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India's Two-Front War Plans

On the kashmir Issue, believe me, India is handling it very cleverly indeed. They took Sachin mountains militarily so that they can target the highway which connects pakistan to china in case of a indo-pak conflict.
I was talking on the issue of Chinese intervention. Even if pakistan was at a huge disadvantage at the moment, China could easily intervent on behalf of pak at that time. But this was stopped because USSR threatened to intervene at Sanking at that time.

Chinese won't intervene unless they energy or other strategic resources are threatened.
were not talking of the 1971 war naval issues, rather if another sino-indian conflict came russia can't really repeat it unless they plan to attack the PLAN, in reality just as china won't send troops to save pakistan russia can't do anything other then diplomatic pressure.

Mind Russia to spend more money to fix up their old rusty Soviet ships before they think they are equivalent to the USN. :coffee:
Mind Russia to spend more money to fix up their old rusty Soviet ships before they think they are equivalent to the USN. :coffee:

Didn't they have a naval drill with you guys ? in an sino-indian conflict russia can't do anything other then diplomatic pressure. :cheesy: fanbois on both sides need to come to reality.
Russia ≠ USSR, keep that in your mind.

We don't even mind to confront the coalition of US + India, never mind the one with Russia + India. :coffee:

You may think like that, but your policymakers don't. Every strategist looks at:

- The amount of benefit I will get by a militayr action

- The amount of lives, property, infrastructure I will sacrifice.

- International relations and reactions.

When these are in favour, action is taken. It is unlikely these factors would be in China's favour in any indo-pak conflict.

And india would not be foolish enough to initiate any conflict with china.
India begged the USA to help them in 1962, but what happened then?

India pleaded for US help against China in 1962 - Times Of India

In 1962, the USA was openly our enemy. We had just previously fought a direct war with them (Korean War). The USSR was also our enemy at that point, due to the Sino-Soviet split.

Not to mention that we were just coming out of the worst famine in our history (1959-1961) and at our weakest possible point.

Today though... Russia is our strategic partner, and we have the largest bilateral economic relationship in the world with the USA, to the point where they were even proposing a "G-2" with us. :lol:

All the factors have turned in our favour since 1962. The gap has become so large that the Indian Armed Forces themselves have admitted that: "India cannot hope to match China. The gap is too wide, and is growing wider every day".

and USA asked you to help your all weather friend pakistan in 1971. too bad you didn't help :cry:
You may think like that, but your policymakers don't. Every strategist looks at:

- The amount of benefit I will get by a militayr action

- The amount of lives, property, infrastructure I will sacrifice.

- International relations and reactions.

When these are in favour, action is taken. It is unlikely these factors would be in China's favour in any indo-pak conflict.

And india would not be foolish enough to initiate any conflict with china.

your last line hit it not only will india not want to risk a conflict with china it can't right now the Chinese are ahead of them and the Sino-India border logistics is going to be a killer China has an advantage.
And india would not be foolish enough to initiate any conflict with china.

I don't know about that.

Nehru certainly tried to take advantage in 1962 with the Forward Policy, immediately after we had just come out of a horrific famine (Great leap forward).

If they see blood they will try to bite, it's still the same Nehru-Gandhi family that is ruling India today.
and USA asked you to help your all weather friend pakistan in 1971. too bad you didn't help :cry:

They weren't all weather friends back then try to learn history, the chinese were aiding vietnam against americans not to mention the country was falling apart after the cultural revolution.
Chinese won't intervene unless they energy or other strategic resources are threatened.

Yes, this is the reality. pakistan is just an alternative potential energy route of china to the middle east. The current route runs through indian ocean/malacca straits which is vulnerable to the indian navy. If india guarantees the safety of these routes it is unlikely china would go for any conflict on behalf of pakistan.

But i do agree china would supply pakistan with weaponry etc,.
India's Air Force were always 10x more than Pakistan even in 65 and 71 wars. Funny thing is, IAF lost more lives....

India's army is Weak than ever. There are no ammos and they have absolutely no Artilirary....
Pakistan has double the amount and we have more nukes..

Indian Navy i agree is stronger...
Don't be delusional, No ammo! No artillery!
Pakistan has no advantage over India(conventional or non conventional) except you having a big protector(China).
and USA asked you to help your all weather friend pakistan in 1971. too bad you didn't help :cry:

That's because you guys were so afraid of us, that you waited until Winter when all the passes were blocked with snow. :lol: Which will no longer work in the era of modernized warfare.

But let's go to a more recent event.

After the 2008 Mumbai attacks, India threatened Pakistan with "surgical strikes". But despite Mumbai being blasted several times after that, why didn't India do anything?
Yes, this is the reality. pakistan is just an alternative potential energy route of china to the middle east. The current route runs through indian ocean/malacca straits which is vulnerable to the indian navy. If india guarantees the safety of these routes it is unlikely china would go for any conflict on behalf of pakistan.

But i do agree china would supply pakistan with weaponry etc,.

I've stated before all pakistan needs is to secure Relations with Afghanistan, Iran, and China the rest learn on how they failed in the past wars, it depends if the chinese naval or resources are threatened gwadar.
Don't be delusional, No ammo! No artillery!
Pakistan has no advantage over India except you having a big protector(China).

I thought Saudi Arabia was an ally of Pakistan?

How come you are supporting India's position here?
I don't know about that.

Nehru certainly tried to take advantage in 1962 with the Forward Policy, immediately after we had just come out of a horrific famine (Great leap forward).

If they see blood they will try to bite, it's still the same Nehru-Gandhi family that is ruling India today.

1962 was a brilliant strategic move because they strike china at its weakes point, this must be admitted. However, they either underestimated chinese morale or overestimated their own military.

At present china is vastly superior to india so, yes, India would not be foolish enough to initiate any conflict with china. situation is different from 1962.
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