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Indian Missiles - News, Developments, Tests, and Discussions


What I comment or Not, is my business. Dont come and tell me what to do or not. I havent read those articles, posted. i was talkiing about MIRV, Which is about Multiple Warheads which can be Independently targeted not about MISSILE RANGE. Tell me an official source which has claimed from the Indian side, that we have a successful MIRV. Even in the site that you have qouted above is their best Guess-estimate by looking at a 2-D picture, and also according to that same website Agni 3 is no MIRV, but only Agni 3++ and Agni 3 SL. So what the **** is your point.
I think you took it personally, I might have misused how i wanted my sentence to be meant and so I'm taking it back.

My point was, Media speculating it is 3 stage missile (not yet confirmed)
now Agni 3 is a 2 stage missile which was tested last year.
A 3 stage missile if it is this time, cannot be the previous Agni 3.

The last part was not meant for this thread, somehow i was editing two three PFF threads and it came here, but my first line

Very little about MIRV is known...

I am a great admirer of BR in technical details, but it is still in the end a Fan Site, therefore I would call them jingo's than Credible sources. I am sure a GSLV launching India is more than capable of creating missile range's of an ICBM. So what is your point. So dont open your mouth before you know what I am talking about, get that Kid. I certainly ****ing hope that you have mis-qouted me.
Forum discussion might be not the articles, The writer is definitely noy "fan boy" and doesnt writes fan articles.
nehi pata melb bhai. probably morning.
I indian's technoledge of missle is followed china and about 20 years behind

china not Indian but Japan is not comapred with china ,china will been top 3of

world after USA and Russion.
Bull Crap Babblefish

India Strong!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Burrah! Take out your Ghauri 3's! Assemble like '98!:flag:
So far all the tests we've seen from both countries happen wayyy early in the morning...

Fajr time here, which means almost 7am in India. Nothing's on google... You think they'll show it on some Indian TV live? Namaz k baad star news lagake dekhte hain. We might always just see some fireworks :D
I thought all Indian channels are banned in Pakistan?
Agni-III to be launched within 48 hours

Highly placed sources in the defence set-up have told TIMES NOW that the government is likely to launch the Agni-III within the next 48-hours. But the decision will be subject to a clearance by the Defence Research and Development Organisation which should come by Wednesday (April 11) night.

DRDO scientist had found that hot exhaust fumes went inside the rocket and burnt cables that led to the malfunction the last time leading to the failure in the test launch. Also, a metal plate in the rocket to stop reverse flow of the exhaust did not work. Agni-III will have a three stage lift-off mechanism and will have a range of 4,000 km.

The Agni-III is the most powerful missile in the Indian arsenal. When ready, it will be able to carry nuclear capable warheads. It is an effective counter to any missile in the region and can hit most parts of China, including Beijing.
The Agni-II has a longer range than the Agni-I and Agni-II, which have ranges of 1500 and 2500 km respectively.

News coming in from The Hindu, one of oldest newspaper though has clear communist agenda, it was first published 3 years before the Jinnah was born. :P

Some reporters there like huma siddiqui, TS subramanian , raja golapachari writes kickass articles in defence.

It has been succesfully test fired, RV splashdown details awaited.

Agni-III ballistic missile test fired
Balasore, April 12 (PTI): India today test fired its nuclear capable 3,000 km intermediate range ballistic missile Agni-III from the Interim Test Range (ITR) at the Wheeler's Island in the Bay of Bengal off the Orissa coast.

The indigenously developed surface-to-surface missile, blasted off at 10.52 am from a fixed platform with the help of an auto launcher in the launch complex-4 of the ITR, located about 72 km from here, defence sources said.

The sleek missile vertically roared into the clear sky leaving behind a thick column of white and yellow smoke, eyewitness accounts said.

It was not immediately known whether the trial was successful or not.

Fitted with an on-board computer, the missile was designed to go up to a distance of 90 km vertically crossing the atmosphere and re-enter into the earth targetting the predetermined impact point near Car Nicobar Island, the sources said.

If successfully test-fired, Agni-III will become the missile with the longest reach in South Asia and more powerful than any missile in Pakistan's arsenal.

