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Indian Navy will be deployed in South china sea to protect ONGC Assets

Hmm, our DF-21D is thirsty right now, and it needs to blow up some moving targets just for fun. :devil:
Agni are earger turn everything to ash.

---------- Post added at 04:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:03 AM ----------

If the Indian govt keeps their voice silent like this, then it is definitely quite possible that PLA has humiliated them again by inflicting some massive casualty to their army.
silence can be kept only in PRC not in india.Seems these days CCP even afraid of jasmine flowers:rofl:
silence can be kept only in PRC not in india.Seems these days CCP even afraid of jasmine flowers:rofl:

lol, the jasmine revolution is nothing, but a big joke.

Over 90% of China's population don't buy this crap.
Maybe South China Sea can be remained "Hindu Kush Sea" in commemoration of the catastrophic defeat india is about to suffer.

You're very very optimistic.
i don't think CCP leaders share your view of going to war anytime soon. Why would they want to hurt China. India is no cake-walk and this is not 1962.
Though we'll definitely lose the war, but we have the capacity to make China bleed.
You're very very optimistic.
i don't think CCP leaders share your view of going to war anytime soon. Why would they want to hurt China. India is no cake-walk and this is not 1962.
Though we'll definitely lose the war, but we have the capacity to make China bleed.

Bleed here is an understatement.
Indians love to underestimate themselves.
This is too juicy a target to pass up. I think China will really bite this one. :) Just the right kind of set up for target practice.

Kill two birds with one stone, and

Kill the chicken to scare the monkey

Chinese just keep it up to kill birds and chickens all they want. VN Navy will shoot Chinese pirates at will, India Navy will makes Chinese Prirate ships to measuring the seabed as well.
India has the biggest civilian shipbreaking business in the world, but the US has the biggest military shipbreaking business.

But don't worry, we're going to take this business over from the US, for even cheaper prices. In fact, we're so good, we don't charge fees.

Why India should worries rather than US? China just keep ways its doing soon its pay back.
Yeah Baby....That's What I am talking About , when Indian Companies will be Out there Exploring - the Chinese will surely try to Disrupt it by their Trawlers boats. So Deploying Navy is a Must
Viet Nam will rent some retired US AC for loading up birds, chickens has been killed by Chinese. For sure, Chinese Army will gets tickets by Animal Control due to its abused.
So long the Indian US arranged marriage lasts in Asia..a change of leadership in Asia will see both of them thrown out!

So are you the bozo that is going to initiate that change of leadership is it? dear Internet warrior keep blabbering away that’s all your good for as if anyone cares for your rants... have to poke your nose in each and every affair.
Viet Nam will rent some retired US AC for loading up birds, chickens has been killed by Chinese. For sure, Chinese Army will gets tickets by Animal Control due to its abused.

The cost to operate a US supercarrier may cost more than the entire annual military expenditure of Vietnam.

You simply have no idea what you are talking about. :coffee:
Make me a hamburger poverty boy. indian army dead are in the ganges now. You want more casualties? Come to South China Sea. When we see an indian, we shoot to kill.

Learn proper English then use it to express your rants in a proper format with spelling and grammar you uneducated goose. Don’t crack a rib in the process of your chest thumping :rofl:
Viet Nam will rent some retired US AC for loading up birds, chickens has been killed by Chinese. For sure, Chinese Army will gets tickets by Animal Control due to its abused.

I have nothing against Vietnamese, only your government.

If we have to feed some of your soldiers to the fishes so that your government stops being warlike, we will. And if we have to sink your ships again to do it, we will.
I have nothing against Vietnamese, only your government.

If we have to feed some of your soldiers to the fishes so that your government stops being warlike, we will. And if we have to sink your ships again to do it, we will.
Vietnam is quite clever. It's been skirmishing with China over Paracel Islands since before 1979 but has lost every single time.

Now Vietnam finds some dumb indians who dance like monkeys at the chance to confront China. The exploration area is in the Paracel Islands area and very close to Hainan. The indians really think they can bring the bulk of the indian navy to forward deploy in the South China Sea and threaten China like it's the opium war and they're the British Empire.

In fact, this just saves China the trouble of having to go to the indian ocean to hunt down and destroy the indian navy. They will bring their fleet close to PLAAF and PLAN assets, and all we need to do is open fire and the result is a lop-sided massacre worse than 1962.

In one or two years, China will smash the ambitions of india and Vietnam in the South China Sea and fully establish itself as the biggest military presence in East Asia.
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