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Indian Muslims should have their own consolidated Muslim political party

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I have some genuine questions:

1. what will be its name? Mughlisan or something else.

2. Do u mean secular like Pakistan is right now?

3. Will Hindu/Sikhs/Christians have rights to be PM?

4. Will the sconstitution be based on Islamic Laws or Secular Laws ?


1. A rose with any other name will smell just as Sweet.

2. No, Pakistan is Islamic republic of Pakistan. Mughalistan will be patterned after Great Akbar style Secular country.

3. PM could belong to any religion or not belong to any. There will be a complete separation between Religion and Statehood.

4. Constitution based on Secular laws.

So you may ask how is that different from present day India ? Because in present day India, minorities will never get their rights.

Why ? because when you have majority of 82% Hindus, there is no incentive for Hindus to relinquish power to minorities. Oh yes, they will give lip service to Democracy and Secularism and all the highfalutin ideas but in Substance it will be a lot of hot Air. True Democracy and Secularism will only come through Balance of Power. This is what Akbar had to contend with in his Kingdom. The only way he could succeed was to give the people their rights without any consideration given to race or religion. His wife was a Hindu lady who never converted to Islam so his kindom was not based on Islamic Theocracy.

In Mughalistan, since Muslims will only be 50% of the population they will have compromise with the Hindus and Hindus will have to compromise with the Muslims to make it work. the icing on the cake would be emphasis on Common Culture rather than religion which makes for a much more potent force for Nation Building.

1. A rose with any other name will smell just as Sweet.

2. No, Pakistan is Islamic republic of Pakistan. Mughalistan will be patterned after Great Akbar style Secular country.

3. PM could belong to any religion or not belong to any. There will be a complete separation between Religion and Statehood.

4. Constitution based on Secular laws.

So you may ask how is that different from present day India ? Because in present day India, minorities will never get their rights.

Why ? because when you have majority of 82% Hindus, there is no incentive for Hindus to relinquish power to minorities. Oh yes, they will give lip service to Democracy and Secularism and all the high fluting ideas but in Substance it will be a lot of hot Air. True Democracy and Secularism will only come through Balance of Power. This is what Akbar had to contend with in his Kingdom. The only way he could succeed was to give the people their rights without any consideration given to race or religion. His wife was a Hindu lady who never converted to Islam so his kindom was not based on Islamic Theocracy.

dont tell that to them, they will quickly run & change the history.......
Now if Indian Muslim really want to achieve Salvation then they need come back to Dharmic fold because then only they will achieve Moksh, the ultimate Salvation.
Islam has been nothing more than a failure in the Indian Subcontinent. Pakistan, Afghanistan are excellent example of this. Bangladesh has been a bit of success due to moderating influence of India.

i can not comment on first part, but agree on second part. Islam is nt success in india. if you see indian islam its totally different than real islam. let me give some example.

1. castism: islam forbid castism, while in india its there.
2. dowry : dowry is prevelant in indian islam.
3. as muslim are minority,they can't follow true islam.

there are many things which I'll postwhen I'll in front of my pc. its difficult to post from PDA.

1. A rose with any other name will smell just as Sweet.

2. No, Pakistan is Islamic republic of Pakistan. Mughalistan will be patterned after Great Akbar style Secular country.

3. PM could belong to any religion or not belong to any. There will be a complete separation between Religion and Statehood.

4. Constitution based on Secular laws.

So you may ask how is that different from present day India ? Because in present day India, minorities will never get their rights.

Why ? because when you have majority of 82% Hindus, there is no incentive for Hindus to relinquish power to minorities. Oh yes, they will give lip service to Democracy and Secularism and all the highfalutin ideas but in Substance it will be a lot of hot Air. True Democracy and Secularism will only come through Balance of Power. This is what Akbar had to contend with in his Kingdom. The only way he could succeed was to give the people their rights without any consideration given to race or religion. His wife was a Hindu lady who never converted to Islam so his kindom was not based on Islamic Theocracy.

history tell us an islmicmajority country can not be secular. secularim and islam are opposite sideof river. muslim can't tolarate different sect, how can they tolarate different religion.

put ur hand or your heart and ask yourself, can muslim land becme secular?

1. A rose with any other name will smell just as Sweet.

2. No, Pakistan is Islamic republic of Pakistan. Mughalistan will be patterned after Great Akbar style Secular country.

3. PM could belong to any religion or not belong to any. There will be a complete separation between Religion and Statehood.

4. Constitution based on Secular laws.

So you may ask how is that different from present day India ? Because in present day India, minorities will never get their rights.

