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India's wealth triples in a decade to $3.5 trillion

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All thanks to free transit trade facility extended by Pakistan for the export of Indian goods to central Asian states. via Afghanistan.

Aman Ki Asha.

For haven sake you are an Elite member.....Atleast don't comment on topics that has nothing to do with your expertise...
Well, you have given me some sites, i will give you some of mine now. Here you go.
and here,
Lol...eating mud is helluva lot better than getting treated like this. And wow, looky here, moah eaty fleshy, moah eaty fleshy!!!

And as for your the quoted statistic, any sane Indian will take that 36% statistic with a wheelbarrow of salt. But what is true as per this document here, is that Indians are more successful, and have lesser poverty than the Chinese out in US. Not only do they beat the Chinese in Educational, Economic, and Income indicators but they are said to be the next Model minority after the Jews.

Hey, best wish to Indians wealth triples in a decade to $3.5 hot dream will came true even though less than 10% of this type of prediction ever cashing in.:partay:
Hmm, nice informative stories, btw, whats the names of these sites?
Are they the same class as times of India?:lol:
Last time i check, Indians illegal immigrants in US rise to a all time high of some 46% within 10years time, are they the "elites" rich Indians you were talking about? i bet Americans love Indians as much as Aussies love you guys?:whistle:
Hey, best wish to Indians wealth triples in a decade to $3.5 hot dream will came true even though less than 10% of this type of prediction ever cashing in.

Perfect way to make an idiot out of yourself.You didnt even bother to go through the report did you??

The report says the wealth has already tripled to $3.5 trillion over the past decade and could increase to $6.4 trillion by 2015.

Hmm, nice informative stories, btw, whats the names of these sites?
Are they the same class as times of India?

The news can be found in many websites.I have provided a source.It is Economic Times.Next time,go through the posts before commenting,if you dont want to make yourself look dumb.

The news is based on a report on global wealth by investment bank Credit Suisse.

Last time i check, Indians illegal immigrants in US rise to a all time high of some 46% within 10years time, are they the "elites" rich Indians you were talking about? i bet Americans love Indians as much as Aussies love you guys?:whistle:

Go and ask the US Immigration office.
Well, you have given me some sites, i will give you some of mine now. Here you go.
and here,
Lol...eating mud is helluva lot better than getting treated like this. And wow, looky here, moah eaty fleshy, moah eaty fleshy!!!

And as for your the quoted statistic, any sane Indian will take that 36% statistic with a wheelbarrow of salt. But what is true as per this document here, is that Indians are more successful, and have lesser poverty than the Chinese out in US. Not only do they beat the Chinese in Educational, Economic, and Income indicators but they are said to be the next Model minority after the Jews.

Interesting how you can only put up "personal interviews" while we can put up hard numbers and statistics put up by reputable sources such as the UN and World Bank. Do note that the UN and World Bank don't even recognize the great leap forward caused starvation while they do recognize that 2 million indians die of starvation every year!
Interesting how you can only put up "personal interviews" while we can put up hard numbers and statistics put up by reputable sources such as the UN and World Bank. Do note that the UN and World Bank don't even recognize the great leap forward caused starvation while they do recognize that 2 million indians die of starvation every year!

It is interesting indeed.The reason is India is a democracy where there is a freedom of press.
It is interesting indeed.The reason is India is a democracy where there is a freedom of press.

no it isn't. india is a caste society dominated by the 1% rich, corrupt elite. the fact that you have elections means nothing, the corrupt elite stay in and you're unable to remove them from power. that is fact. 1 trillion USD from india is hidden in swiss banks. fact.

our media is more free than yours; i posted several links before. if our media reports a corrupt politician, he goes down instantly. your media reports a corrupt politician, he stays. look at commonwealth games, the head is obviously corrupt, yet he stays.
no it isn't. india is a caste society dominated by the 1% rich, corrupt elite. the fact that you have elections means nothing, the corrupt elite stay in and you're unable to remove them from power. that is fact. 1 trillion USD from india is hidden in swiss banks. fact.

our media is more free than yours; i posted several links before. if our media reports a corrupt politician, he goes down instantly. your media reports a corrupt politician, he stays. look at commonwealth games, the head is obviously corrupt, yet he stays.

You have entirely wrong idea about India's political system.The party in power keeps changing,depending upon the appeal to the people.So,the people come into consideration.What you are saying may be true for Pakistan and also your country,but not India.

