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What Amit Shah is doing is unlike Netaji to unite India as a nation he is actually projecting himself as a "grand strategists" clearly knowing that his hate speeches will make the Muslims more and more away from BJP. I am actually worried about the future. What will be the effect of such fear mongering among Muslim kids who are still to cross puberty.It can produce dividend for Shah and his party for this moment but at length it's suicidal. And if I have to see Shah as a grand strategist, what wrong the Mullahs do when they call for jihad and ask people to vote for Congress? Hate speeches like this make the radical mullah's call for Jihad legitimate too. It's a chain reaction arp.Once started you can't make a reverse gear.

You are just repeating the amitshah-phobic media propaganda verbatim.

What did he say ? He exhorted the people in the gathering to take revenge through ballot. He made it expicitly clear that this is not the age for taking revenge through swords and arrows. Instead the revenge is through ballot. What is so wrong about that ? And Amit Shah is not the first person to use the "revenge through ballot" line. The first time it was used by the "Nobel Peace Prize" winner Obama when exhorting the Ohioans to take revenge through ballot on the GOP.

And dear, irrespective of what BJP says/doesnt say, the muslims in the heartland arent going to vote for BJP. Even if every leader of BJP prostrates before them they will still be like a broken tape recorder stuck gujarat and babri. They havent learnt what 60 years of voting for parties like Congress and SP has given them and I dont think they will. But then that is their headache. If they want to live in the same squalid conditions routinely herded into voting for one party through inducing a fear psyche then its their choice. The electoral calculations of BJP neednt figure them in the scheme of things.
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@levina has nothing to add. Please don't tag her on any copy of affidavits. she told me that she herself has 3 fake affidavits
Anggggryyyyyyyyyyyyyy Birddddddd
Mujhe angry naah kar.:pissed:
But then you're my lil birdie so i wont take umbrage to what you said:agree:
Chal tujhe meri taraf se :kiss3:

Narendra modi was hiding his married status...thats the truth.
But election commission wont be able to take any action against him because it was in the year 2013 EC made it compulsory for all the columns to be filled.And Narendra Modi never "lied" technically...he left the column blank and never uttered a word about his marriage.
He's the smartest candidate for PM I would say. Hehehehe.

OMG!!! the great Indian political circus!!! :lol:
In real you are completely siding with the corporate world and wants to justify the exploitation of the rightful owners just because they are poor and no wonders here why millions of Indians are living without basic needs, foods, education and toilets. You have already divided India into a rich and poor India and even openly making it that the rich India which is consist of a small group should rule the majority of people who are poor and exploit them.

I just have one quote for you which in my opinion sums up the problems with your views on economy,corporates, poor.

Margaret Thatcher once said -
"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money [to spend]."
Anggggryyyyyyyyyyyyyy Birddddddd
Mujhe angry naah kar.:pissed:
But then you're my lil birdie so i wont take umbrage to what you said:agree:
Chal tujhe meri taraf se :kiss3:

Narendra modi was hiding his married status...thats the truth.

Till 2013, it was not compulsory to fill the marital status in affidavit so he left it blank , recently EC compelled it and he filled now as married , whats wrong with that ? People do not have anything to accuse him, so started personal attack , shame on them !!
Till 2013, it was not compulsory to fill the marital status in affidavit so he left it blank , recently EC compelled it and he filled now as married , whats wrong with that ? People do not have anything to accuse him, so started personal attack , shame on them !!
Did you read my lines after that "bold" part. 8-)
I said exactly the same thing.:angry:
What other choice you have? A genocide of 20 crore people? Talk some sense man, you cannot change the demography of the country, you have to live with it and work around with it.

Can we please stop these uber-exaggerations that actually have the opposite effect of what you desire - trivializing the more saner points that you might make. ?

No one is going to do any genocide -so stop this fear mongering paranoia that are baseless and have no legs to stand on. These baseless accusations are just being spread by the congress and regional parties like SP because they have no other issue to take Modi on.

So they want to spread fear psychosis among the indians, divide them into camps and get their votes.

I also hope that you would understand what will happen if Hindus take your stand that "Two almost opposite Religions cant stand together", this will create a major disturbance inside our country and permanently derail the very development & growth & reforms that this country badly needs.

When the bombs went off in NaMo's Patna rally, he could very easily used that for sympathy infact any other leader would have used the sympathy card, invoked sectarian hatred and reaped the political bonanza. But what did the so called "hindutva extremist" do - he asked the people gathered there to be calm and exhorted both Hindus and Muslims not to fight against each other but to fight poverty unitedly. He hasnt mentioned the Patna bomb blasts a single time from then on.

Today in Modi ki Adalat on India TV when Rajat Sharma quoted Nitish "We have to wear both topi and tilak to respect sentiments" he replied - what is the use of symbolism. Instead if one hand of the muslim kid holds the quran I will give computer on the other hand so that he can develop.

Modi is single mindedly focussed on development and economy.Dont let the media and vested interests fool you into making this election a secualrism vs communalism issue. It is rather development vs stagnation, competence vs incompetence and governance vs policy paralysis". As simple as that.
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@jha I just found out,the interview was before modi filing nomination from vadodra ,so no quid pro quo on marriage question

Yes... and after 11 PM... Must applaud his energy level. He can destroy the Secularists after attending 5 rallies. Kya aadmi hai..

The real story goes deeper.

Anyone remembers an Aston Martin case in Mumbai recently in which son of a wealthy ( super se bhi upar wala wealth ) business was involved. And how media was reporting it as if its a big leak and nobody wants to report. People say that Chidu and Ahmad saab ganged up to extort money from that businessman for Congress campaign and some change for themselves. He did not yield. And you can the effect. Chidu is loosing his mind.
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My Bad, I read only till the Bold Part...:ashamed: Galti say mistake ho gaya!. :cry:

oye mera cutipie...hoo jandaa hai.

nevah mind!!

Btw wheres the song??
Ajay Rai ko ek bhi Bhumihar vote nahi milne wala.

Modi will win Varanasi, and win it with ease.
Both are debatable.

Ajai Rai has support of large number of Bhumihars and actually I have a feeling this contest could go any way.

Also there are talks that Ajai has been asked by the congres HQ to approach Muktar Ansaroi for support though I have doubts if that will come to fruition since the blood feud between the ansari clan and Rai clan goes back.

Then there is the joker Kejriwal. Lets see how it goes.
For Majority of Dalits in UP this time its " Jai Modi Jai Bharat" not " Jai Bheem Jai Bharat"... Not to mention the "samman" is a big issue for them.

Looks like you too watched Open Mike ;)

Man it was awesome seeing so much political clarity amongst the village and small town folks that even many of the so called ecucated city people dont have.

And ofcourse, it was doubly exciting to see some of them saying, humkattar hindu hain and that they are indeed part of the Hindu dharm.
I come across a lot of patronising comments in this regard. Because Hindutvawaadis know that for them to be in power, they need the lower caste vote.

Dalits are also Hindus.

That the "dalits-are-not-hindus" myth only exists in your minds because you need something to castigate the other caste hindus.

Inb4 lol-you-uppercaste-lindoo, I'm actually from a backward caste myself.

I can see why Ambedkar was bitter about Hindus.

It would be great if you could know he was even more bitter about Islam and that is the reason he chose buddhism to convert because he never trusted muslims to fully integrate into India and viewed Islam as a disruptive political force.

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