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India's hunger 'shame': 3,000 children starve to death daily

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Nov 17, 2011
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India's hunger 'shame': 3,000 children die every day, despite economic growth


Severely malnourished girl Rajni, 2, is weighed by health workers in Madhya Pradesh, India, February 1.

By Reuters

Almost as shocking as India's high prevalence of child malnutrition is the country's failure to reduce it, despite the economy tripling between 1990 and 2005 to become Asia's third largest and annual per capita income rising to $489 from $96.

A government-supported survey last month said 42 percent of Indian children under five are underweight - almost double that of sub-Saharan Africa - compared to 43 percent five years ago.

The statistic - which means 3,000 children dying daily due to illnesses related to poor diets - led Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to admit malnutrition was "a national shame" and was putting the health of the nation in jeopardy.

Poor hygiene, low public health spending and little education and awareness have not helped. Age-old customs discriminating against women such as child marriage have also contributed, but are far harder to tackle, say experts.

Four-month-old Vishakha, who weighs 2.3 kg (5 lbs) and suffers from severe malnutrition, rests on a bed next to her mother at the Nutritional Rehabilitation Centre, Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh, India on February 1.

Last month's report by the Indian charity Naandi Foundation, the first comprehensive data since a 2005/6 study, said India's "nutrition crisis" is an attributable cause for up to half of all child deaths.

Yet India's public spending on health, estimated at 1.2 percent of its GDP in 2009, is among the lowest in the world.

Indian mothers are themselves often undernourished, forced into early marriage when they reach puberty, and give birth to underweight babies with weak immune systems.

Illiteracy or lack of awareness takes its toll as well. These mothers do not breastfeed, offering buffalo milk and contaminated water instead and making their children prone to illnesses like diarrhea, which prevents nutrient absorption.

Mostly living on less than $2 a day, these families can hardly afford anything beyond wheat chapatis that are devoid of much-needed protein and other nutrients.

India's neglect of its young - 48 percent are stunted, 20 percent wasted and 70 percent anemic - will have serious repercussions. The World Bank says malnutrition in the poorest countries slashes around 3 percent from annual economic growth.

World News - India's hunger 'shame': 3,000 children die every day, despite economic growth

Too bad all the foreign weapons India buys for the military can't be used to fight poverty and starvation.
Very sad shocking that some of the worst African countries are better then India.
In wasting children, a richer India sees "national shame"

Crying as she is put on an electronic scale, two-year-old Rajini's naked shriveled frame casts a dark shadow over a rising India, where millions of children have little to eat.

The children are scrawny, listless and sick in this run-down nutrition clinic in central India with its intermittent power supply. If they survive they will grow up shorter, weaker and less smart than their better-fed peers.

Rajini weighs 5 kg (11 lb), about half of what she should.

"She's as light as a leaf, this can't be good," says her grandmother, Sushila Devi, poking her rib-protruding stomach in the clinic in Shivpuri district in Madhya Pradesh state.

Almost as shocking as India's high prevalence of child malnutrition is the country's failure to reduce it, despite the economy tripling between 1990 and 2005 to become Asia's third largest and annual per capita income rising to $489 from $96.

A government-supported survey last month said 42 percent of children under five are underweight - almost double that of sub-Saharan Africa - compared to 43 percent five years ago.

The statistic - which means 3,000 children dying daily due to illnesses related to poor diets - led Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to admit malnutrition was "a national shame" and was putting the health of the nation in jeopardy.

"It is a national shame. Child nutrition is a marker of the many things that are not going right for the poor of India," said Purnima Menon, research fellow on poverty, health and nutrition at the Institute of Food Policy Research Institute.

India's efforts to reduce the number of undernourished kids have been largely hampered by blighting poverty where many cannot afford the amount and types of food they need.

Poor hygiene, low public health spending and little education and awareness have not helped. Age-old customs discriminating against women such as child marriage have also contributed, but are far harder to tackle, say experts.

In addition, shoddy management of food stocks, subsidized carbohydrate-rich food that fuel and fill the poor rather than truly nourishing them and real shortages in its poorest states have worsened the problem.


At the Shivpuri clinic, health worker Rekha Singh Chauhan tends to emaciated young children in a ward with a ganglion of electrical wires running cross its paint-chipped walls.

"We only have a handful to take care of now, but come April, the cases will shoot up," says Chauhan, adding that diseases such as diarrhea and malaria will cause an influx of sick underweight children with the onset of summer.

"The situation becomes bad. Three children are made to share a bed and many have to sleep on the floor."

That picture jars with an India clocking enviable 8-9 percent growth over the last five years that has put money in the pockets of millions of its people and fuelled demand for everything from cars and computers to clothes and fancy homes.

It has also catapulted the country onto the world stage, boosting its claim for a bigger role on forums such as the U.N. Security Council. This month, it moved closer to buying new fighter jets worth a whopping $15 billion.

Yet while the urban middle classes dine in swanky shopping malls where eateries offer everything from sushi to burritos, millions of children are dying due to a lack of food.

