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Indian Made 'Factor-8' injections recovered at Karachi airport legally Exported to Pakistan

Many generic Indian medicine are smuggled into Pakistan..as most of the drugs manufactured in the west is either unavailable or beyond the budget of Pakistanis. So some medicine ending up in the hands of some terrorist is nothing...especially those who can manage to sneak into your airports with automatic riffles, RPG's and suicide vests. These are not action taken in a spur of the moment...these are planned for months. Finding of a medicine is not a proof...it only shows that Indian pharma companies are doing good...and somebody is ripping them off by smuggling medicine.
just go to pharmatical store and get the medicine by so refernce to it ! at yeah not illegal but legal drugs they are !
We hate Modi because he killed Muslims- Indian Muslims is a secondary info- Our hate is religious based-
Yours hate towards HS might be nationalistic or religious-

but i would like to emphasize on "hate"- The most hated person becoming head of state-

You need to get some facts corrected, Modi was not involved with any terrorist organization. He was the Chief Minister of a state during a riot....and he is not the first one nor will be the last one. The accusation against him was that he didn't do enough to stop the riots..which again has been proved wrong. Narendra Modi didn't kill any Muslim neither did he provoked or trained somebody to. The definition of riot itself speaks everything...Hindus were also killed in the riots...in fact the riots began killing of 52 Hindu pilgrims who were burned alive.
Comparing Hafiz Saed with Narendra Modi is utter disgusting....Hafiz Sayed has been killing innocent civilians in India by bombing..and other terrorist activity. Any person in their right state of mind won't compare a democratically elected leader with a self proclaimed "thekedar" of Islam.
:lol: Hope this will help!!!

Is injection ka naam hai Oncodox-50
how is that proof? blurred images of a bottle of god knows what could be alcohol since we cant see the label at all!

Mate, its your media. Indians are reacting to the nonsense your media is putting out there. Dont blame the reactions if your reporters are doing half arsed reporting in the first place.
thats what I have been saying from day 1..and hence all I did 3 days ago was post all articles produced to cross refer them but people kept trolling with their illogical habit to laugh at whatever the media was reporting and taking it as though it was truth from the bible :unsure:

now this part is another jumping to conclusion:

Whatever Pakistani media has reported indicates that they jumped to the conclusion on Indian involvement based on the manufacturing source of the medicines they found, conveniently ignoring the label that those drugs were legally imported by a Pakistani company for sale within Pakistan. Period.
Can you read the label of that bottle found in the video you think is your source of laughter?

Mate, its your media. Indians are reacting to the nonsense your media is putting out there. Dont blame the reactions if your reporters are doing half arsed reporting in the first place.

Whatever Pakistani media has reported indicates that they jumped to the conclusion on Indian involvement based on the manufacturing source of the medicines they found, conveniently ignoring the label that those drugs were legally imported by a Pakistani company for sale within Pakistan. Period.
yes its our media there are more of us criticizing it however there are equal number of Indians picking and choosing which one can be laughable ...like @Roybot chooses to say ARY screwed up but Express news is the right one :unsure:

while I nicely posted all the articles in the other thread...after getting interrupted and yet being questioned about the same posts (that too after every 2-3 pages) like I wrote them...i gave up!
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yes its our media there are more of us criticizing it however there are equal number of Indians picking and choosing which one can be laughable ...like @Roybot chooses to say ARY screwed up but Express news is the right one :unsure:

while I nicely posted all the articles in the other thread...after getting interrupted and yet being questioned about the same posts (that too after every 2-3 pages) like I wrote them...i gave up!