However, China has missiles with a longer reach than Agni-III.

Three sophisticated radars, six electro-optical tracking systems and three telemetric data stations, located in the mainland were engaged to monitor the entire trajectory of the missile.

With an improved guidance system, this latest variant of the Agni series of missiles, Agni-III had a diameter of 1.8 metres and length of 16 metres.

The missile, which weighed about 48 tonnes, was meant to support a wide range of warhead configurations with a total payload ranging between 600 kg and 1.8 tonne and featured decoys and other anti-ballistic counter measures, the sources said.

This is Agni-III's second trial, the earlier experiment on July 9, 2006 having gone awry.

DRDO scientists said the fault detected in the first test trial of the Agni-III missile had been addressed.

so far everything matches with exact what Br's page said, anyways,

non fudged page on Agi,


First agni 3's pic from BR (this is form last test)
Agni 3 from last years flight


I'm waiting to know its yield since we have huge access to Tritium for boosted fission.

Spashdown details still awaited.
2 Stage missile,
^^ correct 2 stage with media speculating RV being 3rd.I'm still waiting for some more details lets see if it comes out or not.

Test is fully succesful.

from MOD

Test is fully succesful.


Indian scientists today achieved a major milestone in missile technology when they successfully conducted the flight test of the Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM) – AGNI III from the Wheeler Island, off the coast of Orissa at 10.50 this morning. The 16 meter long missile weighing 48 tonnes, lifted off successfully from its Rail Mobile Launcher System leaving a trail of orange and yellow smoke. The missile which has a range of more than 3000 kms is capable of carrying a pay load of 1.5 Tonnes. The trajectory of AGNI III is computed by the onboard computer system based on the launch and target coordinates. During the flight the missile has no communication with the ground systems and is autonomous and fully `intelligent’ to reach its designated target. With this success, the design team is happy that the problems faced in the previous attempt on July 09 last year has been fully understood and solved.

The entire flight path of approx 15 minutes duration validated all mission objectives primarily to establish the performance of the two stage propulsion in flight and the flex nozzle control system being attempted by DRDO scientists for the very first time. The flight was tracked from ground stations at Dhamra, ITR, Balasore, Port Blair and two Indian Naval ships in the Indian Ocean. Shri M Natarajan, Scientific Advisor to Raksha Mantri made a specific reference to the achievement of high degree of self reliance in AGNI III, as most of the sub systems have been developed within the country with the synergy between DRDO – Industry (both Public and Private sector) and Academia. As per the Mission Director, Shri Avinash Chander, many “firsts” have been established by this launch, which includes the Flex Nozzle Controls of Rocket Motor during powered phase, specially developed composite propellant with high specific impulse for the rocket. Guidance and Control with built in fault tolerant avionics, withstanding of severe aero thermal environment experienced during the Re-entry phase and coordinated mission management.

The Defence Minister Shri AK Antony has congratulated the defence scientists on the successful launch and for achieving another important milestone in self-reliance in this critical strategic system. He also stated that India has matured in the missile technology area and was definitely at par with many other developed countries. AGNI III has confirmed India’s Strategic capability for minimum credible deterrence. Today’s historic event was witnessed by Shri Pallam Raju, Raksha Rajya Mantri, Shri M Natarajan, SA to RM and a host of senior officials of Ministry of Defence and Services
News coming in from The Hindu, one of oldest newspaper though has clear communist agenda, it was first published 3 years before the Jinnah was born. :P

Some reporters there like huma siddiqui, TS subramanian , raja golapachari writes kickass articles in defence.

It has been succesfully test fired, RV splashdown details awaited.

so far everything matches with exact what Br's page said, anyways,

non fudged page on Agi,


First agni 3's pic from BR (this is form last test)
Agni 3 from last years flight


I'm waiting to know its yield since we have huge access to Tritium for boosted fission.

Spashdown details still awaited.
Still gotta wait and see if it was successful or not.

Yellow/Orange Smoke reported... Is that normal?
If successfully test-fired, Agni-III will become the missile with the longest reach in South Asia and more powerful than any missile in Pakistan's arsenal.

Lol. Talk about making things Pakistan centric when they don't have to be.
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