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Indian Navy Chief over Gwadar

Just check what others are telling, NO ONE said IN IS a blue water navy.

Do you want to know what is the strongest navy in arabian ocean? USN and the strongest base is Dieo garcia. not IN or any other navy and that is by far far.

So what jack sh*t are you talking about?

Dude mind your language.
ASW capabilities are on Par!

Quote some valid reference if otherwise.

If you want to do IN vs PN then, start!

We know what IN capabilities are AT PRESENT!

caught telling a lie red handed and then trying to save your face by throwing an useless challenge? bugger off, I am not into pis*ing contests like you.
With only 3 Kilos (with retrofits recieved in last few years) of 80s you are the best Navy of Arabian Sea....... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Nearly All of your harrier fleet is lost because of Incompetent pilots and old age equipment!

True that IN has the edge with Air Craft Carrier but MIG-29K being invincible and the support vessels with Air Craft Carrier able to protect the Battle Group needs a big :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Dream On Kidos............ :wave:
I am sorry Mark Thomas, I first posted only half of what I wrote and unfortunately by the time I corrected it, it seems you saw it and started writing a reply.
I might have kid your age, so stop being condecending and calling me kiddo.

You might have forgotten that IN has a dedicated squadron of Jaguars, for Anti-ship roles, and there is a squadron of Flankers being raised to support these Jaguars. That is 40 Aircrafts, state of the art mind you, against the PN. Of which 20 are already under IN, 20 being raised.

Indians Kilo's are 10 in number, and they are the most advanced in the world. They are facing problems with Klub launch mechanism, which is for LAND ATTACK role not Submarine warfare against PN and PLAN Subs. And mind you, we have 4 more HDW U-209. Do you know what era of tech is those 3 A-90B's from. These 3 Subs are the only one standing in IN's way. And they cannot Handle the might of Western Fleet of the IN. Pure and Simple.

5 years down the line add Scorpene's and two aircraft carriers.
So climb back into whatever dumb-hole you came out of.

You stick to that dumb hole of Yours..

I only mentioned the current capabilities and not the future ones!

I mentioned 3 Subs with retrofit recieved yet... Seems you have a problem with understanding English!

Only 3 of your 10 Kilos....(kilos are the best of all time :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:) can fire klub anti ship missiles and non of the rest.

If you had so much problem to understand this then you are still a kid and all your passed age has done s h i t with you brains...
Russian overhaul of Indian Navy submarine delayed

St Petersburg (Russia), Jan 16 : The delivery of an Indian Navy diesel submarine, which recently underwent a two-year refit at a Russian Barents Sea shipyard, will be delayed by at least six months, a shipyard spokesman said Wednesday.

The Indian Navy refused last week to take delivery of the Sindhuvijay, a Project 877 EKM diesel submarine, whose overhaul began at the Zvyozdochka shipyard in Severodvinsk in late 2005, saying its Club-S cruise missile system had not met specifications.

"The submarine has passed all its sea trials and was ready in November 2007, but the delivery had to be delayed due to problems with the Club-S system," a Zvyozdochka spokesman said.

The Indian Navy claimed that cruise missiles failed to find their targets in six consecutive test firings in September-November last year.

The Zvyozdochka official said the submarine would remain at the shipyard awaiting further missile tests at a White Sea testing site in July-August.

The much-touted Club-S submarine cruise missile family includes the 3M-54E1 anti-ship missile and the 3M-14E land-attack versions, with a flight range of 275 km. The high-precision missile can be launched from standard torpedo tubes from a depth of 35 to 40 meters (130 feet).

In a contract signed in 2001, India had sent 10 Kilo-class submarines to Russia for refitting to make them capable of firing the Club-class cruise missiles.

The Sindhuvijay is the fourth Indian Navy submarine that has been overhauled at the Zvezdochka shipyard.

Russia earlier announced a delay in the overhaul of the Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier, sold to India under a 2004 contract, citing time and cost overruns.

The delivery of the carrier has been pushed back to 2012-13, according to some sources, while Russia asked for an additional $1.2 billion for the warship, which was originally sold for $1.5 billion.

--- IANS

Russian overhaul of Indian Navy submarine delayed @ NewKerala.Com News Channel



Now Indian Navy Sub fleet consists of 10 kilo Class subs and 4 HDW U-209s and 2 FOXTROT class , with a total strength of 16 Submarines. Most of which are of 70s and 80s. Only three subs of Kilo class can fire Anti Ship Klub cruise missiles at this time.

This gives your strenght in subs. More is coming!

Read the POST...
Yeh right .... with all the noise your kilos make they will be dead before they smell the Agosta's 70 nor 90s.... KILOs are obselete by far....
Leaving economic aside the military objectives are:

a. Strategic Deapth in the sea - this is not a strike capability as there is no naval base at Gwadar. The naval base is in Pasni.
And Ormar.

b. Deterrent value - as to give India or any other state an Idea that attack on Gwadar will have negative implications on the attacking state as well.

