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India's possible war deployment

I did not write the three articles that started this thread so where does my ideology and mindset come into it?

Anything anti India, is your main mission as far as I can see from the post and your various articles on the net inluded one more below;

Akhand Hindustan By MBI Munshi

what I wish to hear from you is how India and Bangladesh can support each other and progress. I hardly find even one suggestion in that direction. Instead of bringing people together, you are working overtime to push them apart. How far you think you can push BD away from India by your doctored research ? Acceptability requires objectivity and not subjectivity. Anyway your choice...

Mr Munshi, If not Today, Tomorrows Generation will see thru your Dubious claims and counter claims against India. If Pakistan says all this We can Understand, We have fought wars Honorably and Respect each other. But you trying to Create tension between India and BD is not in anyones interest, especially BDs.
what I wish to hear from you is how India and Bangladesh can support each other and progress. I hardly find even one suggestion in that direction. Instead of bringing people together, you are working overtime to push them apart. How far you think you can push BD away from India by your doctored research ? Acceptability requires objectivity and not subjectivity. Anyway your choice...


Forget it dear friend , there still are many natives who still live in era before 1971, who considers themselves more of east pakistani than a free Bangladeshi. And few i can find them here.:tup:
Whether the leadership as well as people of Pakistan are concerned or not, whether Pakistani army is on alert or not, india is going to invade Pakistan very soon. If would be better not to relax, because the instinct nature of a snake is to bite and there is no emotional moral or humanitarian aspect left on this issue. Yes war can be prevented, if Pakistani leadership and people submissive to india's dadagiri which india wants from its heart, i.e., the aryavarta or cow belt land. Also india wants to hinduize the Pakistani culture by means of the chankyan strategy in the name of giving light. Now it is up to Pakistan whether they want to enlighten their society by zionist ideology or by their own means. Here one point, when the great leader Zinna made Pakistan, Pakistan had no geography, no material wealth, just a national ideology and thus that ideology is the identity and soul of Pakistan, and losing the ideology by any sasta measure will be a great blunder. That will also be a deceitful act against Pakistan's founding fathers and their martyrdom, their dream, their desire. Also if Pakistan so easily forgets 1971, then.... what can I say....?

Hope Pakistanis are not so stupid to sleep when the enemy is getting prepared. Otherwise, Pakistan will regret one day, but then nothing will be left nothing other than to weep silently. Janab Zaid Hamid has rightly remarked that Jo kaum tarikho se sabak nehi liya karta, oh jada dino tak jiya nehi karte. This is not an act of provocation, this is an act of alarm.

And not only Janab Zaid Hamid, anyone can understand or perceive this need to get alert if study the geopolitical activities and analyze india's past activities, right from 1857, the sepoy mutiny up to this present day....

And indian hindu fundamentalists are very cunning in diplomacy, they produce a great number of Mir Jafars to misguide and mislead the deprived population. Those Mir Jafars are the most dangerous snakes, most poisonous, their venom can kill anyone within a second.... yes it causes brain death.....
Forget it dear friend , there still are many natives who still live in era before 1971, who considers themselves more of east pakistani than a free Bangladeshi. And few i can find them here.:tup:

banghladesh is not free with a neighbour like india
y is everyone targetin MBI Munshi in this thread. he has got his own views and he has got an equal right in expressin them. dont read his posts if u dont lik wat he says. lets avoid targetin ppl (please)
but u do identify and correspond with these articles right?

Now you are making no sense at all. The first article is by a Pakistani the last two are by Indians and provide a different perspective.

Explain to me how one identifies and corresponds with these articles from such diverse sources. The thread came up as a source of information not with identifying with anything.
Whether the leadership as well as people of Pakistan are concerned or not, whether Pakistani army is on alert or not, india is going to invade Pakistan very soon. If would be better not to relax, because the instinct nature of a snake is to bite and there is no emotional moral or humanitarian aspect left on this issue. Yes war can be prevented, if Pakistani leadership and people submissive to india's dadagiri which india wants from its heart, i.e., the aryavarta or cow belt land. Also india wants to hinduize the Pakistani culture by means of the chankyan strategy in the name of giving light. Now it is up to Pakistan whether they want to enlighten their society by zionist ideology or by their own means. Here one point, when the great leader Zinna made Pakistan, Pakistan had no geography, no material wealth, just a national ideology and thus that ideology is the identity and soul of Pakistan, and losing the ideology by any sasta measure will be a great blunder. That will also be a deceitful act against Pakistan's founding fathers and their martyrdom, their dream, their desire. Also if Pakistan so easily forgets 1971, then.... what can I say....?

Hope Pakistanis are not so stupid to sleep when the enemy is getting prepared. Otherwise, Pakistan will regret one day, but then nothing will be left nothing other than to weep silently. Janab Zaid Hamid has rightly remarked that Jo kaum tarikho se sabak nehi liya karta, oh jada dino tak jiya nehi karte. This is not an act of provocation, this is an act of alarm.

And not only Janab Zaid Hamid, anyone can understand or perceive this need to get alert if study the geopolitical activities and analyze india's past activities, right from 1857, the sepoy mutiny up to this present day....

And indian hindu fundamentalists are very cunning in diplomacy, they produce a great number of Mir Jafars to misguide and mislead the deprived population. Those Mir Jafars are the most dangerous snakes, most poisonous, their venom can kill anyone within a second.... yes it causes brain death.....


How come Mir Zafar was produced by cunning Hindus ? I am some what at loss here. On war front I certainly agree with you. If things continue like this and India feels that Mumbai like incidents are being sponsored from Pakistan, sooner or later there will be war. Chances of next war getting out of control are very high. Only chance to avoid the war and have good relation is that both sides bring honesty and transparency in their dealings. We have the choice of either living in peace as good neighbours or annihilate each other. Time has come to decide on both sides.


