Your statement is self contradictory.. first you said that no one in India has the right to ridicule Muslims.. yet you are saying that hindu extremist publications exist that do demonize Muslims.At the same time, extremist teachings are allowed to come out of seminaries in various Indian states and the like Clearly they are not arrested.. so is the law based on selective interpretation for the benefit of political parties? Say where pro Hindu parties such as BJP are.. it ignores the Hindu extremists.. where the congress is.. it plays on gaining sympathy votes..
The very fact that I called them "extremists" goes to show that they are a negligibly small minority, and that they are doing something beyond the law.
Please tell me, in which mainstream publications in any media - print or electronic or other - do you see muslims being ridiculed? Nowhere. It is not possible in India to make fun of any religion, religious group or religious beliefs, without incurring severe legal penalties. You only need to check out the number of books and films that have been banned for "hurting religious sentiments", to know the truth of that statement.
When I said that there may be hindu extremist publications that do so, I meant that there could be small groups that circulate such material in their publications among their readership. Of course I don't personally know of any, not being a subscriber to any such publication. There have also been christian and muslim publications that have ridiculed hindu beliefs and gods, and fomented social unrest.
But that is not unique to India, is it? Just a few days back, a video was posted on this forum, from a group in Pakistan singing songs about shias being kafirs and justifying attacks on them to stop their kuffar, and flying the flags of SSP and LeJ openly. I can assure you, that amount of hatred, openly encouraging a certain religion or sect to be killed off, would not be tolerated in India. Which is why I admitted the possibility that there could be hindu extremist groups that publish anti muslim pamphlets - but for one thing, they do not have any social acceptability in India, and two, even they do not openly exhort massacre of muslims or a sect.
See, the point is that all this is a matter of degree. Can I say that there is not a single Indian who is very anti-muslim, or wants to see all muslims killed or being subservient? No, I cannot assert that, because there may be a few. But your own assertion that in India muslims are treated as second class citizens and that their culture and history is ridiculed, is completely untrue as a general statement.