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Indian stars accused of misusing top Muslim shrine

the same way even zardari should be accused of misusing muslim shrine for praying to win elections again...:rofl:

nhi ji zardari qoum par kia ghey muzalim ka kafara ada karne jata ha inn shirine par

You meant to say if Muslim marries a non Muslim he is not a Muslim.

Really? and where i said that? :no: Its not my problem if you are having trouble in understanding my post..

I said such marriage is not valid as per Islamic teaching even though you personally can tolerate it
Better than Zardari who even did 420 with god.
nhi ji zardari qoum par kia ghey muzalim ka kafara ada karne jata ha inn shirine par

Really? and where i said that? :no: Its not my problem if you are having trouble in understanding my post..

I said such marriage is not valid as per Islamic teaching even though you personally can tolerate it
if 2 people decide to tie the knot, no religion has any business to validate of invalidate it.
if 2 people decide to tie the knot, no religion has any business to validate of invalidate it.

Religion has business if any or both of them follow that religion . Sure religion has no business if both of them are atheists :)
Religion has business if any or both of them follow that religion . Sure religion has no business if both of them are atheists :)
if wht you say is acceptable, then what if one religion is ok with the marriage and the other is not? naturally the couple will go to where they are accepted to validate the marriage
Intention of your mum was very good and i appreciate her kindness but it was duty of that Muslim girl to let your mum know that she will not mind if your mum eat in front of her because fasting is for Muslims and why someone who is not Muslim should quit eating because she or he have friends who are Muslims and having fast. should my friends start praying because they see me offering namaz? I dont even make advertisement of my religious deeds..most of the times my close non Muslims friends don't even know that i am having fasting or offering prayers in any corner during breaks

Dear you do not have to be Muslim in order to fast we do it also on certain times but my mum did not in order for her to miss a meal, she did the whole Ramadan to experience how it would be the feeling of it.
Is it better to be annihilated or alienated? Religion is a personal relationship between you and your God and it don't stop you having good relationship with your neighbours, friends , colleges or university mates no matter what religion they follow. I am Muslim but i have very good friends who are even atheists and agnostics, When we say word multicultural society then we admit and accept the fact that different cultures exist in society and all of them should have their private space and acceptance. I should not be insecure that if i don't invite my Hindus friends in aftari then they will think i am rigid mullah etc or if they don't invite me in their religious festival or ceremonies which are irrelevant to me then they will become extremist hindu ec . We all should understand that different things are only relevant to peoples follow that particular faith or beliefs :)
if religion is a personal relationship why get it into politics as it happens in muslim majority countries?
I see it just as a form of imperialism.
By fasting, whether during Ramadan or other times, a Muslim draws closer to God by abandoning body pleasures, such as food and drink. This makes the sincerity of their faith and their devotion to God (Arabic: Allah) all the more evident.

This same principle can be done by a non-muslim but the God they worship may be diffrent but the goal the same.
When, only God determines what he will and will not grant, heck i don't even like to comment on religious matter because of the fear of giving wrong info. So yeah better to consult a religious scholar or something.

I agree, people shouldn't mix Islam with other religions or religious beliefs.
then wht is real islam, sunnism, shiaism, ahmadism, wahbi, salafi, sufi deobandi.. they are all just different mistures

what :lol:

any evidence?

I am not fan of Dr zakir naik but as far i know Dr zakir naik say all previous religious scriptures have been distorted and changed by historians or followers of those religions and you don't know which word is word of God so better read holy Quran which exist in its pure form and without any change . He take advantage of the verse which mentioned that there were many prophets and religious books sent to mankind from God so he say krishna may or may not be prophet and bagwad gita may or may not be a religious scriptures contain some words of God

It seem you are new in this field :P :azn:

naik is wrong.. krishna is not a prophet, he is god himself in an avatar of krishna.
also wrong in saying qran has not changed. qoran has also changed, in the original quran the 5 pillars that make you a muslim, it never says the mohamad is the last profet. it only says to believe in mohd as a profet of god. the changes have come only recently.
There is no such thing as a Prophet in Dharmic religions that concept comes from the Abrahamic tree.
if wht you say is acceptable, then what if one religion is ok with the marriage and the other is not?

In that case its test that love for religion/God is strong or the love for person you are going to marry which your religion/God don't allow :)

Dear you do not have to be Muslim in order to fast we do it also on certain times but my mum did not in order for her to miss a meal, she did the whole Ramadan to experience how it would be the feeling of it.

