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Indian Paramilitary-Children of lesser god!!!!

Ignorance about this force is not your fault. Its because our seniors don't make people aware what CRPF is doing for them.

1. Counter insurgency ops in every part of India- Kashmir, NE, Naxal

2. Nodal Agency for conducting Lok Sabha 2014 elections, that all the deployment of all Security forces for election duty was done by CRPF only.

3. All terrorist in Parliament attack, Ayodhya attack and several other attacks in kashmir were killed by CRPF only.

4. CRPF was also deployed in Mumbai attack nobody know this also.

5. I am not exaggerating but almost everyday CRPF is saving lives of hundreds in naxal area. Nobody knows how critical situation had been in this area.

6. And about equipments, please do visit CRPF camp in operational area if you have any relative and friend. You will see what all is there.

7. First security force to fight insugency in kashmir, First security force to fight against Punjab terrorist and first to fight naxals in all 16 states of India. More than 200 Bn of CRPF are fighting naxals and in support are 5 Bn of BSF, 5 Bn of ITBP and state police.

you all hear about how many CRPF personnel are killed but you will never know many naxals we kill thats why you have such wrong perception.
Thanks for having patience and sticking to normal style of writing. Kindly ignore those who are abusive, you seem to know your stuff, they dont.
And lastly, dont tell me to grow up... I was in uniform when you were in liquid form.. so behave yourself.
Liquid form? :rofl: What an idiot! You don't even know how you were born! :lol: :crazy:
You wore uniform? Really? Even chaprasis and safiawallahs wear uniform! :azn: So what's the big deal? :P
Ohh come on guys you both(@tharkibuddha ) served in the Indian Security forces and fought against the enemies of this country.,So why the heck are you guys fighting amongst yourselves when you are both on the same side.Guys most of us(fanboys) respect all the security personnel including the ones in the C.A.P.F. because they serve our Motherland selflessly,so i would urge you both to stop fighting for the sake of our country:angel:!!
Because that idiot is spreading false propaganda that the CRPF are better trained than the Indian Army! He also said that a Lt Col of the Army has far less experience in CI ops than equivalent ranks of the CRPF!! What a joker this character is! He's comparing what is basically a police force, with the Army!

And that's what pisses off people out here. He seems unaware of the fact that the Army has more than 50 years of real CI ops experience, not policing duties like the CRPF. And that tharki keeps shooting off his mouth as though he's the last word in Counter Insurgency ops.

And then the language he uses is obnoxious to say the least. With clowns like him in the CRPF, it's no wonder that their reputation on and off the field is abysmal.
Because that idiot is spreading false propaganda that the CRPF are better trained than the Indian Army! He also said that a Lt Col of the Army has far less experience in CI ops than equivalent ranks of the CRPF!! What a joker this character is! He's comparing what is basically a police force, with the Army!

And that's what pisses off people out here. He seems unaware of the fact that the Army has more than 50 years of real CI ops experience, not policing duties like the CRPF. And that tharki keeps shooting off his mouth as though he's the last word in Counter Insurgency ops.

And then the language he uses is obnoxious to say the least. With clowns like him in the CRPF, it's no wonder that their reputation on and off the field is abysmal.

Though you are not worth my reply but still I must reply to tell you that
I have worked in most of the insurgency area and what everyone is doing there I have seen it. What I said is my perspective, you have all right to give your perspective but in educated way. Don't just foul mouth everyone here.
. Don't just foul mouth everyone here.
Before advising me, ask tharki buddy of yours who is apparently from the CRPF to do the same. This wasn't about you but the other clown who thinks he's God Almighty.

Calling me a 'chutiya' started this whole bashing. I take offence to that kind of language. (Literal meaning of 'chutia' - out of the vagina). There are other words that are not so derogatory which he could have used and I would not have minded. This one is unacceptable and outrageous.

So who is foul mouthing whom? Is this kind of language used in the CRPF? If so, then a lot of people require a mouthwash.
Before advising me, ask tharki buddy of yours who is apparently from the CRPF to do the same. This wasn't about you but the other clown who thinks he's God Almighty.

