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India's UN 'yes' vote was a wrong move on Sri Lanka

No brother you are getting me wrong… I am not against Tamil civilians... What happened in SL that was final war against LTTE… At war you cannot start differentiating…From wherever the bullet comes there you must have to fire…Late Rajiv Gandhi gave them a very good solution …But they rejected and killed him.

There is method in madness even one has to agree with your strange opinion.

The world has long evolved from the times of medieval wars or world war I. Humans have developed more technical know hows of doing wars and warfare with statute international norms/guidelines for the same.

Simple minds should avoid to comment on complex operational tactics which modern armies train in to avoid collateral damage The deliberate blind aggression of using heavy fire to cleanse whole villages and townships is just unacceptable. Even India has few rebel groups in many townships like Srinagar, will world accept such tactics of GoI used to curb these insurgents?

People bringing this resolution on UN table are no fool and have been doing their homework for few last years.
Could you please explain me how....?

First knw the details and comment.

Tamils and Singhalese lived with religious harmony during colonial period that is y Tamils not demanding separate country at the time of independence. Once Singhalese came to power they start discriminating Tamils and given secondary citizen treatment. That time Tamils had faith in Gandhian way protest and they believed that will facilitate to attain their desired goal. Dileepan(LTTE cadre) undergone 12 days of hunger strike .His tongue has not touch d a single drop of water .In those 12 days, He lost his speaking capacity thn went to Coma n then died on the 12th day , he expected negotiation/courtesy frm SL govt but it not happened. All LTTE cadres are not believed in extremism that time but SL ignored peaceful protesters and killed them without mercy. Then they forced come under a course to trust weapons.

Russian revolution, French revolution, American Revolution had right causes to fight against its own govt. same thing also applicable to LTTE.

Suppose India treating Karnataka people as secondary citizens means wat you will do? u will protest peacefully??.
Could you please explain me how....?

I think it is indian interests to protect its tamil civilians, if india voted in favour of srilanka instead of looking after its tamil civilians it would be really shameful on part of India, moreover Srilanka has gone over board on this issue and has forgotten the fact its just a tiny island.
I do not want to protect anyone who clearly have involved in any incident against civilians, But I protect our brave soldiers who spend their lives to bring the peace in to my sweet cute island!

Evenif they are involved in human rights violations and massacres?

First knw the details and comment.

Tamils and Singhalese lived with religious harmony during colonial period that is y Tamils not demanding separate country at the time of independence. Once Singhalese came to power they start discriminating Tamils and given secondary citizen treatment. That time Tamils had faith in Gandhian way protest and they believed that will facilitate to attain their desired goal. Dileepan(LTTE cadre) undergone 12 days of hunger strike .His tongue has not touch d a single drop of water .In those 12 days, He lost his speaking capacity thn went to Coma n then died on the 12th day , he expected negotiation/courtesy frm SL govt but it not happened. All LTTE cadres are not believed in extremism that time but SL ignored peaceful protesters and killed them without mercy. Then they forced come under a course to trust weapons.

Russian revolution, French revolution, American Revolution had right causes to fight against its own govt. same thing also applicable to LTTE.

Suppose India treating Karnataka people as secondary citizens means wat you will do? u will protest peacefully??.

Whenever non-violent movements are ignored, it will take a violent turn. Even our British Colonial masters understood that, thats why they never tried to completely suppress the Gandhi and Satyagraha.
Evenif they are involved in human rights violations and massacres?

Are you blind to read first sentence?

First knw the details and comment.

Tamils and Singhalese lived with religious harmony during colonial period that is y Tamils not demanding separate country at the time of independence. Once Singhalese came to power they start discriminating Tamils and given secondary citizen treatment. That time Tamils had faith in Gandhian way protest and they believed that will facilitate to attain their desired goal. Dileepan(LTTE cadre) undergone 12 days of hunger strike .His tongue has not touch d a single drop of water .In those 12 days, He lost his speaking capacity thn went to Coma n then died on the 12th day , he expected negotiation/courtesy frm SL govt but it not happened. All LTTE cadres are not believed in extremism that time but SL ignored peaceful protesters and killed them without mercy. Then they forced come under a course to trust weapons.

Russian revolution, French revolution, American Revolution had right causes to fight against its own govt. same thing also applicable to LTTE.

