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Indian students in Australia suffer from Racism

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Majority of Indians are double face and they kiss so much a*s that goras start taking them for granted and then these goras walk all over them!

I have worked with Orthodox Jews and realized that their hate for Pakistan is far less then that of the Indians.

One of my ex was an Indian and beside my good looks, hypocricy and a*s kissing by Indians was one of the main reasons she went out with a Pakistani
Majority of Indians are double face and they kiss so much a*s that goras start taking them for granted and then these goras walk all over them!

I have worked with Orthodox Jews and realized that their hate for Pakistan is far less then that of the Indians.

One of my ex was an Indian and beside my good looks, hypocricy and a*s kissing by Indians was one of the main reasons she went out with a Pakistani

let me highlight the SWEEPING statements you have made ;

1. .....beside my good looks..... !!! Relax, we all feel like Rock Hudson when we stand in front of the mirror . But this one is funny to say the least.

2....Majority of Indians are double face and they kiss so much a*s that goras start taking them for granted, ...NO comments.

3. ...I have worked with Orthodox Jews and realized that their hate for Pakistan is far less then that of the Indians.. a question of whom & the type of ppl you have worked with & their knowledege of regional affairs. The Jews I work with ( & they are not othodox) feel differently.

Sometimes it is better not to post anything rather than expose one's intellect ( or lack of it) or the 'foot in mouth' disease one suffers from.
America didn't become America without working hard but the fact is multinational company outsourcing for bigger profit and that has nothing to do with American being less hardworking though American will not work like slave.

I don't know the situation in Australia but the feeling for Indians in America is negative as many educated Americans out of job due to fact that many of the jobs out sourced to India over the years mainly in technical field also company like Microsoft bring Indians with V1 visa. I think things will turn around as American will not tolerate anymore as many graduate students are out of job and won't mind to work with less salary.

Completely out of perspective. Ever counted the number of racist attacks against Asians in US, and compared to those in Europe and then to Australia? You will be shocked that Americans are least racist and are a far more tolerant society in among the western countries. Economic downturn is a recent phenomenon, there is discontent against "foreigners" takin up jobs, which includes Indians, Chinese, Pakistanis, Malays, Brits and every non American. Till 2008 there was little complaint against Asians, because everybody was happy with a robust economy that was thriving on Asian blood. But all of a sudden job losses ought to have plummeted "buy American products, work for America" feeling and its quite understandable. And yet there are been virtually no racist attacks in US.

Coming to Australia. Economic downturn isnt the reason for racist attacks. There have been little job losses in Australia, and there is no "foreigner" resentment when it comes to jobs.

But, Australia has racism in its true form. And perhaps the most racist country on the planet. SO much so that their constitution recognised Australia as a "country for white men and women only" from 1901 till 1973.
White Australia policy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The kind of racism that persists in Australia is not seen anywhere else, nearly all foreigners including Asians, Jews(I feel sorry for the kind of racism the face), Saudis all have faced numerous attacks that cannot even be compared to Europe. Infact 83% of their population agree that there is widespread racism.

These stats speak for themselves:

Racism in Australia:

Go straight to page 7.

And here what US born ex-CEO has to say about Australia:

Former Telstra CEO Trujillo calls Australia racist, backward

Former Telstra Corp Ltd chief executive Sol Trujillo has described Australia as racist and backward, in an interview with the BBC.

The US-born Mr Trujillo, who recently stepped down as the head of Telstra after his tenure, described Australia as like "stepping back in time", and having "restrictive" immigration policies.

In the interview, Mr Trujillo was asked if there was racism in Australia and replied: "I think it was evident in a lot of ways with me personally but a more importantly with others."

Mr Trujillo left Australia this month, weeks before his expected June 30 departure date, after David Thodey, an internal candidate, was named as his successor.

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Majority of Indians are double face and they kiss so much a*s that goras start taking them for granted and then these goras walk all over them!

I have worked with Orthodox Jews and realized that their hate for Pakistan is far less then that of the Indians.

One of my ex was an Indian and beside my good looks, hypocricy and a*s kissing by Indians was one of the main reasons she went out with a Pakistani

Hold it right right there. You are not stating facts, you are stating your widespread hatred against Indians.

No self-respecting human being indulges in "*** kissing". And Indians have no reason to. They are intelligent, hard working and are rewarded with dignity. What you have just said his how you would want to see Indians, because of your anti-Indians prejudice and not the reality you live in.

And according to your 'intelligent logic' I should also start stereotyping all Pakistanis as terrorists as 70% of the terrorists ataks have had a Pakistani involved? That wont be nice, eh? So why dont you go back to your cave and introspect the real reason about racism, rather than banging your head against the wall to make a point?:hitwall:
LOL ignorent bloody idiots - lol sorry guys to offend you. but - FOR a normal igonrent caucasion - a curry muncher is curry muncher - let it be pakistani or indian. they are both same to them.

rather - they some time call us pakistani - which is a derogatory term according to them.( which i dont agree at all.) -

and Please dont justify -racism , just because a indian is being harrased.
racism exist more in all the countries - india pakistan china japan korea -aussie us .......
but we can not blame a whole country for it. its just a little bunch of under educated ignorant fools.

secondly - my best of friends are Pakistani - crazy buggers they are. I never heard even once in my life a derogatory comment coming out of them -for me being indian- of course in jokes we call each other - all those obnoxious words.