Calling me a 'chutiya' started this whole bashing. I take offence to that kind of language. (Literal meaning of 'chutia' - out of the vagina). There are other words that are not so derogatory which he could have used and I would not have minded. This one is unacceptable and outrageous.

So who is foul mouthing whom? Is this kind of language used in the CRPF? If so, then a lot of people require a mouthwash.

Whatever you have quoted was said by me not tharkibuddha. You said idiot and joker. And never use this kind of language for me again.

Before also you have said you have trained many like me. I was humble enough to reply you that in respectful manner.

Tharkibuddha has already quoted he was never in CRPF.

It was you who started using abusive and aggressive language in this thread first and you got befitting reply by him in same way then you ran to admin to report post. I suppose he too has years of experience in uniform. Nothing will change by you and other fanboys pouncing on him.

I started this thread to make people here aware what CRPF is doing for people in India not for you to quote achievements of Army.

Do market army the super power to naives and civilian here. I have worked with everyone so don't try to feed this army being supreme and Superpower marketing crap to me. I am not buying it.
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Brother You really don't give up. In your last post you said army has other important jobs to do. Can you please specify what are those important jobs they are doing. Pakistan and Bangladesh Border is secured by BSF, some sensitive one are secured by army, China border is secured by ITBP another CAPF,

CI ops are being done by all Security Forces not only army. Lakhs of this super strong force patrolling and guarding border and god knows how does terrorists sneak in from border. And they question CRPF training.

Been such a long time in COBRA never saw a army men face not even in my training, leave their operational advice. Out of 10 Cobra Bn only 1 Bn is close to any army deployed area that is in Assam. And Cobra is specialised force and they dont work together. All other Cobra units are in anti-naxal ops where army don't want to be and we all know why.

Don't question leadership and you would get answer when you will google and find out who had won most of the gallantry medals this year and several last year's Republic day parade. Its just that CRPF is more answerable.

And brother not only CRPF even Army cannot fire a single bullet without government order, you know that. But in operational area things area different.

you know there are more than 400,000 army personal is deployed in N-E and in indo-china border and they are not there for picnic. if you go to indo-china border you can see there are more army personals than civilians in those area, the check-posts are manned by army, only very few are ITBP post.... the total strength of ITBP is ~70,000 and ITBP is deployed in ant-maoist operations and even deployed for security for election booths are not enough to guard the border. Every time the Chinese intrusion occurs the army is the one who stop them not ITBP the Chinese army destroyed bunkers of army not ITBP 90% of border surveillance equipment belongs to army, in the ladakh the border is guard by army. in this video i don't see any ITBP.
army is conducting intel operations and they reports PLA's military buildup in the border. army recently asked for the creation of 2 mountain strike division because of the thread faced by india from china is not minor one....80%of indo china border is guard by army not ITBP or BSF....if you Google in internet there are always army in every news about indo-china border, from playing games with PLA to stopping intrusion from PLA and above all i have friends in army, CRPF and SPG and my uncle is in army and he is now in arunachal pradesh and i know the difference of being in army and CRPF.

CI operation are done by all security forces deployed in kashmir... if you agree or not majority of operations are done by army with the help of SOG of J&K police...CRPF is doing a police work like patrolling and cordon and search in every suspected houses, major operations are done by army... and also 90% CT operation are done by army some times with SOG sometimes with NSG and macos. the army has the largest intelligence unit in kashmir...all the communications are monitored by army, every sensitive border area is maned by army personal, cross border CT operations are done by army, marcos and SFF, crpf has no role in this.

bro why don't you agree that COBRA is created with the help of army they get training from army's CIJW school?? army don't want to get into anti Maoist operations because it is a internal conflicts and army is not created for this. generally in india army is called in only when the situation, become out of control of police force.....it is a common thing in any were in the world... if police can handle it then army never called in and not because army is afraid of Maoists, it will be a matter of 1 month for army to finish anti-Maoist operation with its better resources.

bro pls don't say that CRPF have better training than army, every body knows that it is not true. the level training depends on the budget allotted the force. army have far better financial capability to have a large and better training center than a CRPF force. army have far better training on advanced weapons than any police force in india.

number of gallantry medals got to CRPF because CRPF is fighting a conflict in some states...army had already suppressed the terrorism in kashmir up to a level. the number of terror incidents in kashmir had be reduced.
Ignorance about this force is not your fault. Its because our seniors don't make people aware what CRPF is doing for them.

