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India's greatest gifts to China : Kung Fu and Zen Buddhism

In school they must have taught you that anything divided by zero is infinity. :wacko: Lot many ancient mathematicians tried to solve the puzzle of dividing by zero. Now we even have complex numbers in mathematics like A+jB. So, what's so funny about it. :laughcry:

Its a Math joke cause its futile to divide by zero, hence it's funny :laughcry:.
You are dominating my own delusion with zero. It serves no scientific purpose other than facilitating a numeral system. Even then Brahmagupta did not get the concept of zero correctly, he was dividing numbers with ZERO :omghaha: :omghaha:

It took Newton to correct it almost 1000 years later.

The History Of Zero

Now that is a ridiculous comment. Before commenting on Brahmagupta, you should know that he is among the top 20 mathematicians of all times. We are no one to ridicule him. The world owes a lot him.

The Thirty Greatest Mathematicians
In school they must have taught you that anything divided by zero is infinity. :wacko: Lot many ancient mathematicians tried to solve the puzzle of dividing by zero. Now we even have complex numbers in mathematics like A+jB. So, what's so funny about it. :laughcry:

LOL, it's very funny how stupid the way you spin it. Do you even know Mathematics? :omghaha:

According to Brahmagupta,
A positive or negative number when divided by zero is a fraction with the zero as denominator. Zero divided by a negative or positive number is either zero or is expressed as a fraction with zero as numerator and the finite quantity as denominator.
LOL, it's very funny how stupid the way you spin it. Do you even know Mathematics? :omghaha:

According to Brahmagupta,
A positive or negative number when divided by zero is a fraction with the zero as denominator. Zero divided by a negative or positive number is either zero or is expressed as a fraction with zero as numerator and the finite quantity as denominator.

Did any Chinese mathematician work on division by zero.
India never invented zero.

It's as big a hoax as saying 36% of NASA is made up of Indians :lol:
Yes,, we never divide using ZERO

Because you mathematicians never dared to think to such level. Brahmagupta was one of the pioneers of basic Algebra, Arabs studied his work and later spread it to Europeans. Don't make fool out of yourself. :omghaha::omghaha:
Because you mathematicians never dared to think to such level. Brahmagupta was one of the pioneers of basic Algebra, Arabs studied his work and later spread it to Europeans. Don't make fool out of yourself

Greek and chinese maths precedes Brahmagupta. The fools are the one claiming they invented ZERO yet they didn't know their zero was used for division with positive and negative sign :omghaha: :omghaha:
Chinese copy cats ....... :omghaha:

and their fake history.

Greek and chinese maths precedes Brahmagupta. The fools are the one claiming they invented ZERO yet they didn't know their zero was used for division with positive and negative sign :omghaha: :omghaha:
Bharat is not a relegious concept you clown. IT HAS FIXED GEOGRAPHIC CONNOTATIONS. Before 1947 the Pakistanis had to evolove two nation (it's called 'nation' you joker) theory to say that Bharat is two and not one. Goddamn troll.

And India started working on the princely states right away. No matter how you cut it, this claim still falls short. As for two-nation theory, the nations in question were Muslims and Hindus (not India and Pakistan - which did not exist at the time)
Greek and chinese maths precedes Brahmagupta. The fools are the one claiming they invented ZERO yet they didn't know their zero was used for division with positive and negative sign :omghaha: :omghaha:

Chinese have no major contribution in Algebra. I never said Indians discovered Algebra. Both ancient Greeks and Indians worked on it. Arabs translated the work for Brahmagupta into Arabic along with Greek works and worked on it which was later spread to Europe.
There was no such thing as "India" back then, that is a modern creation. It never existed in history.

The place in which Buddha was born (Lumbini) corresponds to the modern day nation of Nepal, which was never a part of India or British India.

Nepal has always been part of Indian civilization. Civilization is how both India and China are referred to as ancient countries. Many rulers dynasties of Nepal have origins from other parts of India. In ancient times, only the region around Kathmandu was called Nepal which did came under the rule of Indian Maurya Empire (if only political boundaries satisfy your definition of a nation). And Nepal was a nominal vassal state under Gupta Empire.

Going by your logic Tibet was never a part of China up until half a century ago.

But unlike the chinese, we never lay claim on everything that came under our influence as our territory. Nepal is an independent country and every Indian respects this fact.
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