
It is not the quantity of weapons or abundance of them, it is courage of a soldier that wins the war.

War quotes.

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

God is not on the side of the big battalions, but on the side of those who shoot best.

A country cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war.

Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.

The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.

We make war so that we may live in peace.

When the enemy advances, withdraw; when he stops, harass; when he tires, strike; when he retreats, pursue.

what do you want to prove with these call of duty quotes .
I don't see any conflict what so ever in the next 10 to 15 years.... There is to much at stake here not from a military point of view but from an Economic point of view. Both Countries are the new behemoths front like commerce nations and for two growing countries to go at war is just dubious. What you guys are discussing is far from reality....
what do you want to prove with these call of duty quotes .

A lesson for those who care to learn.
what war is?
If war is thrust upon you how to fight it.
And what war can do to humanity.
I don't see any conflict what so ever in the next 10 to 15 years.... There is to much at stake here not from a military point of view but from an Economic point of view. Both Countries are the new behemoths front like commerce nations and for two growing countries to go at war is just dubious. What you guys are discussing is far from reality....

Duran you may be right, but if u look at the history of mankind, they go to war by accuses/innuendos/fictional stories they come up with, biggest example is Iraq war and WMD.
Duran you may be right, but if u look at the history of mankind, they go to war by accuses/innuendos/fictional stories they come up with, biggest example is Iraq war and WMD.

(Note: I have met a few of the Neocons in conferences etc. -most of them are professors and stuff and are easy to talk to. I don't hate them but find their views wrong).
First came the idea that the world was a bad place and that America could fix it and hence should fix it whenever it was economically possible.
Against this background one of two things happened in Iraq (or maybe a mixture of both)
1) US advisers thought that having a permanent base in a moderate country was a good bet against unstable Saudi bases. The oil rights was a free bonus.
2) US was really convinced that Iraq was a danger in the long term and 2003 was the best time to strike.

A similar line of thought does not apply in India-China.
In India most people are worried about making money and reducing poverty than anything else. After that the concerns include caste/religious riots and equality. Then infrastructure, Kashmir etc. It is also pretty clear that there is no way to win a full war against China right now.

Most Chinese I have talked to (including pretty high level people) seem to understand that economy is the first thing to worry about. While many are ultra-nationalistic, they are also not thinking about territorial expansion. They frankly are more worried about Japan than India right now.

Unless China gets into a serious crisis and can't use anti-Japan feelings to divert attention, they won't make any sudden moves.

On the very long term, who can say ? India's emergency was only 25 years ago and Chinese cultural revolution was not too far away either.
We never support ULFA.

But India + USA subsidize Tibetan terrorist groups! :devil:

You send Tibetans to India. What are we expected to do? Let 'em starve to death ?

BTW, I wouldn't call them terrorists. They are at worst unruly protesters. I have not seen them getting any arms or ammunition. Neither US nor India has been accused of sponsoring terror (not even by Chinese govt.). Nobody from India has moved into China. Where are you getting your news ?
(Note: I have met a few of the Neocons in conferences etc. -most of them are professors and stuff and are easy to talk to. I don't hate them but find their views wrong).
First came the idea that the world was a bad place and that America could fix it and hence should fix it whenever it was economically possible.
Against this background one of two things happened in Iraq (or maybe a mixture of both)
1) US advisers thought that having a permanent base in a moderate country was a good bet against unstable Saudi bases. The oil rights was a free bonus.
2) US was really convinced that Iraq was a danger in the long term and 2003 was the best time to strike.

A similar line of thought does not apply in India-China.
In India most people are worried about making money and reducing poverty than anything else. After that the concerns include caste/religious riots and equality. Then infrastructure, Kashmir etc. It is also pretty clear that there is no way to win a full war against China right now.

Most Chinese I have talked to (including pretty high level people) seem to understand that economy is the first thing to worry about. While many are ultra-nationalistic, they are also not thinking about territorial expansion. They frankly are more worried about Japan than India right now.

Unless China gets into a serious crisis and can't use anti-Japan feelings to divert attention, they won't make any sudden moves.

On the very long term, who can say ? India's emergency was only 25 years ago and Chinese cultural revolution was not too far away either.

You mention about American Neoconservative conference about fixing the world was and still is a noble cause and a noble thought, if implemented correctly, It should have worked wonders if it had been based on factual conditions for/on those who control land/people by force and keep big Military machines to subdue people, a first project, but it was thrown on the back burner by a small number of self serving group to advance their own agenda and that small group got them into Iraq war by controlled disinformation or misinformation.

Saudi Arabia's case is simple enough, at the end of ww1, when Turkey lost the war, Saudi family was hand picked for their unconditional alliance to the winners of the war, and it continues till today, but due to some Saudis Nationals who do not agree with the rulers policies took the law in their own hands and did a horrible thing.

By no means Iraq was a moderate state as you put it, Saddam was not only a tyrant, but a nincompoop who squandered the oil money on palaces instead of developing his country industrially and institutionally.

Iraq was never a thread, it was made to appear a thread by those self serving group mentioned above. And time have proved it so.

If a great country with all its resources of brilliance and modernity as United States can be convinced by a small self serving group into war, what makes you think that it cannot happen with china and India.

when it come to Military operations and war people can be convinced by disinformation/misinformation in India and china easily. as it is the case in kashmir, every time person is killed, he may be innocent, but media labels him as terrorist.

People may think otherwise, but those in command can and will command an allegiance from all with clever talk and misinformation to go to war. and common man will have no choice but to join them, otherwise he can be labeled as traitors.

As for as crises is concerned, did U.S. new of the recent crises, it did not, but suddenly it came upon them. if it can take the most advanced and most intelligent nation, think what will happen to country like India.

I hope that you will honestly try to understand the simple deductive rationale and will not repute it because u need to do it, if u do than that is the reason all those wars happen.
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China is very much concetrated into growing it's economy and expanding their trade ties with india .
presently china annually do 10bn$ trade with india which china like to pushup to 20bn$ by next 2 years....:pop::smitten:

India-pakistan war looks to me more Inevitable , then Indo-China war. :hitwall:
Ya! India and China are not in a position to fight the war right now or for next 50 years.. Both will surpass america around 2040 economically and after that fight for no.1 might begin.
It is not the quantity of weapons or abundance of them, it is courage of a soldier that wins the war.

Till certain extent its true, but the quote "it is courage of a soldier that wins the war" is some what not applicable as soldier cannot win against a full modern armed soldiers with a sticks and courage, so quantity and Quality of weapons does matter and help in winning wars.

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