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India's Top Five Achievements Since Independence ( 1947 )


According to wiki...... 60% of people who fled to India were Hindus and rest were Christians, Buddhists and Muslims.
It is not exactly known what percentage of the people killed by the Pakistan army were Hindus, but it is safe to say it was disproportionately high. This widespread violence against Hindus was motivated by a policy to purge East Pakistan of what was seen as Hindu and Indian influences. The West Pakistani rulers identified the Bengali culture with Hindu and Indian culture, and thought that the eradication of Hindus would remove such influences from the majority Muslims in East Pakistan.

Many Hindus happened to be teachers, students, professors, intellectuals, doctors who were targeted first. Initially they resisted Pakistan army but were rounded up in large numbers and killed en masse. They were no match to well equipped professional Pakistan army. More than 2 million Hindus gave up their lives for your country. Many of their women were either widowed or raped by these brutes.

Why do you talk so disparagingly about BD Hindus ?? Why do you belittle their contributions to your country??

1.That data from wherever you quoted is incorrect. There was not a single Muslim family in the refugee camps. All Muslims went to fight. IA officers entrusted with the job, notably late Brig Sabegh Singh (late Maj Gen and Shaheed e Khalistan), tried their best to convince the Hindu youth to join MB. But they drew a zero. No one was willing. They preferred to stay in the camps as refugees or doing odd jobs with friends / relations in India.

2.The reason, not realized by us then, is very simple. Bengalee Hindus are overwhelmingly Nomo Shudro / Lower Cast who believe bearing arm is not their profession. That is why there were no Bengalee regts in British Indian Army and none in IA.

3. Our minorities, including Hindus, are happy in BD. They enjoy employment, and economic well being far better than the national average. You are complex-ed; I never belittled them.
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my personal view on India's Top Five Achievements Since Independence ( 1947 )
1. Maintaining its unity and integrity:
this one is great for indians, but threat to neighbors.

2. India’s vibrant democracy:
does not work as well as western democracy.too much chaos

3. The aam aadmi (common man)-specific programs:
don't know

4. India’s Space Program:
this one is nice

5. The Nuclear and Missile programs:
human does not need nuclear weapons ,unfortunately we both have.

6. The Growing Economy :
this one is amazing,should be the top achievement.
i'm curious how did you do it without a strong govt.
1.National unity and maturity of indian national identity amongst the general indian citizen.

2.Destruction of feudalism

3.Green revolution

4.Partial dismantling of caste system.At least all of it from urban areas.Process ongoing.

5.Secularism and democracy.Mature democratic system acknowledged as the only option.Secularism accepted by majority as right path and adopted as national policy.

Haters can suck it.

I do not want to derail the thread any further. Please see the link below where it is mentioned in the video that 30% of the refugees in this particular camp where Muslim.

British MPs visit Bangladeshi refugee camp. Douglas-Mann and Stonehouse interviews refugees; visit border.

Bangladeshi Refugee camp in India
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6. The Growing Economy :
this one is amazing,should be the top achievement.
i'm curious how did you do it without a strong govt.

Economic reforms of 90s were born more out of desperation than anything. Even now all political parties know how vital additional reforms are to the economy but still oppose it to keep their vote-banks intact. Just look at what happened during debate on FDI in retailing.

I Supose the biggest achievement for our democracy would be when all political parties start thinking rationally over issues of national interest and keep their petty difference aside (not that it is likely to happen soon, but as they say UMEED PAR DUNIYA KAYAM). :pleasantry:
Another Crowning achievement would be MID DAY MEAL SCHEME in schools.


Started in 1960s in TamilNadu by then CM K Kamaraj and later expanded by M G R, this scheme must rank as one of the most successful social program in independent India. Supreme court in a landmark judgment in 2001, led other states to adopt it and now entire country has this program.
School dropout rates have reduced as for many poor parents this is the only time their child gets to have a full meal. Even as i write this, its lunch time in lot of schools and who knows if one of the kids standing in line for lunch might be country's future PM or Chief Justice of India.


May God bless them and their food!