A single party system has more options and opportunities for corruption as simply there is no rival to challenge,to point out if there is something wrong.You just have to be loyal to singular party and then you can do whatever you want,the people just never come to the picture!!!
We can also very well assume what the media can say and cannot say,if that very media is regulated by the singular party.

Simply put,"A Crime not reported,does not mean, a crime not committed".There are just too many ways of corruption and strangulation of free speech in a Communist architecture.All the other Communist countries have failed mainly because of this basic flaw,the single party system.China did a wise move,by making economic reforms.But then,the basic flaw still exists.

Anyways,we will go offtopic if we go any further from this point.Just do me a favour.Provide me with a source on the part where you say India is ruled by 1 % of its population.
You have entirely wrong idea about India's political system.The party in power keeps changing,depending upon the appeal to the people.So,the people come into consideration.What you are saying may be true for Pakistan and also your country,but not India.

A single party system has more options and opportunities for corruption as simply there is no rival to challenge,to point out if there is something wrong.You just have to be loyal to singular party and then you can do whatever you want,the people just never come to the picture!!!
We can also very well assume what the media can say and cannot say,if that very media is regulated by the singular party.

Simply put,"A Crime not reported,does not mean, a crime not committed".There are just too many ways of corruption and strangulation of free speech in a Communist architecture.All the other Communist countries have failed mainly because of this basic flaw,the single party system.China did a wise move,by making economic reforms.But then,the basic flaw still exists.

Anyways,we will go offtopic if we go any further from this point.Just do me a favour.Provide me with a source on the part where you say India is ruled by 1 % of its population.

Indian National Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"It is the largest and one of the oldest democratic political parties in the world.[3][4][5] The party's modern liberal platform is largely considered center-left in Indian political spectrum. Founded in 1885 by members of the occultist movement Theosophical Society[6]: Allan Octavian Hume, Dadabhai Naoroji, Dinshaw Wacha, Womesh Chandra Bonnerjee, Surendranath Banerjee, Monomohun Ghose, Mahadev Govind Ranade[7] and William Wedderburn, the Indian National Congress became the leader of the Indian Independence Movement, with over 15 million members and over 70 million participants in its struggle against British rule in India. After independence in 1947, it became the nation's dominant political party, led by the Nehru-Gandhi family for the most part; major challenges for party leadership have only recently formed."

15 million members in the ruling Congress Party. let's say half of them have leadership roles (a huge estimate; nowhere is it that half of a political party have leadership roles). 7.5 million.

1.1 billion people in india.

0.68% of the population have leadership roles in the Congress party.

Let's say that only 25% of Communist Party have leadership roles. 70 million members total.

2.3% of the population in china have leadership roles in Communist party. A staggering difference!

I also don't think you understand the difference between the Communist Party and your parties. The members act as individuals, not as a party.

You also didn't understand my statement - our media reports many social problems, in fact both report about the same number. I have openly challenged Indians to go to the forums of People's daily, found at bbs1.people.com.cn and read some articles through Google Translator.

The difference is, when our media reports on it, the government cracks down and the corrupt officials end up in jail. Your media reports on it, and the corrupt officials stay in power. Kalamdi - reported, obviously corrupt, stayed in power.
15 million members in the ruling Congress Party. let's say half of them have leadership roles (a huge estimate; nowhere is it that half of a political party have leadership roles). 7.5 million.

1.1 billion people in india.

0.68% of the population have leadership roles in the Congress party.

Let's say that only 25% of Communist Party have leadership roles. 70 million members total.

2.3% of the population in china have leadership roles in Communist party. A staggering difference!
Illogical statistical comparison between two different types of political systems. There are numerous parties in India apart from Congress, hence your analogy comparing these two does not hold good. You should ideally compare the combination of all political parties in India and then compare with CCP.

You also didn't understand my statement - our media reports many social problems, in fact both report about the same number.

The difference is, when our media reports on it, the government cracks down and the corrupt officials end up in jail. Your media reports on it, and the corrupt officials stay in power. Kalamdi - reported, obviously corrupt, stayed in power.
You are trying to say that your govt is better because it can crack down on media and our's is corrupt because it can't? cough... Free Press.

