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Indian Media: The Formidable Second Aircarft Carrier of China.


Aug 8, 2012
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While browsing through Baidu news, came across this. Someone by the name of lj posted this hilarious article on a Chinese forum. The title itself got me cracking. Believe me, no media house in India is talking about Chinese AC (1st or 2nd) for quite a while now. Very jingoistic and self praising of him.
印媒:中国第二艘航母太可怕 竟敢这么做:rofl:
(I wasn't able to translate it precisely, But in mandarin its funny)





Dont know what that it.

All together its a 11 pages article. Comparing the AC with Ford and Nimitz class AC's.

印媒:中国第二艘航母太可怕 竟敢这么做-花季乐园-中学生频道- 未来网-hjly.k618.cn 中国未成年人健康上网平台
China's second aircraft carrier will be an improved version of Liaoning.

Since many Chinese websites are just attention whores, they don't represent the voice of China's state media.
China's second aircraft carrier will be an improved version of Liaoning.

Since many Chinese websites are just attention whores, they don't represent the voice of China's state media.
That why I used the word FORUM. Some idiot by the username lj posted it today.
I was just a little surprised when I found it on Baidu News (chinese equivalent of google news). I guess they don't edit that section properly.
That why I used the word FORUM. Some idiot by the username lj posted it today.
I was just a little surprised when I found it on Baidu News (chinese equivalent of google news). I guess they don't edit that section properly.

All Chinese military amateurs know that China's first batch of aircraft carriers will be one 70000 tons STOBAR and one 80000+ tons CATOBAR.

If anyone doesn't know about that, then he/she doesn't deserve to be qualified as an amateur.
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All Chinese military amateurs know that China's first batch of aircraft carriers will be one 70000 tons CATOBAR and one 80000+ tons STOBAR.

If anyone doesn't know about that, then he/she doesn't deserve to be qualified as an amateur.
On the third page he goes on to say
Don't know where he pulled that figures from.
While browsing through Baidu news, came across this. Someone by the name of lj posted this hilarious article on a Chinese forum. The title itself got me cracking. Believe me, no media house in India is talking about Chinese AC (1st or 2nd) for quite a while now. Very jingoistic and self praising of him.
印媒:中国第二艘航母太可怕 竟敢这么做:rofl:
(I wasn't able to translate it precisely, But in mandarin its funny)




View attachment 22762
View attachment 22763 View attachment 22763
Dont know what that it.

All together its a 11 pages article. Comparing the AC with Ford and Nimitz class AC's.

印媒:中国第二艘航母太可怕 竟敢这么做-花季乐园-中学生频道- 未来网-hjly.k618.cn 中国未成年人健康上网平台
mate, at lest quote something from 铁血, cjdby, 中华网,or any other reputable forums```military fans and enthusiasts wont read the site you just quoted, its more like a info junk site
He is pulling thing out of his ***.

China will not build the nuclear supercarrier until 2020.
I won't have given this article a second thought if not for the word Indian Media in his title. I could be a hypocrite if I didn't say that this kind of things happen on this side of the border also.
I'm taking it on the lighter side. I posted it cause of the second poster, it has got a star trek vibe to it.

mate, at lest quote something from 铁血, cjdby, 中华网,or any other reputable forums```military fans and enthusiasts wont read the site you just quoted, its more like a info junk site
Dont take it seriously mate. I have mentioned that its from a forum and a fanboy article.
All Chinese military amateurs know that China's first batch of aircraft carriers will be one 70000 tons STOBAR and one 80000+ tons CATOBAR.

If anyone doesn't know about that, then he/she doesn't deserve to be qualified as an amateur.
to clarify, the second carrier will be ski-jump and there is no second patch as circulated on forums```and the third one will be the real deal, steam catapult and newly designed hull
China is working hard to build a supercarrier to match the CVN-78 class in the near future, but right now China is not ready yet.

to clarify, the second carrier will be ski-jump and there is no second patch as circulated on forums```and the third one will be the real deal, steam catapult and newly designed hull

The Type 001A has started right now, while the Type 002 will be started a bit later, maybe 2015-2016.

But both Type 001A and Type 002 are considered as the first batch of the indigenous carrier building by two different shipyards.
China is working hard to build a supercarrier to match the CVN-78 class in the near future, but right now China is not ready yet.

The Type 001A has started right now, while the Type 002 will be started a bit later, maybe 2015-2016.

But both Type 001A and Type 002 are considered as the first batch of the indigenous carrier building by two different shipyards.
No, there is no such thing called same patch or not```the second carrier will be the 'liaoning' modified version, and the 3rd one will be the indigenous carrier

there are too many fancy rumor circling around Chinese carrier, and most of them are just as 'solid' as a thin air
No, there is no such thing called same patch or not```the second carrier will be the 'liaoning' modified version, and the 3rd one will be the indigenous carrier

there are too many fancy rumor circling around Chinese carrier, and most of them are just as 'solid' as a thin air

If they decide to build a carrier today,they will still make it faster than iac-1,thats a reality.

Accept it and get on with life
If they decide to build a carrier today,they will still make it faster than iac-1,thats a reality.

Accept it and get on with life
and your point being?
btw, the carrier project started in late 80s, when most people, even the Chinese experts wouldnt suggest china to hv AV fleets, and the decision was made a decade ago to build several carriers, and the construction contract was signed a year ago, so it is not a simple linear logic
No, there is no such thing called same patch or not```the second carrier will be the 'liaoning' modified version, and the 3rd one will be the indigenous carrier

there are too many fancy rumor circling around Chinese carrier, and most of them are just as 'solid' as a thin air

Do you know what the Type 001A stands for?

The Type 001 is Liaoning, while the Type 001A means an improved version of Liaoning.

The Type 002 is a completely breakthrough, it will feature three steam capults, two on the bow and one on the angle deck.


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and your point being?
btw, the carrier project started in late 80s, when most people, even the Chinese experts wouldnt suggest china to hv AV fleets, and the decision was made a decade ago to build several carriers, and the construction contract was signed a year ago, so it is not a simple linear logic

I don't even need to elaborate,chinese shipbuilding is like a decade ahead of indian.
If u don't know this then u are lying to urself
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