I never really faced -dark side of racism. Because i know how to give it back to their rowdy lil racist arse.

aussie are not not really racist - just that asian student look soft target,
i say give it back once and see how many racist come back....

Racist are B!Atches.
dude...what is wrong with everyone?
we were united once against the british...and trust me they hated us just the same.
SSGPA1 dude....what about the other pakistanis who unfortunately look like us?
whenever some of these pakistanis start getting all narcissist about their looks and skin color,texture,nose bridge width...blue eyes...all the smilies in the world dwarf out!
for me these pakistanis are more into the pigment-depleted butt cracks than the indians they complain about!
I've noticed that too about Indians, especially about Indian Punjabis, that they drink way too much alcohol and then they have no control over their behaviors and when they are outside, the locals will think all people from their country must be the same.

please omar lets not generalise shall we...because the definition of racism is to generalise something good or bad about an entire 'nasl' or race...think about it.
and it's not that drinking is prohibited in india...unlike pakistan(it's a big taboo isn't it?)
Majority of Indians are double face and they kiss so much a*s that goras start taking them for granted and then these goras walk all over them!

I have worked with Orthodox Jews and realized that their hate for Pakistan is far less then that of the Indians.

One of my ex was an Indian and beside my good looks, hypocricy and a*s kissing by Indians was one of the main reasons she went out with a Pakistani

" One of my ex was an Indian and beside my good looks, hypocricy and a*s kissing by Indians was one of the main reasons she went out with a Pakistani "

Well,u know what...we do have our share of very dumb indian gals in UK. .

Anyway,they(white racists) call every south asian as ****.
It could have been a word taken on "india",but guess they love pakistan more and prefered to brush all south asian as pakis.

They should have been more discreet before clubing fair skined(nuts),forth right and courageous fron darkie, coward and hypocrite indian together.

Alas,in white racist's eye all south asian whether pakistani,indian,bangladeshi look just the same **** type.

The more serious point here is...this outcry in indian aganist racism in Australia is not just because racial jibes were thrown between rival youth gangs of difference races,but its about physical attack bearing racial overtones which left some lone indian student or taxi driver dead and seriously injured while in travelling their subways or living in bad neighbourhoods. .
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Majority of Indians are double face and they kiss so much a*s that goras start taking them for granted and then these goras walk all over them!
While your observation is similar as mine, I would say Indians (exceptions are always there) are 'diplomatic' and 'humble'. And they indeed are diplomatic and humble to such an extent where these white folks start taking them for granted.
I hope you guys realize that white people cannot tell the difference between a Pakistani, Indian or Bangladeshi. As far as they are concerned, we're all the same. Sikhs were targeted after 9/11 for god's sake. These attacks are RACIAL, they are not directed towards any particular nationality, it just so happens most south asians are Indian. They wouldn't react any differently to Pakistanis, I doubt they would give you the time to explain yourself, or give you a break because of your 'dashing Pakistani looks'.

Australia has always had a reputation of being a racist country, I don't understand why any south asian would want to go there, but I guess money talks. There were incidents during cricket matches, they actually have race riots against lebanese folk, they even give the aborigines, the original inhabitants, a hard time.

My brother wanted to go down there to study but fortunately my dad didn't let him, the U.S was and always will be the best option available.
I hope you guys realize that white people cannot tell the difference between a Pakistani, Indian or Bangladeshi. As far as they are concerned, we're all the same. Sikhs were targeted after 9/11 for god's sake. These attacks are RACIAL, they are not directed towards any particular nationality, it just so happens most south asians are Indian. They wouldn't react any differently to Pakistanis, I doubt they would give you the time to explain yourself, or give you a break because of your 'dashing Pakistani looks'.

Australia has always had a reputation of being a racist country, I don't understand why any south asian would want to go there, but I guess money talks. There were incidents during cricket matches, they actually have race riots against lebanese folk, they even give the aborigines, the original inhabitants, a hard time.

My brother wanted to go down there to study but fortunately my dad didn't let him, the U.S was and always will be the best option available.
You may be right, but my Dad did his post graduation from UNSW, Sydney. He never told us anything like that.
^^ That's good, you dad had a better experience than most. But, from the looks of it, I think he figured the US is a better option. (given your location).

My dad, and family in general, cannot think of a better place than the US for an immigrant, regardless of who you are or where you come from. If there's any place you have a chance of being treated equally, its here.
My dad, and family in general, cannot think of a better place than the US for an immigrant, regardless of who you are or where you come from. If there's any place you have a chance of being treated equally, its here.
I fully agree with you. The USA is USA for her tolerance towards the immigrants.
Majority of Indians are double face and they kiss so much a*s that goras start taking them for granted and then these goras walk all over them!

I have worked with Orthodox Jews and realized that their hate for Pakistan is far less then that of the Indians.

One of my ex was an Indian and beside my good looks, hypocricy and a*s kissing by Indians was one of the main reasons she went out with a Pakistani

Good observation.

Travel advisory to all Pakistanis in Australia, carry a signboard saying 'I'm a Pakistani' to save themselves from prejudice :lol::lol::lol:
Canada beats US in terms of being a haven for migrants....
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