Last month's report by the Indian charity Naandi Foundation, the first comprehensive data since a 2005/6 study, said India's "nutrition crisis" is an attributable cause for up to half of all child deaths.

Yet India's public spending on health, estimated at 1.2 percent of its GDP in 2009, is among the lowest in the world.

"This isn't a quick-fix that we're looking at here, it's not a magic bullet," said Jasmine Whitbread, CEO of Save the Children International.

"Not just in India, but in countries around the world, we know that you can't just rely on trickle down. There have to be policies in place, there have got to be political choices that prioritize malnutrition."

In Shivpuri, an impoverished tribal-dominated district in Madhya Pradesh state, that reality is on full display.

The region's malnutrition level for children under five matches the national average, but child mortality rates are worse at 103 deaths per 1,000. The national average is 66 deaths per 1,000, according to U.N. children's agency, Unicef.

Most of the children here are from India's most marginalized and poorest communities, such as tribals and lower castes where literacy is poor and poverty high.

Their mothers are themselves often undernourished, forced into early marriage when they reach puberty, and give birth to underweight babies with weak immune systems.

Illiteracy or lack of awareness takes its toll as well. These mothers do not breastfeed, offering buffalo milk and contaminated water instead and making their children prone to illnesses like diarrhea, which prevents nutrient absorption.

Mostly living on less than $2 a day, these families can hardly afford anything beyond wheat chapatis that are devoid of much-needed protein and other nutrients.


India's neglect of its young - 48 percent are stunted, 20 percent wasted and 70 percent anemic - will have serious repercussions. The World Bank says malnutrition in the poorest countries slashes around 3 percent from annual economic growth.

Malnourished children will struggle at school, if they go at all, and earn 20 percent less during their working life and are more prone to infections, including HIV, and death.

Human development goals, signed up to at the start of the millennium by 192 U.N. members, including India, are also at risk.

Reducing child malnutrition by half and child mortality levels by two-thirds of 1990 levels are unlikely to be met by India by the 2015 deadline, say experts.

In comparison, neighboring China has already achieved its target on malnutrition and under-five child mortality goals as its economic growth has been more broad-based, focusing on health, sanitation and small holder production.

While India has several schemes already running to battle malnutrition, the Indian government is now vaunting a multi-billion-dollar food subsidy program as a possible solution.

But the Food Security Bill, which guarantees cut-price rice and wheat to 63.5 percent of the population may be more a political gimmick, experts worry, than about providing nutritious food to those who need it most.

"The Food Security Bill is a very good development, but it is a food security bill, not a nutrition security bill," said Lawrence Haddad, director of the U.K.-based Institute of Development Studies.

For the children at Shivpuri's nutrition centre, government plans mean little unless they put enough of the right food in their stomachs.

"You see her arms? They are almost the width of my thumb," says Jharna, as she carried her limp, emaciated one-year-old grand-daughter, Sakshi, into the clinic. "She is too weak. She can't even sit by herself."

In wasting children, a richer India sees national shame | Reuters
"A government-supported survey last month said 42 percent of Indian children under five are underweight - almost double that of sub-Saharan Africa - compared to 43 percent five years ago."

Something to ponder.
Rising food prices force India to go hungry: Survey

At a time when India is trying to flex its muscle as an economic powerhouse, a survey has found out that rising cost has forced nearly 30 per cent of the families to slash their daily food intake.

The report prepared by international NGO Save the Children ought to come as a major embarrassment to the Centre which only last month awarded a contract worth around Rs.90,000 crore for 126 fighter aircraft but is still struggling to fix the cap on the poverty line.

The study also pointed out that in many homes children were forced to skip school to supplement family incomes while there were others who could not even "afford a diet containing the bare essentials of milk, eggs and vegetables".

The global survey took into account 1,000 households each in six countries, home to some of the world's largest number of malnourished children. Besides India, the countries include Bangladesh, Nepal, Peru, Nigeria and Pakistan.

"As many as 17 per cent of the people surveyed said they had to make their children skip school sometimes so that they (the children) could supplement family income," Jasmine Whitbread, the CEO of Save the Children said in the Capital on Wednesday.

"The survey was focused on India, which is home to the largest number of malnourished children in the world (more than 100 million)," he added. No wonder then that India fared just above Nigeria in the overall scale.

With global food prices showing a steep rise of more than 24 per cent last year as compared to 2010, the poor suffered the most.

The survey randomly picked up families from economically weaker sections of the Indian society.

Under this backdrop, 29 per cent of the Indian families covered by the survey said they did not have enough to eat.

"About one-third (over 29 per cent) of the Indian families surveyed said they were forced to cut back on food. While one in five Indian families (17 per cent) said their children had to skip school so they could work to help pay for food.

This percentage was much more than Bangladesh, where only 6 per cent of the children were forced to skip schools to supplement household incomes," the report stated.

"India is ranked fifth among the six countries surveyed, just above Nigeria, where the rate of school dropout is about 30 per cent."