The concept of deterrence means "REACTION" not "Action" which means that Pakistan has no intention of blocking the Indian trade in Hormoz, but an attack on Gwadar will result in unacceptable damage on the aggressor. This will happen automatically as trade & economic activities come to hault in the war torn areas. Which means trade from Hormoz will stop every where else in the world. Such a result would be unacceptable to major power states which will of course only have to pressurize the aggressor state to move away (as Pakistan is already in its waters).
Or they would merely destroy the remaining of Pakistani air forces that would be carrying out the ship interdiction to stop it. Or force Pakistan to stop it considering that India is not the one attacking the world trade ships.

Secondarily, PN surface fleet would be well gone in the first few weeks itself. There is no way it can match IN. I doubt the PN subs would be off just destroying trade ships to force the world powers.

Secondly, PAF would have to be brought in if Pakistan wants to stop the trade ships. And even if they DO pull in the PAF, they STILL cannot stop each and every ship crossing the Hormuz.

Thirdly, USN/JSDMF would start patrolling the rea heavily to stop Pakistan even attempting to destroy ships.

If your basing your entire theory on the fact that Pakistan would block the oil trade routes to force India, your wayy off my friend. Thats the stupidest thing i'v ever heard.

Thirdly, the impact on India would just be of oil, as you very well know, India is also investing in other oil fields, etc, etc to diversify its energy sources. India has a huge coastline, Pakistan would not be able to affect any other trade except for oil.

The only major problem for India from Gwadar would be when China percieves India as a threat to its trade & interests in the Arabian sea & PLAAN starts to escort its ships. The movement from South China Sea to Chittagong & to Gwadar can virtually block Indian ocean.
Your joking right?
PLAN doesnt even have the necessary ships to take control of the seas near its own mainland, ie the South China Sea, let alone come all the way from Malacca straits. The sheer distance would put the PLAN at a tremendous disadvantage. A route that can be blocked off easily if the IN so wishes.

PLAN would be travelling humongous distances making any kind of resupply or reinforcement pointless. Next of all IN is the biggest and the baddest in the region, PLAN cannot do jack in IOR.

But since the port has "deterrent value" it means conflict near by is in favor of no country, in the region especially. This will of course include Pakistan. Since -ve effects apply to Pakistan as well & it is following deterrent strategy it will not take any Action but would wait to make a Reaction (as stated above) & naval reaction will come from Karachi & Pasni not the Gwadar it self. I would also not underestimate the Pakistani forces working for UAE. In case of conflict they would have utter lack of concern about the ownership of the equipment they are using. Plus the UAE, KSA & Turkey also end up lending their weapons to Pakistan during the war. But that is another issue.
Your posts are full of fantasies, if any professional by any chance manages to read it, he would be laughing over the ridiculousness illustrated by your views. There is no way in hell that KSA or UAE or Turkey would be sending Pakistan any kind of equipment NOW. Neither would the Pakistani's the globe over come to Pakistan's aid with whatever equipment they are currently using! LOL

The Economic importance of Gwadar can be viewd as Pakistan V/S Iran, where Pakistan enjoys better relations in the region than Iran. The West, Central Asia & the Middle Eastern states have huge resentments against Iran which means they would be having minimum trade relations on the basis of port usage with Iran. Hormoz is also enclosed gulf where many western ships find it difficult to maneouver & avoide Iran (few weeks back American ships failed to avoid Iran & were harrassed by Iranian coast guards). Since Gwadar is at open sea it provides the stated regions better access.

The Central Asia oil & gas pipeline is an issue since it would have to pass through Afghanistan (not necessarily but it is the most economical & feasible rout). However other trade is being diverted to ancient silk rout (between Pakistan, china & Central Asia). The rout has now been connected with Gwadar highway going north. Similar rout has been provided to Karachi.

The oil & gas supply from Qatar & Oman & even UAE & Bahrain is on the board - this has been brought up by these states themselves, not by Pakistan.
This is another issue, not related to what we are discussing here. Should you want, open another thread on it, and i will debate you there.

I do not see any naval conflict in Arabian sea due to Pakistan's deterrent value but I would also like to ask my Indian friends not to underestimate PN either, not now not ever. You cannot expect to come & attack & in reaction recieve no highly damaging resistance. PN has advantage of being closer to its home & air force nearer in the Arabian sea.
I thought that mainland India was also near! Thus any cover of land based aircrafts that you think PN will enjoy, the same would go to IN as well, and much more in quantity. In Indo-Pak wars, PN has no advantage of being closer to its home! There is barely any distance b/w India and Pakistan. Were you talking about IN against PLAN, then you had a valid point.

Plus do not have utter lack of concern for International Law, when it comes to play it gives heavy blows & than starts face saving. & finally there is no use of technology without strategy (read Clausewitz's ON WAR, & if you haven't & don't want to than dont discuss war & strategy ... no matter which country you belong to). Vietnamese defeated Americans & Afghans defeated to Soviet with very limited & little technology, on their behalf it was the strategy & tactics.
Strategies are created keeping the capabilities possesed in mind. The capabilities possessed are directly dependent on the technology you have.

Now my latop battery is running out & I have to go get something to eat from the dinning hall before the close the darn thing until dinner.
Enjoy the dinner.

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