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Indians leave a footprint in CERN

hahaha.. you pissed off by pakistanis success?/ India is 22 times bigger than pakistan and 40 engineer on one project and from pakistan 30 engineer on two projects?? does this make you troll ?? this article is for the common man who can read urdu (from BBC and not from pakistani media)... & common man doesnt know technicalities and you wanted the article to explain the projects.. get a life... huh..

me getting pissed off ??? HAHA

firstly, the thing called BOSON came from an INDIAN scientist's name. So basically your scientists are working on things discovered/proposed by an INDIAN long ago.. :lol:

secondly, I never even bothered to ask how many scientists are from pakistan ? Heck, I didn't even care for no of Indian scientists working for that matter.

thirdly, I only commented on the way that urdu(sh!t) article was written not the matter as such.

fourthly, I am not the one posting d!ck measuring articles and the scientists working there would have probably got their pHDs before I was born also..

fifthly, When it comes to scientific matters, INDIANS would feel shameful even to think about pakistan in same tone..
“India is like a historic father of the project,” Paolo Giubellino, CERN spokesperson had said back in October last year when PTI visited the facility.

30 pakistanis were also the part of this project.Proud to be a pakistani:pakistan:
Nevertheless it was an international effort and credit goes to every one who contributed in the project wether pakistani,indian or any other country.Congrats to all of them:cheers:
30 pakistanis were also the part of this project.Proud to be a pakistani:pakistan:
Nevertheless it was an international effort and credit goes to every one who contributed in the project wether pakistani,indian or any other country.Congrats to all of them:cheers:

More than 15000 scientists worked on the project.. I would say it was a tremendous effort by whole humanity in it's journey towards unraveling the secrets of the universe.
me getting pissed off ??? HAHA

firstly, the thing called BOSON came from an INDIAN scientist's name. So basically your scientists are working on things discovered/proposed by an INDIAN long ago.. :lol:

secondly, I never even bothered to ask how many scientists are from pakistan ? Heck, I didn't even care for no of Indian scientists working for that matter.

thirdly, I only commented on the way that urdu(sh!t) article was written not the matter as such.

fourthly, I am not the one posting d!ck measuring articles and the scientists working there would have probably got their pHDs before I was born also..

fifthly, When it comes to scientific matters, INDIANS would feel shameful even to think about pakistan in same tone..

you are pissed off.. evident even from the above comment!!! you dont really know what crap you typed from your ****** mind... sometime you point out on urdu language.. and sometime indians feeling shameful.. like i said befor.. go and get a life..
one thing I am sure about that is, these researches will not lead to anywhere. They only provide Jobs. Any ways. good going India.

And the structure of the atom, radioactivity and the theory of fission had no practical result either, right? You seem to have forgotten the big explodey things your two countries threaten each other with, nor those scary power plants.
This is straight from cern website.

30 pakistanis were also the part of this project.Proud to be a pakistani:pakistan:
Nevertheless it was an international effort and credit goes to every one who contributed in the project wether pakistani,indian or any other country.Congrats to all of them:cheers:

This is not di*k measuring contest buddy :P Any way i appreciate their contribution .
me getting pissed off ??? HAHA

firstly, the thing called BOSON came from an INDIAN scientist's name. So basically your scientists are working on things discovered/proposed by an INDIAN long ago.. :lol:

secondly, I never even bothered to ask how many scientists are from pakistan ? Heck, I didn't even care for no of Indian scientists working for that matter.

thirdly, I only commented on the way that urdu(sh!t) article was written not the matter as such.

fourthly, I am not the one posting d!ck measuring articles and the scientists working there would have probably got their pHDs before I was born also..

fifthly, When it comes to scientific matters, INDIANS would feel shameful even to think about pakistan in same tone..

There is a reason why Pakistan was able to contribute more than India. India only got involved recently while Pakistan entered this project decades ago. Secondly, I think what Pakistani's shoul consider is how quickly CERN came to an ancwer after Indian involvement. As they say, " Its quality over quantity anyday!"

The potential discovery of the Higgs boson is a gateway to a new era that could see humanity unlock some of the universe’s great mysteries, including dark matter and light-speed travel, scientists have claimed.

The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) unveiled data from the Large Hadron Collider Wednesday “consistent with the long-sought Higgs boson,” an elusive particle thought to help explain why matter has mass.

Scientists went into a frenzy following the announcement, speculating that it could one day make light-speed travel possible by “un-massing” objects or allow huge items to be launched into space by “switching off” the Higgs.

CERN scientist Albert de Roeck likened it to the discovery of electricity, when he said humanity could never have imagined its future applications.

“What’s really important for the Higgs is that it explains how the world could be the way that it is in the first millionth of a second in the Big Bang,” de Roeck said.

“Can we apply it to something? At this moment my imagination is too small to do that.”

Physicist Ray Volkas said “almost everybody” was hoping that, rather than fitting the so-called Standard Model of physics — a theory explaining how particles fit together in the Universe — the Higgs boson would prove to be “something a bit different.”

“If that was the case that would point to all sorts of new physics — physics that might have something to do with dark matter,” he said, referring to the hypothetical invisible matter thought to make up much of the universe.

“It could be, for example, that the Higgs particle acts as a bridge between ordinary matter, which makes up atoms, and dark matter, which we know is a very important component of the universe.”

“That would have really fantastic implications for understanding all of the matter in the universe, not just ordinary atoms,” he added.

Clarification could be expected by the beginning of 2013. Definitive proof that it fitted the Standard Model could take until 2015 when the LHC had more power and could harvest more data.

The LHC is due to go offline for a two-year refit in December that will see its firepower doubled to 14 trillion electronvolts — a huge step forward in the search for new particles and clues about what holds them all together.

De Roeck said he would find it a “little boring at the end if it turns out that this is just the Standard Model Higgs.”

look like a "JIHADI FATAWA"

We all know what is contribution of "Islami terrorist" in science ! IN CERN , people from all over world are working so no wonder pakistan sent their talent to clean toilets of CERN.

trust me i am living in UAE for more than 4 years now.. i have never seen a single labour from pakistan doing toilet cleaning in malls and other places but indians ARE doing this toilet cleaning in abundance..
trust me i am living in UAE for more than 4 years now.. i have never seen a single labour from pakistan doing toilet cleaning in malls and other places but indians ARE doing this toilet cleaning in abundance..

You being a Pakistani and singing praises of Pakistan takes away Trust Factor COMPLETELY :D
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