How come Mir Zafar was produced by cunning Hindus ? I am some what at loss here. On war front I certainly agree with you. If things continue like this and India feels that Mumbai like incidents are being sponsored from Pakistan, sooner or later there will be war. Chances of next war getting out of control are very high. Only chance to avoid the war and have good relation is that both sides bring honesty and transparency in their dealings. We have the choice of either living in peace as good neighbours or annihilate each other. Time has come to decide on both sides.


Absolutely. A war is urgently needed to free india's captive Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and Mongoloids. I hope Pakistan and China will play a vital role in rescuing these people whom indian empire has made mere hostages to run its systematic concentration camp across the whole subcontinent. Because it is not in any way a just act to see some people like Narendra Modi (a war criminal), Lala Krisna Advani and Ratan Tata exploiting over 40 crores of deprived and exploited subjects.

Recently india's Supreme Court has given bail to Ashoka Todi who was involved in the murder of a Muslim boy Rizwanur Rehman as Rizwanur loved Ashoka's daughter. So in the name of democracy, it is autocracy.
Absolutely. A war is urgently needed to free india's captive Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and Mongoloids. I hope Pakistan and China will play a vital role in rescuing these people whom indian empire has made mere hostages to run its systematic concentration camp across the whole subcontinent. Because it is not in any way a just act to see some people like Narendra Modi (a war criminal), Lala Krisna Advani and Ratan Tata exploiting over 40 crores of deprived and exploited subjects.

Recently india's Supreme Court has given bail to Ashoka Todi who was involved in the murder of a Muslim boy Rizwanur Rehman as Rizwanur loved Ashoka's daughter. So in the name of democracy, it is autocracy.


1. Chinese are very smart people and rarely fight wars for others. You might hear some empty promises from them though, but not a single Chinese soldiar is going to show up when war starts. Hope you recollect the experience of 1971.

2. Giving bail does not mean he has been aquited. Read Indian media how it has been supporting Rizwan's case.

3. The moment you talk of Sikhs, you may have to empty Lahore as they claim that it was their capital city before British took over. They might claim entire Pakistani Punjab my friend.

Get all facts cleared before you pass on judgements my friend.


1. Chinese are very smart people and rarely fight wars for others. You might hear some empty promises from them though, but not a single Chinese soldiar is going to show up when war starts. Hope you recollect the experience of 1971.

2. Giving bail does not mean he has been aquited. Read Indian media how it has been supporting Rizwan's case.

Get all facts cleared before you pass on judgements my friend.


empty promise were from US not China ; China has given us 100-200 F-7s during the wars so US is a hypocrat and China is our friend ; while your mad because Russia is a friend of $$$$$$
empty promise were from US not China ; China has given us 100-200 F-7s during the wars so US is a hypocrat and China is our friend ; while your mad because Russia is a friend of $$$$$$

giving equipment is one thing and fight war is another. You might get equipment ( very unlikely for free though), but Chinese won't fight war with India along with you. You can rest sure of that.

200 F7s in in the 71 War??? Well the Americans didnt betray you completely, they send an Aircraft Carrier taskforce, but the Russian Nukesub trailing it scared their pants off :)

1. Chinese are very smart people and rarely fight wars for others. You might hear some empty promises from them though, but not a single Chinese soldiar is going to show up when war starts. Hope you recollect the experience of 1971.

2. Giving bail does not mean he has been aquited. Read Indian media how it has been supporting Rizwan's case.

3. The moment you talk of Sikhs, you may have to empty Lahore as they claim that it was their capital city before British took over. They might claim entire Pakistani Punjab my friend.

Get all facts cleared before you pass on judgements my friend.


1 In 1972 it was a civil war where Gandi Indira conspired against Pakistan and helped East Pakistan's misguided brainwashed sub-nationalist victims by sending troops across international border and cut off Pakistan's one hand. But you forgot 1962 when the entire indian army got disintegrated and disarrayed after the Chinese onslaught had begun and india went for begging to the US.

2 If media supported to that extent then how and why Supreme Court gives a criminal bail who was charged under non-bailable penal codes.

3 Khalistan does not comprise the west Punjab which is in Pakistan. Pakistan would have never supported morally, had it been so as you claimed.

Therefore get you facts correct before you comment which reflect how strong the brainwashing powder indian empire has.
1 In 1972 it was a civil war where Gandi Indira conspired against Pakistan and helped East Pakistan's misguided brainwashed sub-nationalist victims by sending troops across international border and cut off Pakistan's one hand. But you forgot 1962 when the entire indian army got disintegrated and disarrayed after the Chinese onslaught had begun and india went for begging to the US.

2 If media supported to that extent then how and why Supreme Court gives a criminal bail who was charged under non-bailable penal codes.

3 Khalistan does not comprise the west Punjab which is in Pakistan. Pakistan would have never supported morally, had it been so as you claimed.

Therefore get you facts correct before you comment which reflect how strong the brainwashing powder indian empire has.

1. Ofcourse we remember 1962 China war and don't deny that we were defeated badly. Looking back we feel that it was a good lesson for us as our leaders fresh from freedom movement, were living on high ideals of Gandian non-violence.

2. Indian judiciary system is very strong and we know that finally justice will be done to Rizwan family. Just wait for the final outcome. Don't jump your guns too early.

3. Please take history books out and look at the map of Sikh Kingdom and then write again on what all areas would be part of Khalistan. On a lighher note I don't have very high opinion about Pakistani policy makers as they always end up making blunder after blunder. They never know long term repercussions of their actions.

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