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India's wealth triples in a decade to $3.5 trillion

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Yeah right, dreaming again, get real, what matter most is "Now" and please don't give me those Internet cook up BS claiming 36% scienetist were Indians, $2 dollars so-called middle class:lol:
Unlike you, i am not a lying Commie, who believes in fudging data for statistics ; I can give you Census bureau data from the US itself, where the top Indians work as Professions in Health services, whereas the top Chinese work in the Accomodation and food services area.
Now go and have a piece of dry c.. d....for dinner with mud as dessert, you earn it:D
And you can have dog-meat or maybe dead tender human flesh with cockroaches as your toppings, you have definitely earned it.
Unlike you, i am not a lying Commie, who believes in fudging data for statistics ; I can give you Census bureau data from the US itself, where the top Indians work as Professions in Health services, whereas the top Chinese work in the Accomodation and food services area.

And you can have dog-meat or maybe dead tender human flesh with cockroaches as your toppings, you have definitely earned it.

Wow, top Chinese work in the Accomodation and food service area in America?
Tell that to Obama's energy secretary, haha.
Yeah right, dreaming again, get real, what matter most is "Now" and please don't give me those Internet cook up BS claiming 36% scienetist were Indians, $2 dollars so-called middle class:lol:
Now go and have a piece of dry c.. d....for dinner with mud as dessert, you earn it:D

Pathetic,that is the only word with which i can describe u,their was nothing in the thread other than discussion about the wealth in India,no one was referring about china here,no one was trolling by the name of china here,but any thread with is slightly related to India make ur blood boil and u came running down to that thread with lot of poverty,2 dollar,mud and molestation

If people here r eating mud they r doing at their own will,they r not like u who r virtual slave of a communist establishment who even dont have permission for a second child
Unlike you, i am not a lying Commie, who believes in fudging data for statistics ; I can give you Census bureau data from the US itself, where the top Indians work as Professions in Health services, whereas the top Chinese work in the Accomodation and food services area.

And you can have dog-meat or maybe dead tender human flesh with cockroaches as your toppings, you have definitely earned it.

In fact nobody could predict whether India will triples her wealth in decade time, so it will be be nothing other than a wet dream.
Good, statistics eh? something like this one?:coffee:

WASHINGTON: It's an Internet myth that has taken on a life of its own. No matter how often you slay this phony legend, it keeps popping up again like some hydra-headed beast.

But on Monday, the Indian government itself consecrated the oft-circulated fiction as fact in Parliament, possibly laying itself open to a breach of privilege. By relaying to Rajya Sabha members (as reported in The Times of India) a host of unsubstantiated and inflated figures about Indian professionals in US, the government also made a laughing stock of itself. :rofl::rofl:
India rising in US: Govt falls victim to net hoax - The Times of India

And you accuse me as a liar? :lol:
Not enough food, so children learn to eat mud - Hindustan Times
In fact nobody could predict whether India will triples her wealth in decade time, so it will be be nothing other than a wet dream.
Good, statistics eh? something like this one?:coffee:

WASHINGTON: It's an Internet myth that has taken on a life of its own. No matter how often you slay this phony legend, it keeps popping up again like some hydra-headed beast.

But on Monday, the Indian government itself consecrated the oft-circulated fiction as fact in Parliament, possibly laying itself open to a breach of privilege. By relaying to Rajya Sabha members (as reported in The Times of India) a host of unsubstantiated and inflated figures about Indian professionals in US, the government also made a laughing stock of itself. :rofl::rofl:
India rising in US: Govt falls victim to net hoax - The Times of India

And you accuse me as a liar? :lol:
Not enough food, so children learn to eat mud - Hindustan Times
Well, you have given me some sites, i will give you some of mine now. Here you go.
Chinese writer Zheng Yi, relying on interviews and confidential government documents smuggled out of China, has revealed that Red Guards and party workers in a remote area of Guangxi ate the flesh of some 100 victims whom they tortured to death during the Cultural Revolution. This also occurred in other provinces.
and here,
One victim of the Red Guards at Hu’s school was a senior official, the Communist Party secretary at a railroad management school. Without warning, they ransacked her home and seized all her belongings in a “search for documents.” Her son, who was a Red Guard at Hu’s school, angry over the attack on their home, wounded the school’s Red Guard leader with a meat cleaver.

The leader’s group retaliated by throwing the son into a makeshift “prison.” A dozen of the Red Guards, aged 13 to 18, seized his mother and took her to the school.

“They put her face down on a big cement table used for playing Ping Pong,” Hu said. “They used belts and clubs to beat her. At first she moaned a bit, but afterward she became silent...

“They didn’t mean to kill her. Nobody realized that she would be beaten to death... It took about an hour. In the end, the clothing on her back was all gone. All you could see was her body.”
Lol...eating mud is helluva lot better than getting treated like this. And wow, looky here, moah eaty fleshy, moah eaty fleshy!!!