Suppose India treating Karnataka people as secondary citizens means wat you will do? u will protest peacefully??.

how Tamils demand a separate country? Tamils in north are 6-7% percentage do we need to allow ideas of some racists/separatists?
lol Actually Sri Lankans don't care India vs China war, if there is a war between India and China what should we care about it? it is your matter not ours!

Don't nitpick the post, my dear the hypothetical condition of war i speak of is related to Srilanka. If for some other reason there is such outcome then u don't have anything to do, however if it is related to u guys then be assured u wouldn't be doing lol then.
Don't nitpick the post, my dear the hypothetical condition of war i speak of is related to Srilanka. If for some other reason there is such outcome then u don't have anything to do, however if it is related to u guys then be assured u wouldn't be doing lol then.

that's what I'm saying why should we Sri Lankans care about Indians/ Or any other country/ and their wars?
Government of one country took a action against a terrorist group, no once claim human rights violence terrorist who killed in the action. Hunting the top leaders of terrorist outfit is good. Captured and surrendered Tamil Tigers rehabilitated by government then back to society.

The videos showing execution of LTTE terrorist by firing at point blank range raises questions for the Govt of country.

Why was there no trial for them?, how do we know the extent of involvement of those individuals in terrorism?

Whether you like it or not ,according to an American diplomat human rights is the strongest weapon in WOT, without it there is no difference between the terrorist and Security forces.

These HR violations will be exploited by the terrorists and the cycle of tit for tat reactions will continue.
The videos showing execution of LTTE terrorist by firing at point blank range raises questions for the Govt of country.

Why was there no trial for them?, how do we know the extent of involvement of those individuals in terrorism?

Whether you like it or not ,according to an American diplomat human rights is the strongest weapon in WOT, without it there is no difference between the terrorist and Security forces.

These HR violations will be exploited by the terrorists and the cycle of tit for tat reactions will continue.
Because the sole interest of the Shingalese was to wipe out the representatives of Tamils in the Island nation and they did that with the help of 9 other nations. Killing one organization by 9 countries is not bravery and I am sure if the SL Army is pitched against any regular army in the world, they will flee like rats to find a sh$t hole to hide their a$$
The videos showing execution of LTTE terrorist by firing at point blank range raises questions for the Govt of country.

Why was there no trial for them?, how do we know the extent of involvement of those individuals in terrorism?

Whether you like it or not ,according to an American diplomat human rights is the strongest weapon in WOT, without it there is no difference between the terrorist and Security forces.

These HR violations will be exploited by the terrorists and the cycle of tit for tat reactions will continue.

who cries for execution of terrorists? I don't care!
I don't think there will be any trial for any incident related to terrorists.

Because the sole interest of the Shingalese was to wipe out the representatives of Tamils in the Island nation and they did that with the help of 9 other nations. Killing one organization by 9 countries is not bravery and I am sure if the SL Army is pitched against any regular army in the world, they will flee like rats to find a sh$t hole to hide their a$$

We see terrorists as terrorists. You simply supporting this terror group coz it contain your race "Tamil".
who cries for execution of terrorists? I don't care!
I don't think there will be any trial for any incident related to terrorists.

We see terrorists as terrorists. You simply supporting this terror group coz it contain your race "Tamil".
We are talking about large scale violence againt civilian population. Although I understand the issue, it is difficult to differenciate between civilian and LTTE cadre.
But fighting against the whole world will not help lankan. Igonre what India says, but dont ignore what world says.

Why is so much anger directed at India in lanka, although India behaved maturedly in this issue.
Did you expect India to vote for you all the time?
Because the sole interest of the Shingalese was to wipe out the representatives of Tamils in the Island nation and they did that with the help of 9 other nations. Killing one organization by 9 countries is not bravery and I am sure if the SL Army is pitched against any regular army in the world, they will flee like rats to find a sh$t hole to hide their a$$

I don't agree what you say. the question is not about how capable the SL military but failure of GSL prevent HR violations.
Whatever Sinhalese is Tamils enemy and fellow Tamils will take revenge soon.
who cries for execution of terrorists? I don't care!
I don't think there will be any trial for any incident related to terrorists.

Executing a terrorist is fine, but how do you know he/she is a terrorist?

If Prabhakaran was killed at a point blank range , no questions will be raised.

When his 13 year old was killed , it raises alot of questions.
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