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People who are rightful owners doesn't get the real price which they deserve and this exploition is completely wrong

No people are not the rightful owners of the resources irrespective of what your jhollawallas has taught you. The rightful owner of a property is the person who invest capital in it,either monetary or human.

A adivasi living on the land underneath whom, mineral has been found is only a part owner to the extent of having a monetary share in form of land, the value of which has to be determined based on mutual agreement in case for which no prior benchmarks exists.

Of course its related to elections .

No people are not the rightful owners of the resources irrespective of what your jhollawallas has taught you. The rightful owner of a property is the person who invest capital in it,either monetary or human.

Sorry to say your definition is completely wrong . illegal mining is illegal and the person who invest capital and gain profit its all illegal and we even know how people are exploited and manipulated . You should stop these cheap tactics.

A adivasi living on the land underneath whom, mineral has been found is only a part owner to the extent of having a monetary share in form of land, the value of which has to be determined based on mutual agreement in case for which no prior benchmarks exists.one who

I am saying this only that you do justify illegal mining and don't even want to understand that is completely injustice because all this never give the real share to the rightful owners and its nothing but exploitation.
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This is the real problem with people like you that whenever anyone raise these issues , you make them socialist and become capitalists and when someone talk in terms of capitalist you become socialist and in both ways people like you just want to keep the power in your hand and just exploit and manipulate people and don't leave any chance to create problems for anyone who raise these issues and when questions are placed towards you , you never give answers but pass more questions .

MNC and illegal mining , is there any relation ?

People like me..? SO I have a category now..? Pray tell me..what is it..?

I am not giving you straight answer because you are too confused to ask real question. Repeating " Common man" in every sentence does not make you the sole adviser/ messiah of common man. Alleviating people from their dire condition does not merely warrant raising questions. It demands work on ground which ofcourse is not a forte of people like You.

Coming to illegal mining. Illegal mining sometimes happen where MNCs operate and sometimes where there is no MNC. What was your argument again..?
Is this an excuse so that no one should talk about the real issues by which the ordinary people are suffering in India ? Still there millions of Indians who are having no basic needs and cant feed their families and the others are just keep on filling their pockets with millions.
Is this an excuse so that no one should talk about the real issues by which the ordinary people are suffering in India ? Still there millions of Indians who are having no basic needs and cant feed their families and the others are just keep on filling their pockets with millions.
Well India has no magic wand that It will wave and all problems will be solved. We have come a long way since Independence from utter poverty and horrible illitracy though we could have done better but then Its only our collective fault. We can't complain about it after choosing SP, BSP, Lalu, Communists, TMC like parties for decades. Communists ruled WB for 30+ years and destroy its industries in every possible way as their supporters are the one who cry most about private companies and capatalism but are they in any better condition now? They are even worse and going in other states for Jobs.
India is a developing country and It needs massive number of Industries to generate millions of Job every year to feed It people and get itself economically strong, and Its doing same(though could have been done better) if not, then expect more poverty, unemployment thus more problems. Though govt should sort out maoist problem by providing local tribasl jobs and opportunities(They are now addressing it too but at slower pace) but It shouldn't be at the cost of destroying Industries in those areas coz that will create even bigger problem.
People like me..? SO I have a category now..? Pray tell me..what is it..?

Do you even notice what you wrote ? what your jhollawallas has taught you.

I am not giving you straight answer because you are too confused to ask real question. Repeating " Common man" in every sentence does not make you the sole adviser/ messiah of common man. Alleviating people from their dire condition does not merely warrant raising questions. It demands work on ground which ofcourse is not a forte of people like You.

Here its the common man which is suffering and there is really no confusion anywhere expect the way you are diverting the whole talk in favor of the corrupt ones .

Coming to illegal mining. Illegal mining sometimes happen where MNCs operate and sometimes where there is no MNC. What was your argument again..?

You will just keep on asking the questions instead of giving proper answer and then again the same you don't know what we are talking .
Sorry to say your definition is completely wrong . illegal mining is illegal and the person who invest capital and gain profit its all illegal and we even know how people are exploited and manipulated .

I am saying this only that you do justify illegal mining and don't even want to understand that is completely injustice because all this never give the real share to the rightful owners and its nothing but exploitation.

The owners would have never got anything, zero zilch nada ,had the capitalist not developed that mine and they deserve to enjoy fruits of their labour or risk.Collectives including government has no moral standing of taking even a single paisa more than what is pre aggreed.

And illegal mining is mining which is done without permit and no MNC is indulging in that. Illegal mining is largely done by locals and mafiya, not ze evil capitalists.
I am not the one who is ignoring anything in here but its you who is cunningly diverting the situation

Illegal mining we are talking here .

I thought we were discussing the evil distribution of wealth. Or, now Illegal mining is the main cause..?

From where you have heard that they are struggling to find new recruits ? They are attacking on almost daily basis

Attacking on almost daily basis in selected region. They have been boxed in limited area. Understand the difference..?

And yes.. I do know this for a fact because I live in one of those Naxal affected area and am glad that these naxal scums are getting nervous due to lack of support or, should I say absence of support.

We all know how Indian democracy work and how many loopholes are there and how the people in power exploit ordinary people and make them suffer ever since they are born. You are not dreaming but acting .