Cannibalism and the Great Famine

People said they were so hungry their chests touched their backs. Anhui Province, about 600 miles south of Beijing, was one of the hardest hit areas. Here bodies sometimes lined the road and reports of cannibalism were common. "Everyday, I would see a corpse," one Anhui farmer told the Los Angeles Times. "Sometimes I recognized them as a neighbor. Often they were strangers."

One survivor told the Los Angeles Times, she lost her 3-year-old daughter and her sister within a few hours of each other. "As I turned to come home, I thought for sure that I would die myself on the way." She then said, "The only thing that saved us was carrots we grew on the riverbanks. We had three old people die from diseases related to starvation. But the carrots saved most of us."

According to a report made available in the West in 1998, there were 63 recorded reports of cannibalism at Fengyang County commune in Anhui.. "In Damiao commune," the report read, "Chen Zhangying and her husband Zhao Xezhen killed and boiled their 8-year-old son Xiao Qing and ate him...In Wudian commune Wang Lanyong not only pick picked up dead people to eat, but also sold two jin [2.2 pounds] from their bodies as pork."
And as for your the quoted statistic, any sane Indian will take that 36% statistic with a wheelbarrow of salt. But what is true as per this document here, is that Indians are more successful, and have lesser poverty than the Chinese out in US. Not only do they beat the Chinese in Educational, Economic, and Income indicators but they are said to be the next Model minority after the Jews.
See, this is what happens, trolling begets more trolling. If some people continue to post nasty and irrelevant stuff about poverty, slums, and so on, more people will start retaliating. I hope this nonsense ends here.
What is a commie doing in Japan???Making money out of benefits provided by capitalism???
India is the wealthist country in the world. Indians have the highest IQ in the world. Okay happy now?
You can keep dreaming of triples India's wealth in a decade, but somehow reality not agreeing with you though.:no:
Wake up, stop living in the past, nobody will give a damn , the reality of "now" is that Indians are starving whether you like it or not and we ain't period.:D
On a side note, can you shoot your trash with an empty stomach? Congrates again for your accomplishment="Top of the World's Hunger" chart again.:cheers:

India is a country of extremes. while certain parts are prospering, some of them are still in pre-independence level. While the prospering is due to individual effort , the poverty in the neglected region is largely due to faulty government policies. We cannot deny both. It would be appreciated if there is a more serious discussion on what's going on than trolling.
what is the use of Wealth increasing all over the world. Resources are limited... hence more wealth will drive the cost of ersources higher thats it ... cause the value of money is going down.
And this goes for the entire world.Add on top of that population growth.

say a guy earning 15000/ pm INR hardly lives a better life earning 30000/ pm INR in 2020.


There are few concepts called time value of money, real money and nominal money...I would request you to give it a read....In short if i can buy the same amount of goods in 2020 with 30K that i can buy today wit 15 K then only nominal money has increase and real money is same...And 15K today might be 30K of 2020 depending on rate of interest and other factors....The real factor that will actually decide whether you have lost money or gained money is inflation/deflation.... As long as there is a tap on it things will not be that dramatic as you are proposing...

Now when you say resources are same then understand there is a concept of converting these resources into valuable finished goods....Coal lying in a coal mine is resource however of no value, no??? In other words what i am trying is to bring your attention is that you should question if wealth generated in India is real money or nominal money before making up your opinion....If it is former then it will help a lot....if it is later then all GOI has done is print more currency and have distributed in the system which i am sure is not the case....I hope you can see the difference...
" India's wealth triples in a decade to $3.5 trillion "

---- just imagine the amount if we get all the black money in the Swiss bank. :P
In fact nobody could predict whether India will triples her wealth in decade time, so it will be be nothing other than a wet dream.
Good, statistics eh? something like this one?:coffee:

WASHINGTON: It's an Internet myth that has taken on a life of its own. No matter how often you slay this phony legend, it keeps popping up again like some hydra-headed beast.

But on Monday, the Indian government itself consecrated the oft-circulated fiction as fact in Parliament, possibly laying itself open to a breach of privilege. By relaying to Rajya Sabha members (as reported in The Times of India) a host of unsubstantiated and inflated figures about Indian professionals in US, the government also made a laughing stock of itself. :rofl::rofl:
India rising in US: Govt falls victim to net hoax - The Times of India

And you accuse me as a liar? :lol:
Not enough food, so children learn to eat mud - Hindustan Times

It is cheap on the part of politicians to make up these lists. but it isn't entirely false. Indians in US are doing really well. I don't know about NASA but a huge portion of the doctors is Indian and the software Industry here is dominated by Indians. It is a fact.
I live in Silicon valley and I can bet on it. Indians who come to US are usually the highly educated ones.
Wake up Indians, before dreaming of triples India's wealth in a decade time, best to start dreaming

This is a comprehensive swiss study report prepared by well known Credi suisse group AG, Its not an Indian forcast.
All thanks to free transit trade facility extended by Pakistan for the export of Indian goods to central Asian states. via Afghanistan.

Aman Ki Asha.
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