Why ? because when you have majority of 82% Hindus, there is no incentive for Hindus to relinquish power to minorities. Oh yes, they will give lip service to Democracy and Secularism and all the highfalutin ideas but in Substance it will be a lot of hot Air. True Democracy and Secularism will only come through Balance of Power. This is what Akbar had to contend with in his Kingdom. The only way he could succeed was to give the people their rights without any consideration given to race or religion. His wife was a Hindu lady who never converted to Islam so his kindom was not based on Islamic Theocracy.

And you will be the hero of this new secular country, in fact you will be lovingly called quaid e mughal e azam!

In reality though, it will be a sheltering ground for al qaida, wink wink!
history tell us an islmicmajority country can not be secular. secularim and islam are opposite sideof river. muslim can't tolarate different sect, how can they tolarate different religion.

put ur hand or your heart and ask yourself, can muslim land becme secular?

was Akbar not secular ?????? is turkey not Secular ???????? is malaysia not secular ???????
Very interesting points, could you kindly elobrate on these please ???????????????

come to india and see. it practiced in bihar abd up. where 70% of indian muslim live. i am talkingground reality.
was Akbar not secular ?????? is turkey not Secular ???????? is malaysia not secular ???????

did akbar followed islam? he formed a religion, deen-e-elahi. which iis against islam. more overhistory is highly manipulated.

exceptions are there to serve the law. no law exist without exceptions, turkey is an exception.

1. A rose with any other name will smell just as Sweet.

2. No, Pakistan is Islamic republic of Pakistan. Mughalistan will be patterned after Great Akbar style Secular country.

3. PM could belong to any religion or not belong to any. There will be a complete separation between Religion and Statehood.

4. Constitution based on Secular laws.

So you may ask how is that different from present day India ? Because in present day India, minorities will never get their rights.

Why ? because when you have majority of 82% Hindus, there is no incentive for Hindus to relinquish power to minorities. Oh yes, they will give lip service to Democracy and Secularism and all the highfalutin ideas but in Substance it will be a lot of hot Air. True Democracy and Secularism will only come through Balance of Power. This is what Akbar had to contend with in his Kingdom. The only way he could succeed was to give the people their rights without any consideration given to race or religion. His wife was a Hindu lady who never converted to Islam so his kindom was not based on Islamic Theocracy.

In Mughalistan, since Muslims will only be 50% of the population they will have compromise with the Hindus and Hindus will have to compromise with the Muslims to make it work. the icing on the cake would be emphasis on Common Culture rather than religion which makes for a much more potent force for Nation Building.

I know it is hard for people to understand a concept because we are so emotionally invested in our own concepts of race and creed but if you look at it in a dispassionate and objective manner, the only way a country like India will truly prosper is when there is BALANCE OF POWER between races and religions.
did akbar followed islam? he formed a religion, deen-e-elahi. which iis against islam. more overhistory is highly manipulated.

exceptions are there to serve the law. no law exist without exceptions, turkey is an exception.

one way of looking at it yes he went away from islam & another way of looking at it is he went two steps ahead to integrate & accomdate all ethnicities and religions.........

I know it is hard for people to understand a concept because we are so emotionally invested in our own concepts of race and creed but if you look at it in a dispassionate and objective manner, the only way a country like India will truly prosper is when there is BALANCE OF POWER between races and religions.

its too late for that now........
ok ..... when pakistanis will convert back to hinduism this will be considerred

1. A rose with any other name will smell just as Sweet.

2. No, Pakistan is Islamic republic of Pakistan. Mughalistan will be patterned after Great Akbar style Secular country.

3. PM could belong to any religion or not belong to any. There will be a complete separation between Religion and Statehood.

4. Constitution based on Secular laws.

So you may ask how is that different from present day India ? Because in present day India, minorities will never get their rights.

Why ? because when you have majority of 82% Hindus, there is no incentive for Hindus to relinquish power to minorities. Oh yes, they will give lip service to Democracy and Secularism and all the highfalutin ideas but in Substance it will be a lot of hot Air. True Democracy and Secularism will only come through Balance of Power. This is what Akbar had to contend with in his Kingdom. The only way he could succeed was to give the people their rights without any consideration given to race or religion. His wife was a Hindu lady who never converted to Islam so his kindom was not based on Islamic Theocracy.

In Mughalistan, since Muslims will only be 50% of the population they will have compromise with the Hindus and Hindus will have to compromise with the Muslims to make it work. the icing on the cake would be emphasis on Common Culture rather than religion which makes for a much more potent force for Nation Building.

Those Muslims who had a problem have been given a large chunk of Dharmic land already.

No more partition of India. Ever.

I know as a Pakistani it may be your fantasy. We didn't ethnically cleanse our country after partition like you. Doesn't mean we allow it to be divided again.

Every Indian is patriotic and they don't need advice from "enemies".
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