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Indian poverty levels higher than Pakistan's, says UN report

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Aryan_B why you presenting 2005 data and still dwelling in the past. Poverty in pakistan is 45.7% in 2012.

Based on unsubstantiated and corrupted data compiled by corrupt officials.
Hence inadmissible as evidence.
Not another idiotic thread, the topic of which has been done to death several times and this worthy keeps exhuming it! Jeeez!

For beijingwalker it seems that the only way he can get an orgasm is by writing such twaddle ad infinitum! He seems obsessed with poverty!

High time this poor fella gets a decent job and earns enough so he can come out of his poverty fixation! :cheesy:


Despite cellphone boom in India, toilet access still lags - The Globe and Mail

Sanitation campaigners have been muttering about this for a couple of years now, but the alarming statistic has been confirmed by the information gathered in the latest national census.

The “houselisting census” asked 246.6 million households a wide range of questions from what their walls were made of to whether they had a radio. Results are now out, and the survey found that 63.2 per cent of households said they had a telephone connection – that’s up from 9.1 per cent a decade ago, and the increase is due almost entirely to the rise in cellphone ownership.

However only 53.1 per cent of Indian households have access to a toilet – either one in their own home or in a shared toilet block. Less than one in three rural Indians has access to a toilet.

UNICEF says that 640 million Indians are still “open defecators” – people who relieve themselves in fields or next to railway tracks – a figure that remains high despite hikes in government spending on sanitation projects. Local governments have tangled those projects in corruption and bureaucracy, and even in places where toilet blocks are built, people have been slow to adopt use of the new facilities.

Nationally, just 10 per cent of Indians have access to a flush toilet that connects via drain to a sewage system.

“Open defecation continues to be a big concern for the country as almost half of the population do it,” Census Commissioner C. Chandramouli said when he released the new data. “Cultural and traditional reasons and a lack of education are the prime reasons for this unhygienic practice. We have to do a lot in these fronts.”

The phones-versus-toilets is one of the many contradictions exposed by the new census.

There have been substantial increases over the past 10 years in the number of households with a concrete roof (29, up from 19.8 per cent); those that have a tap as a source of drinking water (43.5, up from 36.7 per cent) and those that have electricity as a source of lighting (67.3 up from 55.9 per cent.) There has been a huge hike in the number of households using banking services – 58.7 per cent up from 35.5 per cent.

And yet: 65 per cent of Indian households still use firewood, crop residue or cow dung as their primary source of energy. One in five households sends a person more than half a kilometre to collect drinking water.

Some 833 million of India’s 1.2 billion people live in rural areas, although the census confirmed that the trend to urbanization continues, and family size continues to drop. Today 70 per cent of all Indians live in nuclear families, a dramatic shift away from the “joint family” lifestyle that continues to be idealized here.

A decade ago, half of all Indians did not own any of what the census calls “modes of communication” – televisions, transistor radios, telephones or computers.

Today half have televisions, 20 per cent have radios.

But for a country forging a reputation as an information technology powerhouse, there was another startling fact in the census data: 20 per cent of urban and just five per cent of rural households own a computer. Of the nine per cent of households total that own computers, only 3.1 per cent have an internet connection.
Stop being petty and fussy there is lots of hunger and poverty even today and unless we do something it will be there tomorrow as well

BISP has been exposed as a corrupt organisation just google it. I think we just rely on UN reports which is the thrust of this thread

For that we need 2012 data, not 2005 data as you have posted.
I haven't been to Pakistan but from most of the pics I've seen there seems to be a lot less grinding poverty there? Or is it that the people look stronger and healthier despite their surroundings.
Please keep the focus on why India's levels are hight rather than shifting it to Pakistan.

I think poverty is higher in India because of discrimination as well and most money is held by upper caste Hindus

In India, wealth of 36 families amounts to $ 191 billion, which is one-fourth of India’s GDP. In other words, 35 elite Hindu families own quarter of India’s GDP by leaving 85 % ordinary Hindus as poor!

The dominant group of Hindu nationalists come from the three upper castes ( Brahmins, Kshatriyas, and Vaishyas ) that constitute only 10 per cent of the total Indian population. But, they claim perhaps 80 % of the jobs in the new economy, in sectors such as software, biotechnology, and hotel management.

India is also one of the most under-banked major markets in the world with only 6 bank branches per 1,000 sq kms, according to the World Bank, and less than 31% of the population has access to a bank account. According to India’s national agency, (NABARD), around 60 per cent people are not having access to financial institutions in India. This figure is less than 15 per cent in developed countries.
How is poverty calculated in India? If it is through BPL ration cards..then its one of the biggest shams in the world.
Based on unsubstantiated and corrupted data compiled by corrupt officials.
Hence inadmissible as evidence.

Poverty also increased in Pakistan in 90s same because of economic chaos. And current crisis is severe than that so reduction in poverty in Pakistan is imossible ehen both population growth and gdp growth looks same.
I think poverty is higher in India because of discrimination as well and most money is held by upper caste Hindus

In India, wealth of 36 families amounts to $ 191 billion, which is one-fourth of India’s GDP. In other words, 35 elite Hindu families own quarter of India’s GDP by leaving 85 % ordinary Hindus as poor!

The dominant group of Hindu nationalists come from the three upper castes ( Brahmins, Kshatriyas, and Vaishyas ) that constitute only 10 per cent of the total Indian population. But, they claim perhaps 80 % of the jobs in the new economy, in sectors such as software, biotechnology, and hotel management.

India is also one of the most under-banked major markets in the world with only 6 bank branches per 1,000 sq kms, according to the World Bank, and less than 31% of the population has access to a bank account. According to India’s national agency, (NABARD), around 60 per cent people are not having access to financial institutions in India. This figure is less than 15 per cent in developed countries.

From where you pull these statistics from?
To all Pakistani brothers… Both Pakistan & India have to work hard on poverty issue, fighting in this forum is not the solution . However All Chinese are Millionaires if not Billionaires………………………

You make a good point to mention Chinese. They have truly been successful in alleviating poverty. Perhaps we need to look at their model. But this thread is about why poverty levels in India are higher then Pakistan so we must not go too far off topic. Why do you think Indian poverty levels are higher than Pakistans
I think poverty is higher in India because of discrimination as well and most money is held by upper caste Hindus

In India, wealth of 36 families amounts to $ 191 billion, which is one-fourth of India’s GDP. In other words, 35 elite Hindu families own quarter of India’s GDP by leaving 85 % ordinary Hindus as poor!

The dominant group of Hindu nationalists come from the three upper castes ( Brahmins, Kshatriyas, and Vaishyas ) that constitute only 10 per cent of the total Indian population. But, they claim perhaps 80 % of the jobs in the new economy, in sectors such as software, biotechnology, and hotel management.

India is also one of the most under-banked major markets in the world with only 6 bank branches per 1,000 sq kms, according to the World Bank, and less than 31% of the population has access to a bank account. According to India’s national agency, (NABARD), around 60 per cent people are not having access to financial institutions in India. This figure is less than 15 per cent in developed countries.

When 50% seats are reserved how come brahmin got 80%. Stop your brainfarts aryan_b :lol::lol:
When 50% seats are reserved how come brahmin got 80%. Stop your brainfarts aryan_b :lol::lol:

No need to start getting angry I am here trying to help Indians. Maybe I am wrong why do you think India has higher poverty rates according to UN stats??
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