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Indian Special Forces

Are you sure?...look at his T-shirt markings and the hat he is wearing is specially for IA PARA and i have seen Marcos wear them on many occasions.

His physique looks too good to be a normal diver.
Yeah I'm 110% sure mate- the markings on his shirt are different to the MARCOs' "Trident" badge and cleaerly says "NAVY DIVER". Wrt physique- being a Navy diver (frogman) isn't for the faint-hearted, it is one of the toughest jobs out there!

U.S. and Indian Navies participate in SALVEX 2012 : Hookele – Pearl Harbor – Hickam News
Exercise 'SALVEX' : Operations : Indian Navy

A very old pic of Marcos(early 90s)


Paratropper posing with his M4

One of the SF officers is a familiar face:woot:....Colonel S S Shekhawat KC,SC,SM,VSM...picture taken when he was a Major :yahoo:

Yup...you can make out from his maroon beret...there is a SFF badge instead of Para badge.Proves IA SF's heavy involvement with SFF.
@ Abingdonboy

buddy have you ever used this track as background music for any of
your vids as yet? I'm a diehard fan of 3 doors down -

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