1. Counter insurgency ops in every part of India- Kashmir, NE, Naxal

2. Nodal Agency for conducting Lok Sabha 2014 elections, that all the deployment of all Security forces for election duty was done by CRPF only.

3. All terrorist in Parliament attack, Ayodhya attack and several other attacks in kashmir were killed by CRPF only.

4. CRPF was also deployed in Mumbai attack nobody know this also.

5. I am not exaggerating but almost everyday CRPF is saving lives of hundreds in naxal area. Nobody knows how critical situation had been in this area.

6. And about equipments, please do visit CRPF camp in operational area if you have any relative and friend. You will see what all is there.

7. First security force to fight insugency in kashmir, First security force to fight against Punjab terrorist and first to fight naxals in all 16 states of India. More than 170 Bn of CRPF are fighting naxals and in support are 5 Bn of BSF, 5 Bn of ITBP and state police.

you all hear about how many CRPF personnel are killed but you will never know many naxals we kill thats why you have such wrong perception.
I am not undermining CRPF. I am as much aware and proud of CRPF's achievements and capabilities and as much grateful to them for protecting us as you are. But I do believe that army is better suited to counter the Naxalite problem compared to CRPF because Maoist insurgency is not just some small insurgency problem. It is a huge terrorist problem. They have proven from time to time that their claims of fighting for the rights of poor and tribals are false. They want to come to power and bring their rotten communist ideology. A combined army-CRPF operation is also an alternative just like how army has worked side by side with police and paramilitary forces in Kashmir.
I am not undermining CRPF. I am as much aware and proud of CRPF's achievements and capabilities and as much grateful to them for protecting us as you are. But I do believe that army is better suited to counter the Naxalite problem compared to CRPF because Maoist insurgency is not just some small insurgency problem. It is a huge terrorist problem. They have proven from time to time that their claims of fighting for the rights of poor and tribals are false. They want to come to power and bring their rotten communist ideology. A combined army-CRPF operation is also an alternative just like how army has worked side by side with police and paramilitary forces in Kashmir.
army is not better equipped to fight naxal problem, that exact what army says. They cant get out of kashmir, and they dont want to get bogged down in naxal areas for 20 years.
CRPF and state armed police are the only ones who can effectively fight naxals. You dont need massive firepower to subdue naxals, you need more people on ground (crpf got it) and sustained effort.
army is not better equipped to fight naxal problem, that exact what army says. They cant get out of kashmir, and they dont want to get bogged down in naxal areas for 20 years.
CRPF and state armed police are the only ones who can effectively fight naxals. You dont need massive firepower to subdue naxals, you need more people on ground (crpf got it) and sustained effort.
We just have difference of opinion.
We just have difference of opinion.
sure we do. But tell me this, an army which is primarily trained in using maximum force and firepower, how is it going to make situation better in an area that needs careful operation and massive number of forces (because its huge area much bigger than valley). The terrain is much more hostile. It also home to huge number of adivasis, who we are tying to get onto our side.
fighting naxals is all together a different game you can't do it in army style. That's the reason COBRA and greyhound were built up over the years to combat naxals with different tactics and strategy .

Sir, @vk17 whenever u get time please do let us know how things are done in COBRA :tup:

cheers :cheers: long life to you and all who serve this nation .
sure we do. But tell me this, an army which is primarily trained in using maximum force and firepower, how is it going to make situation better in an area that needs careful operation and massive number of forces (because its huge area much bigger than valley). The terrain is much more hostile. It also home to huge number of adivasis, who we are tying to get onto our side.
Army's rigorous training also includes forest warfare and unconventional warfare of the type Naxalites do. If army would have any shortage of personnel (which it doesn't), then combined army-CRPF op is always a viable and effective option.
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