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India's little known super-weapon "KALI".

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Nice pictures but did you guys actually check out anything on these things? for one they are ONE SHOT devices. TWO they need 12000 litres of oil for cooling there are so many things you guys have forgotten to check.....Sigh! looks like we are back at square one :lol:
Nice pictures but did you guys actually check out anything on these things? for one they are ONE SHOT devices. TWO they need 12000 litres of oil for cooling there are so many things you guys have forgotten to check.....Sigh! looks like we are back at square one :lol:

seriously man whats your problem i think mods were a cut above the rest but they PROVE to be the same ...why are you being so negetive about indian ventures never saw your country doing half of what we are doing and yet again all this enemity crap comes in between :disagree:
Nice pictures but did you guys actually check out anything on these things? for one they are ONE SHOT devices. TWO they need 12000 litres of oil for cooling there are so many things you guys have forgotten to check.....Sigh! looks like we are back at square one :lol:
Well, you see our scientists are not as brilliant as Pakistani scientists, who just think of a missile one day, test it the next day and on the third day the military inducts it.

They have to go through the inconvenience of conceptualizing, planning, executing, testing, modifying, testing some more, adapting, testing yet some more before actually declaring it to be operational.

I hate toddling before being able to sprint, much like you. I agree with you. KALI-5000 should have been able to zap missiles right from the drawing board.
I do not think anybody is questioning whether R&D on Kali is going on. What our Pakisthani friends seem to be telling us that this is a little far away from being a deployable technology, and we may face many challenges in making it usable militarily. Point taken. Some technologies could fail when it comes to deployment. Possible.
We Indians are also telling the same thing. I am seeing no disagreement here between the citizens of the two countries which cannot ignore the other party.
Only if we were able to communicate the messages without taking potshots at one another....
Nice Idea..... Kali...... would love to see such machine in action.
Yeah pretty good effort by our scientists.. But Keysorzoe.. your argument america does not have it.. but india doesnt.. laughable theory.. is taken in the same sense.. :lol:We can do lot of things america didnt do till date.. and they can and have done lot of things we havent done till date. But only thing that differentiate us is the constant need to innovate. Please don't be sarcastic.. in your comments.. and especially since you are a pakistani it sounds like the case of sour grape. So please give specific points on the challengers or defects of the system rather than mere sarcasm. :agree:
I heard about this KALI project in 2002.

There is an other project called DURGA also there .

And as far as testing is concern it was tested in late 90s or around 2000-04.

but after that i haven't heard any new thing about this project.

At aero india 2007 on BR memeber asked about but official gave no proper answer.

May be they want to keep it secret like nuke sub.

During testing it was fine but it need let of time for cooling for fire again.

Also this for soft kill i.e to make incoming missile or jet electronically disable not for hard kill which means to burn the aircraft.

If any you u guys(indian member) heard about LASTEC then u know that india already in the path to develope direct energy weapon.

Laser Science and Technology Centre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

some information from BR site it is not KALI but i think better than KALI

Bharat Rakshak • View topic - Aero India 2009)
seriously man whats your problem i think mods were a cut above the rest but they PROVE to be the same ...why are you being so negetive about indian ventures never saw your country doing half of what we are doing and yet again all this enemity crap comes in between :disagree:

See zombie there are certain kind of ppls whom you no matter what your do cannot convince as there whole life revolve aroung denial as this gives them pleasure and peace of mind. So let is go. :enjoy:
But Keysorzoe.. your argument america does not have it.. but india doesnt.. laughable theory.. is taken in the same sense.. :lol:We can do lot of things america didnt do till date..
I don't think Mr keysorsoze is even aware of the fact that in India voting is done through EVM (Electronic Voting Machine) and in US they still use punching cards.

These pesky Indian scientists. How dare they beat Americans. I say it's blasphemy.
This is great! :victory:
But why do they give the projects religious names? Kali, Durga? Are we gonna have all the nine goddesses? We should have normal Indian names IMHO.
This is great! :victory:
But why do they give the projects religious names? Kali, Durga? Are we gonna have all the nine goddesses? We should have normal Indian names IMHO.
Don't know about Durga, but K.A.L.I is an acronym for Kilo-Ampere Linear Injector
Althoguh it is an active project. KALI-5000
Single Shot Pulsed Gigawatt Electron Accelerators

APPD has pioneered this technique in the country and has built four accelerators of this type. Starting with a modest power level of 0.4 GW, APPD has come a long way to build accelerators with a power level of 40 GW. KALI 80, KALI 200, KALI 1000, and KALI 5000 fall in this category.

every country has one of these programs. but i doubt any nation can develop such a capability on there own,the US has the resources will ability and the reason for such a program. first i would think a regional satellite if not global coverage of satellites is required for such a program. mainly for surveillance and then Communication. and then the technology for laser is still not very prefect, it requires too much fuel for such beams and space is not the most ideal refuleable place. i think it's the Australians who came up with another idea it was to use or convert a 747-400 and place a massive lazer at its head, using mirrors and lasers you would be able to deal with any threat coming up for yeah.

Lets wait and watch once they give us some proper research conclusion. from R&D.
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Don't know about Durga, but K.A.L.I is an acronym for Kilo-Ampere Linear Injector

Durga or Directionally Unrestricted Ray-Gun Array. Though scarce details on this are available, it is said to be an Indian version of the US Star Wars project in which in-coming missiles can be shot down, or burnt down, by laser guns based in space.
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