Investigation is going on and will be completed after the games, actions will be taken upon after that. At the moment a successful games is the priority.
and that's the difference.

there was corruption in beijing olympics too. the media reported on it, government cracked down on the corrupt officials, games went off without corruption.
and that's the difference.

there was corruption in beijing olympics too. the media reported on it, government cracked down on the corrupt officials, games went off without corruption.

Below_freezing, stop commenting if you know nothing about India. Are you seriously comparing press freedom of China with India? There is corruption but BS about 1% controlling India and rest couldn't do anything about it is absurd and laughable. That seriously put your intellect in doubt. Please stop.

Please stop taking a moral high ground just because you have larger economy. India started late but by all measures progressing in its own respect. You seem to think that entire billion population has no stake in it except for few thousands. No matter what average Indian has more say in his country than your beloved country. So, go fix that. We are happy with what we have. We'll progress on our own way. Stop worrying about us.
Below_freezing, stop commenting if you know nothing about India. Are you seriously comparing press freedom of China with India? There is corruption but BS about 1% controlling India and rest couldn't do anything about it is absurd and laughable. That seriously put your intellect in doubt. Please stop.

Please stop taking a moral high ground just because you have larger economy. India started late but by all measures progressing in its own respect. You seem to think that entire billion population has no stake in it except for few thousands. No matter what average Indian has more say in his country than your beloved country. So, go fix that. We are happy with what we have. We'll progress on our own way. Stop worrying about us.

your trains run at 25 km/hr while your politicians ride private jets. a sum of 1/2 your national GDP is hidden in swiss banks. Mittal, one of your country's core industries, isn't even based in India. all the rich indians steal your wealth and move overseas. your water system is privatized and millions of your citizens buy water from water trucks (we have public water distribution and modern piping in even the most remote villages). you can't even touch the prepetuators of the bhopal tragedy. there is no comparison.

want to convince us that your so called "democracy" is so good? punish the criminals behind bhopal first.
Below_freezing, stop commenting if you know nothing about India. Are you seriously comparing press freedom of China with India? There is corruption but BS about 1% controlling India and rest couldn't do anything about it is absurd and laughable. That seriously put your intellect in doubt. Please stop.

Please stop taking a moral high ground just because you have larger economy. India started late but by all measures progressing in its own respect. You seem to think that entire billion population has no stake in it except for few thousands. No matter what average Indian has more say in his country than your beloved country. So, go fix that. We are happy with what we have. We'll progress on our own way. Stop worrying about us.

Same to you and the rest your bunch. Count the number of China related threads in the Indian forum and note the lack of Indian topics in the Chinese forum. Who's worrying about whom.
your trains run at 25 km/hr while your politicians ride private jets. a sum of 1/2 your national GDP is hidden in swiss banks. Mittal, one of your country's core industries, isn't even based in India. all the rich indians steal your wealth and move overseas. your water system is privatized and millions of your citizens buy water from water trucks (we have public water distribution and modern piping in even the most remote villages). you can't even touch the prepetuators of the bhopal tragedy. there is no comparison.

want to convince us that your so called "democracy" is so good? punish the criminals behind bhopal first.

Please, let us not even look into the hypocrisy of the Commie-Chinese country. You compare the Perpetrators of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy ; Has a single person in Commie-land ever been prosecuted for the Tienanmen massacres ? And why were the protests held in Tienanmen ? To protest against the corruption in the taizidang party itself. This my commie-friend, is an even bigger corruption that we have in China, corrupting done by and within an authoritarian party itself.

And secondly, do you know how you have obtained the vague Swiss bank figures and why don't we have the figures for your CCP ? You guessed it right, Right to Information. Why is corruption around 3% of your GDP according to these figures ? Why is it that we see heavy corruption concentrated in sectors with extensive state involvement e.g. infrastructural projects, sale of land user rights, real estate, government procurement, financial services, and heavily regulated industries ? And until the CCP is in power, who knows how many of your national GDP would be in the Swiss banks? Corruption in India is a known, and eradication of the same is also a known ; The eradication process has so many parameters, that you have to be a part of the system to change it. And do you know, the Rich-poor Divide in China was even more acute than in India in the last decade ; Economic Divide is a huge gap to bridge and our current model of economic growth is one way to ameliorate it ; Of course trickledown policies have not helped India much, so that theory pretty much goes into the drain.

Hence, ensure that your future is steady and certain, while we try to do the same for ourselves. China, just like it has a bright future, had a shameful past, and India just like it has a shameful present can have a bright future.
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