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Indian Muslims should have their own consolidated Muslim political party

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Hello bandu

please stop interfiering about indian muslims we dont need ur advice neither ur suggestion, although we are happy with our cou democracy , We don't Need another party neither another 2 nations theory which is worst of its kind

Thank goodness you came in..:lol:.

The last thing we needed here was to take advice from Jamaatis and Pakistanis on how to run a country. :D
All major political parties in India give substantial representation to Muslims & all other religions. Then what's the fuss all about?

We don't need such absurd ideas given in post 1 to divide India, we are doing better than that.
Hello bandu

please stop interfiering about indian muslims we dont need ur advice neither ur suggestion, although we are happy with our cou democracy , We don't Need another party neither another 2 nations theory which is worst of its kind

they have the right to put forward their ideas man. they think its good to have a dedicated muslim party, we have to explain them how it is good or bad? we cant stop them from interfaring unfortunately.
Popular Front of India? It is nothing but a terror arm. Threatening teachers, beating non-Muslims, cut off the hand of one professor... I don't understand how you Keralites tolerate these terrorists in your political system. They make Congress look noble.

Thats different. What I said is IUML...Indian Union Muslim League.
By this logic Pakistan should follow a single party rule like China.. maybe then they can reverse their fortunes and in time able to shake off the stigma of being rated as a failed country.
It is their democratic right; if Indian Muslims want a religion based political party, they should make it. Who are Indian Hindus to advise or stop them!

First of all who are you to advice -- non of us isn't it ?so please back off.
and please don't use your biased theory here of ( indian hindus - indian muslims) we do not represent our self in the name if religion ,sects as we are indians and that is our identlty .

I am living in a place which is 95% hindus dominated and 90% of my friends are hindus and i never felt left behind neither did they take me as a muslim love their company and equally they are very supportive and my buddies ,

Still i pity on you guyz for living on the ideology of 2 nations theory whih is worst of its kind .
and thank god people like you migrated to pakistan and even i thanx to my ansesators for staying back in india istead of migrating to a mess .

About political parties we muslims our self do not have any unity as we are divided into sects like ( sunni , barelvi, tabligi , deobandi , ahle hadis, shias , etc etc ) which don't even tolerate to see each other .

As An indian muslim we are free to practice islam in india to what every extent we can without any fear .
the reason is our secularism .

jai hind
It is their democratic right; if Indian Muslims want a religion based political party, they should make it. Who are Indian Hindus to advise or stop them!


Its not democratic right to form political party based on religious affiliation. This is India, not Pakistan.
Why is this thread even running? No article and no source, so why are people- mainly Indians- feeding the troll?

Indian Muslims know that a separate political party is of no use. There is no legal bar on having a separate party and there are 100s of registered parties by the election commissions around a Muslim political agenda. But they don't even get 1% of the Muslim vote. This shows what Indian Muslims really want, that despite the existence of Muslim political parties in India, they still get negligible votes. Most of these political parties jump up and down around election time which shows how sincere they are in the first place.

In fact, compare this to party's like Shiva's Army or Shiv Sena which has a lot of political support and has a number of MLAs and MPs in Maharahstra. And the Indian Union Muslim League that has just 2 MPs in the parliament and no presence outside Kerela.

A political party that uses religion to garner votes rather than a development or economic or social goal is a party that is going to be corrupt. Because it doesn't depend on performance or track record to get votes, all it has to do is scaremonger about religion and people will vote for this party. Indian Muslims have learnt this lesson painfully because of the partition saga and its time everyone else does too.
who will lead the party Mr apj abdul kalam or shah rukh khan??
No one will stop them, just like this random nincompoop on the internet came here an idea for the Indian Muslims, we as Indians have the right to refute the idea.

Who is a Pakistani to talk about Indian political scene? Besides there is a Muslim League in India already if am not wrong. Gets like 1 or two seats:lol:

Once people like Narendra Modi come into power, Muslim League will become a lot more consolidated.

It was Congress rule of 1935-1939 which saw wide scale persecution of Muslims. This made Muslims to realise that they should support Muslim League and strive for a separate homeland. The rest is History.:pakistan:
Once people like Narendra Modi come into power, Muslim League will become a lot more consolidated.

It was Congress rule of 1935-1939 which saw wide scale persecution of Muslims. This made Muslims to realise that they should support Muslim League and strive for a separate homeland. The rest is History.:pakistan:

dude Mr modi is not a monster who will come and order persecution of muslims. he doesnt want instability in the region. maybe persecution is common in pak but sorry not in india. Shrii APJ Kalam is going to be the nxt president or maybe Mr Hamid. loll and president is the supreme commander of nation in india. he can ask the govt to leave at any moment.
After post 36, we Indians don't need to say anything more. We have succesfully managed to live as a unified country despite being THE MOST DIVERSE set of people on the planet (and that's not an exageration). Nobody in India (neither hindus, nor muslims nor buddhists nor anyone else) has a right to form a political party based on religious affiliation, and that's true of all forward thinking modern nation states. We have left behind tribalism and learnt to live together as one, and are not in a mood to take suggestions from people who still have tribal mentality.

Just like south korea doesn't need suggestions from north korea about economics or prosperity, just as japan doesn't need suggestions from somalia on industrialisation, Indian muslims don't need lessons from pakistanis, false flaggers or anyone else on how to live peacefully.

You are talking to the most diverse coalition of people living together in human history. So take your tribalism and shove it.

Anekta main ekta, yeh hind ki visheshta - something you will never understand.
Once people like Narendra Modi come into power, Muslim League will become a lot more consolidated.

It was Congress rule of 1935-1939 which saw wide scale persecution of Muslims. This made Muslims to realise that they should support Muslim League and strive for a separate homeland. The rest is History.:pakistan:

The only differnce between us is you guyz are still living in history gaoing back in (1935 -1939),we don't thats the reason things have changed.
Once people like Narendra Modi come into power, Muslim League will become a lot more consolidated.

It was Congress rule of 1935-1939 which saw wide scale persecution of Muslims. This made Muslims to realise that they should support Muslim League and strive for a separate homeland. The rest is History.:pakistan:

That's I say DON'T read history books at Pakistani School.

Pakistani Schools teach Hindu hatred - DAWN
After post 36, we Indians don't need to say anything more. We have succesfully managed to live as a unified country despite being THE MOST DIVERSE set of people on the planet (and that's not an exageration). Nobody in India (neither hindus, nor muslims nor buddhists nor anyone else) has a right to form a political party based on religious affiliation, and that's true of all forward thinking modern nation states. We have left behind tribalism and learnt to live together as one, and are not in a mood to take suggestions from people who still have tribal mentality.

Just like south korea doesn't need suggestions from north korea about economics or prosperity, just as japan doesn't need suggestions from somalia on industrialisation, Indian muslims don't need lessons from pakistanis, false flaggers or anyone else on how to live peacefully.

You are talking to the most diverse coalition of people living together in human history. So take your tribalism and shove it.

Anekta main ekta, yeh hind ki visheshta - something you will never understand.

CHEERZZ BRO---- we cannot make the people of fools paradise reasile
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