Again.. People in power do not come from outer space. They are from among the people of land or , as you call them rightful owners. Ordinary people elect them . People in power are not selected by a Polit Bureau in Democracy. Got it..?

Democracy might have many loopholes, but its still the best way of governance and certainly much better than anarchy or, communism.

You know all these answers to these simple questions but still you are asking me just because you will not give answers directly but will make it complicated and protect all those who are making people to suffer .

We all know how Indian democracy work and how many loopholes are there and how the people in power exploit ordinary people and make them suffer ever since they are born. You are not dreaming but acting .[
Well India has no magic wand that It will wave and all problems will be solved. We have come a long way since Independence from utter poverty and horrible illitracy though we could have done better but then Its only our collective fault. We can't complain about it after choosing SP, BSP, Lalu, Communists, TMC like parties for decades. Communists ruled WB for 30+ years and destroy its industries in every possible way as their supporters are the one who cry most about private companies and capatalism but are they in any better condition now? They are even worse and going in other states for Jobs.
India is a developing country and It needs massive number of Industries to generate millions of Job every year to feed It people and get itself economically strong, and Its doing same(though could have been done better) if not, then expect more poverty, unemployment thus more problems. Though govt should sort out maoist problem by providing local tribasl jobs and opportunities(They are now addressing it too but at slower pace) but It shouldn't be at the cost of destroying Industries in those areas coz that will create even bigger problem.

Again the same excuses which are nothing more but just to exploit the common people and deny them their rights. Jobs will be generated and even everyone will be feed but its possible that time only when there is no corruption. How come politicians can have assets of billions and millions and here i am talking about MLA and MP's . Maoist problem is an excuse to fill pockets which is being used by certain politicians.
I thought we were discussing the evil distribution of wealth. Or, now Illegal mining is the main cause..?

@Hindustani78 is an intellectual pygmy who do not understand even basic concepts like ownership of property, distrbution of wealth or even socialism.

I owned him on distribution of wealth issue so he has shifted focus onto illegal mining.
The owners would have never got anything, zero zilch nada ,had the capitalist not developed that mine and they deserve to enjoy fruits of their labour or risk.Collectives including government has no moral standing of taking even a single paisa more than what is pre aggreed.

And illegal mining is mining which is done without permit and no MNC is indulging in that. Illegal mining is largely done by locals and mafiya, not ze evil capitalists.

You are openly supporting exploitation in the name of profit and these are not fruits of labour but an open green signal to loot the people and eat up what belongs to them.

Its mainly corporates only which are behind the mafia activities as tons of black money is involved.
Do you even notice what you wrote ? what your jhollawallas has taught you.

Again.. I do not subscribe to the views of Jhollawala. I have been busting their bubbles of glorious utopia my whole life. So better luck next time.

Here its the common man which is suffering and there is really no confusion anywhere expect the way you are diverting the whole talk in favor of the corrupt ones .

Repeating Common man in every sentence does not make you their well wisher. Their only well wisher is someone who works among them. And you certainly are not one of them.

You will just keep on asking the questions instead of giving proper answer and then again the same you don't know what we are talking .

You will not get proper answer because you dont know the proper question.. I may be many things but am not a mind reader. So kindly frame your question properly if you are interested in proper answers.

@Hindustani78 is an intellectual pygmy who do not understand even basic concepts like ownership of property, distrbution of wealth or even socialism.

I owned him on distribution of wealth issue so he has shifted focus onto illegal mining.

Yeah .. I know their type.. Sometimes I feel sorry for them.. :sarcastic:

The new Jhollawalas do not produce good comrades now a days. These new ones are not even sure of their line of argument. I miss those days when these Jhollawallas used to get red with anger when I used to burst their utopian dreams.
@Hindustani78 is an intellectual pygmy who do not understand even basic concepts like ownership of property, distrbution of wealth or even socialism.

I owned him on distribution of wealth issue so he has shifted focus onto illegal mining.

In real you are completely siding with the corporate world and wants to justify the exploitation of the rightful owners just because they are poor and no wonders here why millions of Indians are living without basic needs, foods, education and toilets. You have already divided India into a rich and poor India and even openly making it that the rich India which is consist of a small group should rule the majority of people who are poor and exploit them.
You are openly supporting exploitation in the name of profit and these are not fruits of labour but an open green signal to loot the people and eat up what belongs to them.

Its mainly corporates only which are behind the mafia activities as tons of black money is involved.

You should develop some basic concepts before you debate. Probably watching those harvard videos would help. I can't educate you if you don't know the basics or are too dumb to understand.

You are openly supporting exploitation in the name of profit and these are not fruits of labour but an open green signal to loot the people and eat up what belongs to them.

Its mainly corporates only which are behind the mafia activities as tons of black money is involved.

I am supporting the viewpoint that fruit of one's labour should be appropriated by those who work for them. A capitalist is not morally obliged to pay even a single paise extra than what he is contractually bound to provide. It is basic rule of ownership of a property.

If ze-evil corporate would someday disappear, you would be cleating shit off railway tracks.
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In Andhra politics after an alliance with TDP NAMO is being referred as Naidu-Modi

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