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Indian RAW terrorist Sarabjit Singh Dead.

hinduism will show you the greatness of your ancestors. drop all this mono shono and revert to dharmic path and peaceful nature of humans. you are a part of nature and you will return to nature. not some heaven or hell. islam is just a political tool. realise that soon.

as solid as a liter of water

Sorry not interested in Hinduism.
Who killed Sikhs in 84? Congress and who is in power today? Congress. Comprehension problems?

Yeah we already know Muslims are second grade citizens in India guilty of every thing why do you think we voted for Pakistan.

congress should be killed agreed. ther is injustice in india but we will vanquish it.
yes agreed, not just in india but in general they are not just second grade but third rate. thats why i am telling you to shed the beliefs.
congress should be killed agreed. ther is injustice in india but we will vanquish it.
yes agreed, not just in india but in general they are not just second grade but third rate. thats why i am telling you to shed the beliefs.

Haha lets hope 'third rated' citizens of India don't vote en masse for Congress again :lol:
Hinduvta in full swing looks like the loss of their star terrorist was too much to handle :lol:
Haha yeah again back to fairy tales. The murdered of Sikhs Congress is in power today and butcher of Gujrat is touted to become the nect PM. You not only sheer for worst kind of savages you make them PMs :lol:

Nice deviation tactic. Comeback when Indians scape goat an innocent Pakistani and lynch him to death.
Nice deviation tactic. Comeback when Indians scape goat an innocent Pakistani and lynch him to death.

You scapegoat thousands, Gujrat, Orissa, Delhi rings a bell? There is no deviation, a terrorist died and he deserved it. See I'm still on track.
He should have been sent to India for medical treatment. We all know Pakistan's medical sector is stuck in stone age. India with its expertise and superior technology could save Sarabjit but Alas this didn't happen.

Really, he did? If that is true, then why did not our government execute him?

He has been declared guilty and even confessed it. He sent mercy petitions to president some 5 times and his case kept on dragging on.
Then this guy should have been executed, and this issue should have been taken to the Indian government. Kind of a failure on the part of our government...
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