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India's crazy deficit, when it will explode?

With only $200 billion government revenue, India should affort $200 billion fiscal deficit and $200 billion trade deficit.

How crazy India government are? It seems like a person earns $200B a year but expend $600B. even far more crazy than Greece. Overdraft for false prosperity would not last on.

So who can tell me when it will explode? It will hurt others too.

India's trade deficit widens to $20 bn in January

domain-b.com : India's trade deficit may hit $200 billion in FY'13
So what's bothering you? It doesn't affect you in any way, does it? Go have some coffee and relax. :coffee:
Not only that Indian Govt should impose high excise duties on the companies who are using or importing machineries from China and subsidies should be given to the companies who are using Indian machines and Indian raw material....

Secondly no companies should be allowed to deduct depriciation on imported machineries....

You know that we are a WTO member???
@Ayush Modi bhai will come in. We need stream lined operations and efficiency in all areas. Nothing drastic. Just better implementation.

He focuses more on Agriculture and Villages. Govt. fails to use villages for economic development. Most of the population lives in villages and small towns.

Villages and small industrial towns are where raw material for many industries come. You solidify and increase efficiency and productivity of that section of society, it gives good base for economic growth and a good Economical Shock Absorber.
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can you elaborate krait.

can you elaborate krait?
He means in 2014 we will have new govt and a powerfull leader Narendra Modiji who will have new economic policy and i won't be surprised if he will give more focus on exporting Value added product and not raw material.....Narendra Bhai aave che..Dhoom Dhdaka hove che....
He means in 2014 we will have new govt and a powerfull leader Narendra Modiji who will have new economic policy and i won't be surprised if he will give more focus on exporting Value added product and not raw material.....Narendra Bhai aave che..Dhoom Dhdaka hove che....

modi bhai for pm.:yahoo:
illusion8;3918188]:lol: I am not a great fan of Bollywood movies but seems as if you are - kindly specify which movie script you seem to be referring here.

For a second their i though you were some one as smart as KRAIT i was obviously wrong My apologies.

Kindly prove this passage with facts...and even if it is true..why do you think the same cannot be applied against China? - there are a number of cases where it's happened...

Tainted Chinese Imports Common
Tainted Products from China | topic | Epoch Times
Is China trying to poison Americans and their pets?
From Milk to Peas, a Chinese Food-Safety Mess - NYTimes.com
Consumer Safety and China - The New York Times
Milk Contaminated With Detergent Recalled in China
U.S. Sets Anti-Dumping Duties on China Solar Imports - Bloomberg

which part of Its up yo the Importers to pick the quality of the product u have a problem understanding.As far as recall is concerned i guess other then Indian Manufacturer all other make mistakes.

I agree with it, one cannot compete with China on it and our people highly benefit from cheaper goods from China.

Average computer programmer in west and other high tech places were averaging well over $100,000 us dollars per year or more and that was in the 90s same jobs are being done in India for less then 10G/yr Now.

I like How Indians call Chinese goods cheap cause of cheap labor while going to work at a plant that moved its production out of western nation into India or at a call center that services the western world.

what are you trying to pull Most Jobs that came to India just as the went to china were to take advantage of cheap labor lower taxes.

you wanna live in self created illusion more power to you but please spare me the B.S.
Well we have to just wait for 2014. After that tables will turn and Economic boom will happen. :enjoy:

As far as economy of pakistan is concerned we have gone from 90billion/yr to well over 200billion/yr against all odds in very short time. So don't worry about Pakistan we will fix it stay with the topic which isn't about pakistan or the withdrawal of Americans from Afghanistan.
As far as economy of pakistan is concerned we have gone from 90billion/yr to well over 200billion/yr against all odds in very short time. So don't worry about Pakistan we will fix it stay with the topic which isn't about pakistan or the withdrawal of Americans from Afghanistan.
I didn't even talk about Pakistan. :blink:

I am not worried about Pakistan. I just think about my country. As long as Pakistan don't causes problem in my country, I don't care. :enjoy:

Much bigger dangers are within India, Pakistan comes way behind.
If you were to impose high taxes on Chinese companies or goods that will send a wrong message to the world not to mention Chinese retaliation plus not allowing business to write off depreciation means their will be no more investment in India economy by business.
If America can impose high taxes on chineese products then why can't we...and even if we can't impose high taxes on chineese goods then we definatly put road blocks on chineese goods ...if you can't increase the direct taxes on chineese goods then focus in increasing indirect taxes on chineese goods...

Secondly i said that govt should not allow companies to write off depriciation on chineese machines only....This will increase the cost of goods produced by chineese machines....so at the end companies will definatly prefer Indian machineries over Chineese..and i don't think any company in the world will not invest in India just because they can't write off depriciations on Chineese Machineries....
For a second their i though you were some one as smart as KRAIT i was obviously wrong My apologies.

which part of Its up yo the Importers to pick the quality of the product u have a problem understanding.As far as recall is concerned i guess other then Indian Manufacturer all other make mistakes.

:lol: I seriously did not understand jack from your paragraph there - so let me leave it to Krait to deduce what you were trying very hard to say there.

I quite remember asking proof for your claims about India getting itself some law suits about anti dumping in the WTO and you offer me this rant in return. :lol:. have fun with Krait.

Average computer programmer in west and other high tech places were averaging well over $100,000 us dollars per year or more and that was in the 90s same jobs are being done in India for less then 10G/yr Now.

I like How Indians call Chinese goods cheap cause of cheap labor while going to work at a plant that moved its production out of western nation into India or at a call center that services the western world.

what are you trying to pull Most Jobs that came to India just as the went to china were to take advantage of cheap labor lower taxes.

you wanna live in self created illusion more power to you but please spare me the B.S.

Are you very sure about the salaries there - keeping in mind about the cost of living in both countries though - again can i burden your limited intelligence with drawing up some facts as to the exact reasons why these services are being outsourced to India - though cost is a small factor - but also the work gets done quite appreciably.
The problem with India is that it has developed its services economy much faster than its manufacturing economy. The result is that the growing afluence of the Indians increase the demands for goods and services. That when India doesn't have the capability to manufacture a lot of these goods domestically has led to the increase of imports. With a services economy you buy what the world produce with a manufacturing economy the world buys what you produce. This is where India is at right now.
:lol: I seriously did not understand jack from your paragraph there - so let me leave it to Krait to deduce what you were trying very hard to say there.

I quite remember asking proof for your claims about India getting itself some law suits about anti dumping in the WTO and you offer me this rant in return. :lol:. have fun with Krait.

Are you very sure about the salaries there - keeping in mind about the cost of living in both countries though - again can i burden your limited intelligence with drawing up some facts as to the exact reasons why these services are being outsourced to India - though cost is a small factor - but also the work gets done quite appreciably.

India's import bill has gone up by 0.04%, coupled with a reduced exportcompared to the same period. Let's see what the new budget brings to the table. Subsidy removal on fuel, higher taxes on imports, look into anti dumping complaints will help in bringing it down. Also gold imports need to reduce, the current gold prices are crazy.

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