I believe mid-day meals was started by Tamilnadu and then it spread to other states. Even in United States we have subsidized meal program for poor kids.
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I believe mid-day meals was started by Tamilnadu and then it spread to other states.

You are right sir, the scheme started in Tamilnadu as a social welfare scheme.
Subsequently Supreme Court passed a judgment on Right to food which directed all states to provide cooked meals to students.
Despite being marred with controversies and scams, the scheme has held its own and many NGOs and non profit organizations are chipping in.
Even in United States we have subsidized meal program for poor kids.
Yes every civilized society owes it to its children, after all it is like investing in future.
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You are right sir, the scheme started in Tamilnadu as a social welfare scheme.
Subsequently Supreme Court passed a judgment on Right to food which directed all states to provide cooked meals to students.
Despite being marred with controversies and scams, the scheme has held its own and many NGOs and non profit organizations are chipping in.

Yes every civilized society owes it to its children, after all it is like investing in future.

If every kid is given right to education and one square meal then our HDI index will also increase from medium HDI to High HDI like rest of the developed countries. It also becomes easy to administer vaccines and also tackle anemia and iron deficiency.
Thanks for your wonderful post, my friend.

This is exactly the real payoff from the Green Revolution / White revolution... and that's what matters. :tup:

My dad was a school headmaster (retired few years back) .... and he often narrated about this mid day meal scheme running at his school ... but I saw this in picutures for the first time in my life.

Thanks again. Love you. :tup:

Another Crowning achievement would be MID DAY MEAL SCHEME in schools.


Started in 1960s in TamilNadu by then CM K Kamaraj and later expanded by M G R, this scheme must rank as one of the most successful social program in independent India. Supreme court in a landmark judgment in 2001, led other states to adopt it and now entire country has this program.
School dropout rates have reduced as for many poor parents this is the only time their child gets to have a full meal. Even as i write this, its lunch time in lot of schools and who knows if one of the kids standing in line for lunch might be country's future PM or Chief Justice of India.


May God bless them and their food!

Another Crowning achievement would be MID DAY MEAL SCHEME in schools.


Started in 1960s in TamilNadu by then CM K Kamaraj and later expanded by M G R, this scheme must rank as one of the most successful social program in independent India. Supreme court in a landmark judgment in 2001, led other states to adopt it and now entire country has this program.
School dropout rates have reduced as for many poor parents this is the only time their child gets to have a full meal. Even as i write this, its lunch time in lot of schools and who knows if one of the kids standing in line for lunch might be country's future PM or Chief Justice of India.


May God bless them and their food!


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Another Crowning achievement would be MID DAY MEAL SCHEME in schools.
Started in 1960s in TamilNadu by then CM K Kamaraj and later expanded by M G R, this scheme must rank as one of the most successful social program in independent India. Supreme court in a landmark judgment in 2001, led other states to adopt it and now entire country has this program.
School dropout rates have reduced as for many poor parents this is the only time their child gets to have a full meal. Even as i write this, its lunch time in lot of schools and who knows if one of the kids standing in line for lunch might be country's future PM or Chief Justice of India.


May God bless them and their food!


One of the good thing is, they even provided rice for this kids when the school is closed for vacation in Kerala, I am not sure about the other states.. Now a days even egg and milk are provided to these students..
My dad was a school headmaster (retired few years back) .... and he often narrated about this mid day meal scheme running at his school ... but I saw this in picutures for the first time in my life.
I'll share a real life instance.
Few years back, me and some people from my company went to a school for tribal children to donate some material we had collected from the township i live in. The mid day meal scheme here is run by ISKON and helped along by Brahmkumaris. On enquiry people around told us that they would love if people could come and volunteer some help (SEVA as they called), so we went back next sunday as well. I was pleasantly surprised to see a group of young ladies from mumbai doing various jobs and one of them told me that this service gives them a lot of inner peace and happiness and the group comes here often.
It was the first time in my life i realized what a huge difference can be created to society by small contributions from an individual and it need not necessarily be money. I'm sure there are many such examples in other parts of country too.
So next time your elders scold the new generation grinning " Is Desh ka kya hoga ", just smile on them. Not everything in our country is rotten.
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