Sure dude i know Hindus and Christian also do fasting but i was talking about 29/30 days fasting in month of ramdhan which is obligatory for Muslims :)

If you want to keep fasting just for sake of it and to feel how is it to be in situation of thirst and hunger then sure you can do it but 30 days fasting in month of Ramdhan has nothing to do with Hinduism and fasting is less about hunger and thirst but more to do about getting closer to God and i mean islamic God .

if religion is a personal relationship why get it into politics as it happens in muslim majority countries?
I see it just as a form of imperialism.

You are not getting . Religion is personal matters when it come to do things like fasting, prayers, hajj, sadqa/zakat(charity) etc. but religion is also a way of life which deal many aspects of lives for exmaple how to lead your lives and how to run the affairs of state etc
In that case its test that love for religion/God is strong or the love for person you are going to marry which your religion/God don't allow :)

Sure dude i know Hindus and Christian also do fasting but i was talking about 29/30 days fasting in month of ramdhan which is obligatory for Muslims :)

If you want to keep fasting just for sake of it and to feel how is it to be in situation of thirst and hunger then sure you can do it but 30 days fasting in month of Ramdhan has nothing to do with Hinduism and fasting is less about hunger and thirst but more to do about getting closer to God and i mean islamic God .

You are not getting . Religion is personal matters when it come to do things like fasting, prayers, hajj, sadqa/zakat(charity) etc. but religion is also a way of life which deal many aspects of lives for exmaple how to lead your lives and how to run the affairs of state etc

someone told religion is personal connection between u and god, and now you saw its a public thing?
By fasting, whether during Ramadan or other times, a Muslim draws closer to God by abandoning body pleasures, such as food and drink. This makes the sincerity of their faith and their devotion to God (Arabic: Allah) all the more evident.

This same principle can be done by a non-muslim but the God they worship may be different but the goal the same.

You are right but last sentence is crux of the matter.

someone told religion is personal connection between u and god, and now you saw its a public thing?

sure i was talking about fasting and prayers when i said its personal relationship with God. When you live in multicultural or secular sate then religion is very much personal as you limit religion to your private life only but when you live in theoretical state then its get personal as well as in public affairs :)

naik is wrong.. krishna is not a prophet, he is god himself in an avatar of krishna.
also wrong in saying qran has not changed. qoran has also changed, in the original quran the 5 pillars that make you a muslim, it never says the mohamad is the last profet. it only says to believe in mohd as a profet of god. the changes have come only recently.

you should only speak for Hinduism because you don't know anything about Islam or Quran :)
My dear friend, there are two different things here.

you could be Muslims(Pakistani or non Pakistani) and respect the beliefs or prophets of peoples belong to different religion

you could be hindu or non muslims and could have respect for saints of Muslims etc

but why you feel the need to mix the two or why you think i will have respect for hindu only when i will go to their tempel and will eat parsad or muslims will have respect for hindus only when they will invite them to aftar party or any religious activity. My point is simple we are told as a Muslim to be kind and be respectable to non Muslims and their beliefs but religions should not use for tamasha or stage dramas to gain worldly benefits or for just show off . I hope i clear it :)

No body disagrees to your Point of View as a Pakistani.
But as a Indian things become totally different.
Just for example : See in Diwali Hindu childrens celebrete with crackers, muslim kids who are not adults to understand its HARAAM or HALAAL wishes to do same at diwali night & like every loving parents muslim parents too full fill their wish. And Like wise during Ramadan or sesaonal urus at sufii shrine hindu children wish to have "shirkhurma" or attend dargah that makes their muslim neighbours or hindu parents to act same.

Muslims kids awaits for Diwali season for crackers just like Hindu kids likewise Hindu kids awaits for anual urus or Ramadan periods like their counterparts.
Also I remember My sister in her college days used eagerly wait & save money for Ramadan period so she could shop a lot in MEENA BAZAAR.

There are 100's of examples.Such things in childhood results in tolerance towards religions & also helps mixing of religions.We are not discussinh are you right or we are right. THe fact Pakistanis can never understand mixing as they leave in much Isolation as far as religion is concerned while Indians (hindu or Muslims) can never think of religious isolation because their neighbours,teachers, friends,collegues mostly comes from different religions.

I will quote a Ashaa'r of a Hindu Poet. It is :

Ishq Ho Jaye Kisi Se Chaara Tau Nahi......
Sirf Muslim Ka Muhammad Pe Ijaara To Nahi !!

Such shair or ashaa'r can only originate in INDIA & in no other place in the world.
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