I don't understand what is the hate towards those who have same sex marriages. It was a Victorian era law which was imposed by the British onto the subcontinent. Historically, it was never a crime in this part of the world. Everyone then had a free opinion about what one should and one should not do.
Are the homosexuals causing any harm to the country?
Are they killing people?
Are they destroying our infrastructure?
Are they robbing innocents?
No. Then why arrest or kill them?
What is wrong in it? The decriminalisation does not mean that it is going to propagate to those who are naturally straight.
It simply means what individuals want to do with consent in private is not going to be prosecuted.
Article 377 was imposed by British on the country. It has no place in today's era.
You mean your ancestors were performing homosexual acts before British Raj??? Well if they were and British Raj banned it,than ban on sati should also be removed as british raj banned the Sati Ritual too.