Citing the report, Whitbread said: "About 24 per cent of the families said their children had to go without food for an entire day while 27 per cent Indians could never afford to buy meat, milk and vegetables each week.

Even Bangladesh fared better on that count. When it comes to going without food, Pakistan (12 per cent), Bangladesh (11 per cent) and Peru (14 per cent) fare much better than India (24 per cent) in the global standing. Only Nigeria's percentage is higher in this category (27 per cent)."

About 66 per cent Indians blamed their empty stomachs on rising food prices while the number was higher for Nigeria (94 per cent), Bangladesh (78 per cent) and Pakistan (7 77 per cent).

Read more at: Rising food prices force India to go hungry: Survey : North News - India Today
Read more at: Rising food prices force India to go hungry: Survey : North News - India Today

Read more at: Rising food prices force India to go hungry: Survey : North News - India Today

---------- Post added at 07:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:26 PM ----------

Half of Indian kids under five underweight: NGO

Kolkata: Around 48 percent of children under five years of age in India are underweight, ranging from 20 percent of the child population (under-five years) in Sikkim to a whopping 60 percent in Madhya Pradesh, according to NGO Child Rights and You (CRY).

Quoting data from the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3) report on health and nutrition, the NGO said in a statement that one out of every five children under five years is wasted (low weight for height), while seven out of every 10 children aged 6-59 months are anaemic.

"The effects of malnutrition are irreversible as it prevents children from growing to their full potential," CRY CEO Puja Marwaha said.

"Its effects are inter-generational -- a malnourished child suffers with diminished cognitive development, poor school performance and physical development, thus impacting his or her productivity as an adult, and for women giving birth to low birth weight babies," she added.

More than a quarter of the babies born in Bihar, Delhi, Punjab, Rajasthan and Tripura are low in birth weight, while Haryana leads the list with 32.7 percent of its child population weighing below par.

Standard weight of a normal child at the time of birth is 2.8 kg as prescribed by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Contrary to common perception, metropolitan cities like Mumbai, country capital New Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR) too have not escaped the grasp of malnutrition, where more than four out of every 10 children are stunted, the statement said.

On an average, 74 children out of 1,000 do not live to see their fifth birthday in India.

States like Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha and Jharkhand have even higher under-five mortality rate of 90 per 1,000, with more than 50 percent of them dying from malnutrition.

The immunisation rate of children in the age of 12-23 months is quite low, with an average of 43.5 percent. Not a single state has achieved the target of total immunisation.

Poor antenatal care for mothers contributes to the number of wasted and stunted children, making it increasingly difficult for them to escape the clutches of malnourishment, according to the statement.
Half of India's children 'undernourished

Around 500 million children could grow up physically and mentally stunted over the next 15 years because they don't have enough to eat, according to an international survey published by charity Save the Children.

The survey was carried out by the organisation in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria and Peru, and found many families could not afford meat, milk or vegetables.

Save the Children's director of advocacy in India, Shireen Vakil Miller, told Radio Australia's Asia Pacific program that almost half of all children in India were undernourished.

"That means they are stunted physically and cognitively for life - they cannot catch up," she said.

Ms Miller said the rising cost of food was one of the biggest concerns of those surveyed. And a spate of natural disasters has only exacerbated the problem, she said.

"Poor families spend about 90 per cent of their income on food, whereas wealthier families - in the UK for instance - spend only about 9 per cent of their income (on food)."

Ms Miller said when poor families cut back on spending, their diets become more basic.

"They just want to fill up their stomachs somehow (with things like rice or maize), but that is absolutely not nutritious and that's when malnourishment rates become high."

---------- Post added at 07:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:32 PM ----------

Need to make it no. 1 priority to feed the kids.

P.S. Few members are going to have a field day over this news, gloating on hungry kids.

There is noting to gloat about in fact It raises awareness of the problem.
"Indian mothers are themselves often undernourished, forced into early marriage when they reach puberty, and give birth to underweight babies with weak immune systems."

This must be the freedom Indians on this forum talk about. Indian girls must love to marry and bear children with 40 year old men right after they hit puberty since it is impossible to force the willing.

Indian women have freedom and Indian children are not starving are both the icing on Indian democracy.
Absolutely heart breaking.

India is not a poor country, it is a country that has ALOT of EXTREME poverty (India can easily wipe out poverty it if truly wanted to IMHO). For centuries now India has served only one purpose >>> LOOTING! Those who rule just loot loot and LOOT.

I bet some Indians will try and justify the sorry state of affairs by posting links to GoI programmes, who are you trying to kid? We all know it is not reaching those who need it and most of the aid is LOOTED!

India should change it's name to LOOTISTAN.

I hope Indians can "elect" a half decent leadership that actually puts nation and it's people first for a change and not political party's interest first! Jeez, an Indian doesn't rule India, why would a foreign ruler give a $hit about India? (F**K all that bahu of India BS, she ain't Indian FULL STOP).
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