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Indian Muslims should have their own consolidated Muslim political party

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Oh , I dont think so. The Muslim Population in those three states is 20%+. Add to that another 150 Million Muslims and we will have enough Muslims in those States to make a Confederation with Pakistan. India will benefit too, because it will solve India's Muslim "PROBLEM".

Ask them if they want to join you. If you get a No answer, start giving freedom to Balochistan and Sindhudesh.
look at your country first omg....you are as a "Islamic" "republic", aren't you ? please solve your problems first then talk about Indians.

beggars should not write books on making money.
Right now Hindus in Bangladesh are perhaps enjoying even greater status than Muslims. Irrespective of the political party in power they are never discriminated against. Just ask any Hindu family who recently (from eighties onward) migrated from Bangladesh. But it's hard for Indians to believe that, because they are not used to the idea of better treatment of minority people.

Bangladesh Hindus 'will not go back' - BBC

There is a Hindu supremacists party like BJP preaching Hindu extremism with Hitler worshiping Modi as their poster boy.Muslims should form their own party to advocate their own causes. Has any party delivered justice to the 5000 slaughtered Muslims in Gujrat ? Same goes for the Sikhs too.

I will say iagainan, MMS is a traitor to his own Sikh people.

Bangladesh Hindu atrocities 'documented' - BBC
Oh , I dont think so. The Muslim Population in those three states is 20%+. Add to that another 150 Million Muslims and we will have enough Muslims in those States to make a Confederation with Pakistan. India will benefit too, because it will solve India's Muslim "PROBLEM".
I think Pakistan has enough space for them to be accomodated.
and we do not think them as a liability. they have not abandoned INDIA for the past 66 years and have been active in the growth of the nation in all spheres.
They are our country men the same way the rest of the INDIANS are irrespective of their religion, so fu#k off with your crocadile tears.

look at your country first omg....you are as a "Islamic" "republic", aren't you ? please solve your problems first then talk about Indians.

beggars should not write books on making money.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Indian Muslims should have their own consolidated Muslim political party.

This how they can find their salvation and contribute to the betterment of India and the region.

with all respect,
Muslims in India are "indians" as well as mulims.there isn't a need for a special party for us to become the part of the development of the nation.
thank you for your concern.
So which sect from you belongs? :what: and why are in such complex? Why you think that any muslim party may support 2 nation theory and can divide india? Why are you taking opinions as advice? Are u terrifying of something or not having confidence on yourself that debates don't create nations. You mentioned hindu friends? So wats new in it, I have many hindu friends in Pakistan , Wat was your point? Isn't all muslims do carry hindu friends in india and in Pakistan. or May be you're confused as your post described.
lol talking about confusion...ask OP about it..or rather ask ur self..delusional kid.
in my POV that guy whom ur quoting is the one who have the most clear perception and vision about his religion and nation(even more then most of us)..but u cant understand those two things...insecure soul.
Oh , I dont think so. The Muslim Population in those three states is 20%+. Add to that another 150 Million Muslims and we will have enough Muslims in those States to make a Confederation with Pakistan. India will benefit too, because it will solve India's Muslim "PROBLEM".
It is really touching the level of concern some Pakistani falsely show to our Muslim brothers.

They are so found of dividing people that, Pakistan the land of pure again got divided in 1971. I think they should show this sort of genorsity when it comes to Balochistan or Sindh or even Punjab lets divide them all.

PS:dear Pakistanis you left as in 1947 stop pretending to have any genuine concern for Indian muslim. Even though you don't treat Muslims who migrated in 1947 properly and call them as Muhajirs.

1st come and live in Indian then comment.
He is a Indian Muslim who is MP and a proud INDIAN.
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There is a Hindu supremacists party like BJP preaching Hindu extremism with Hitler worshiping Modi as their poster boy.Muslims should form their own party to advocate their own causes. Has any party delivered justice to the 5000 slaughtered Muslims in Gujrat ? Same goes for the Sikhs too.

