Those indian Punjabis make up less than 3% of india's population. And they are still quite different to Pakistani Punjabis. Therefore at least 97% of indians have nothing in common with Pakistanis racially. This actually confirms my own personal observations here in London. It explains why UK Pakistanis look so physically different to UK indians. I myself have seen countless indians over the last 30 years here in London and I have never ever felt that they are similar to me, other Pakistanis or felt any connection with them whatsoever. In fact indians seem as foreign/alien to me as Black Africans are. From my POV, indians are a strange, weird, alien & malevolent people. I am repulsed by them.
PS 3% of indians who are Punjabis who may have a minor racial link to Pakistan is neither here nor there. The Baloch in Pakistan who now make nearly 10% of Pakistan's population are a Persian race directly related to modern day Iranians. Just as at least 15% of Pakistanis have a direct racial link to Afghanistan. That doesn't make us Pakistanis Iranian/Persian, Middle Eastern, Afghan just as it doesn't make us indian.
And the end of the day, ALL the above is mere conjecture. As time goes on, Pakistan will cease to have any connection/link to india whatsoever. Especially now since the borders are compmetely sealed. This is all set to increase as Pakistan's link to China, and Turkey grow in every field. Now even people to people contact between these 3 countries is increasing as is Turkish/ Islamic & Chinese culture in Pakistan. This is all inceeasing massively.
Indian Punjab & Haryana is 55 million which is 5% of population.
Pakistan Punjab is 101 million which is 60% of Pakistan population
The linguistic, cultural, genetic similarities are too huge to ignore. Plus you are neighbors.
You are free to dabble in Turkish and Chinese cultures. Good luck