I will say iagainan, MMS is a traitor to his own Sikh people.

I will say again you are biggest idiot
any one who lives in south asia, knows that currently the political system is not an enabler of development.

if any community in India wants to participate better in the nation building process, I encourage them to setup educational institutes, vocational centers, research facilities, low cost housing...these things will work better..

I know these are the responsibilities of any government but considering south asia...

lastly Indians do not usually vote on religious lines. They may vote on community lines but rarely on religious lines.
I know a muslim friend whose family and the neighboring (mostly muslim) families vote for the Shiv Sena in the municipal elections. Not that I am a supporter of Sena, but I asked the person and he said the candidate was a senior , respected citizen and had done much for the ward...
Hindus will vote for Muslim candidates and parties headed by minority persons if they are convinced about them. their conviction might not be based on rational issues...but it is seldom based on religious affliation
Ofcourse our people thought of forming nation, Its was Nehru who really played his role to divide india, Well! Where it went? Wat happened? Wat your media tolds ya where it went? tell me?
Really! Humanity? Who taught you? Can't you see? World carries 190+ nations . . having different ideology.. How many peoples got killed in the name of religion and ethinicity in india? there numbers are 1000 times larger then the Pakistani one. You didn't proved anything, There are lots of internal difference and ideologies in your nation. If you think peoples do believe in humanity and don't desire for anything other then mate, You really needs to study alot abut human nature. Different races ,ideologies .They do matters.

hamne aapko ko dekha hai 1 se 2 hote hue..so dnt give bull crap here..its u who need to study abt the secularism, tolerance, unnity in diversity if u want to progress ..rest is irrelevant.
Ohhh my God --- This is too much ,,,,,,to PK'S and BD's Even being a muslim we dont even care about ur existence and on top u are shedding ur crocodile tears here. wat else can be more worst than this, what do you guys know about democracy when your own system is literally fcuked up. The democratic system of pakistan is just for name sake in real they hippo crates please go ahead and help the balochis , sindhis , mohajirs ( the biggest loosers)after partition, please extend your muslim brotherhood to them rather than worrying bout us .
Ofcourse our people thought of forming nation, Its was Nehru who really played his role to divide india, Well! Where it went? Wat happened? Wat your media tolds ya where it went? tell me?
Really! Humanity? Who taught you? Can't you see? World carries 190+ nations . . having different ideology.. How many peoples got killed in the name of religion and ethinicity in india? there numbers are 1000 times larger then the Pakistani one. You didn't proved anything, There are lots of internal difference and ideologies in your nation. If you think peoples do believe in humanity and don't desire for anything other then mate, You really needs to study alot abut human nature. Different races ,ideologies .They do matters.

How can u call your self when your mindset functions like (nokia 3310)

How can u call your self when your mindset functions like (nokia 3310)

sorry miss quoted how can u call your self when ur mindset is functions like nokia 3310
There is a Hindu supremacists party like BJP preaching Hindu extremism with Hitler worshiping Modi as their poster boy.Muslims should form their own party to advocate their own causes. Has any party delivered justice to the 5000 slaughtered Muslims in Gujrat ? Same goes for the Sikhs too.

I will say iagainan, MMS is a traitor to his own Sikh people.

You talking of treason!

A traitor is someone who divides his motherland. Who sells his soul to the invader, who forgets his history and becomes a second class alter ego of his invaders, who forgets his own history and tries to adapt that of his invaders (and gets kicked in the arse for that and called second class Arab in the bargain).

Guess who is a traitor! ;)
There is a Hindu supremacists party like BJP preaching Hindu extremism with Hitler worshiping Modi as their poster boy.Muslims should form their own party to advocate their own causes. Has any party delivered justice to the 5000 slaughtered Muslims in Gujrat ? Same goes for the Sikhs too.

I will say iagainan, MMS is a traitor to his own Sikh people.

correction : Its not 5000 muslims. its 5 million dead muslims. you are making Hindus look less evil.:no:
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