Cause I have a reason for saying that. If you notice even Express news is referring to Oncodox as Factor VIII and even the nation reported it being Oncodox, the bottles found on the site are ONcodox -50. On the other no one saw any bottle of Factor VIII, so safe to conclude that it was ARY who screwed. And I thought Indian media sucked!
Cause I have a reason for saying that. If you notice even Express news is referring to Oncodox as Factor VIII and even the nation reported it being Oncodox, the bottles found on the site are ONcodox -50. On the other no one saw any bottle of Factor VIII, so safe to conclude that it was ARY who screwed. And I thought Indian media sucked!
Provide source of your conclusion! Media are known to copy or as they say get excited in the hype being built up! And I thought you were wise enough to weigh all the possibilities! :tsk:
Can you read the label of that bottle found in the video you think is your source of laughter?
No, but can read the name of the Pakistani company that has imported the medicine..That's enough. No matter what the medicine is, as long as its imported legally by a Pakistani company, it being found on a terrorist only cements the theory that these were supplied within Pakistan.
Provide source of your conclusion! Media are known to copy or as they say get excited in the hype being built up! And I thought you were wise enough to weigh all the possibilities! :tsk:

Provide proof that it was Indian Made Factor VIII injections that was found there, there is none, not a blurred image or a news story about it :lol:

Provide proof that it was Indian Made Factor VIII injections that was found there, there is none, not a blurred image or a news story about it :lol:

There are plenty of images circulating....can you zoom in near those grenades....cant see whats sitting on that desk but since you can read labels from this far like in CSI...Can you please tell me what is that next to those grenades :enjoy:

No, but can read the name of the Pakistani company that has imported the medicine..That's enough. No matter what the medicine is, as long as its imported legally by a Pakistani company, it being found on a terrorist only cements the theory that these were supplied within Pakistan.
Can you prove to me that the image of the imported medicine is the one sitting on the desk that they showcased as taken from the terrorists? when you can read the labels of those found at the raid then quote me...till then adios!
There are plenty of images circulating....can you zoom in near those grenades....cant see whats sitting on that desk but since you can read labels from this far like in CSI...Can you please tell me what is that next to those grenades :enjoy:

Can you prove to me that the image of the imported medicine is the one sitting on the desk that they showcased as taken from the terrorists? when you can read the labels of those found at the raid then quote me...till then adios!

Well they are being referred to as Oncodox-50 in media reports, the bottles look the same, and India exports them to Pakistan legally. What have you got that says that those vials are of Factor VIII:what:
So let me get this straight, the label is not visible in the picture but based only on the shape of the bottles, Indians are claiming that its in fact a cancer drug? Watching too much Sherlock, have we?

Not like drug bottles come in all sort of weird contorted bottles like perfumes.

Its a pretty weak line of argument.

Here's another bottle that looks similar, I hope you guys wont count this as the same drug:

Well they are being referred to as Oncodox-50 in media reports, the bottles look the same, and India exports them to Pakistan legally. What have you got that says that those vials are of Factor VIII:what:
I could pick up the bottles from our lab which have alcohol in and place them in take some photos and say it was Indian oncodox?

And you will believe coz I reported it with blurred pix from a distance or clear pix without labels?

I am not saying anything till someone confirms what the hell those were!
So let me get this straight, the label is not visible in the picture but based only on the shape of the bottles, Indians are claiming that its in fact a cancer drug? Watching too much Sherlock, have we?

Not like drug bottles come in all sort of weird contorted bottles like perfumes.

Its a pretty weak line of argument.

Here's another bottle that looks similar, I hope you guys wont count this as the same drug:


Yaaar waisee bhi the DG Rangers in his interview I was listening to with Rana Mubashir (I presume) when asked about this same thing replied something to the effect (if memory serves) : A Neighboring country's drugs/medicine were indeed found at the premises but these are available in the International Market too so we can't say anything right now except that we'll investigate this lead !
I could pick up the bottles from our lab which have alcohol in and place them in take some photos and say it was Indian oncodox?

And you will believe coz I reported it with blurred pix from a distance or clear pix without labels?

I am not saying anything till someone confirms what the hell those were!
So all that we have is hot air from Pakistani media. First it was weapons and ammo.. Then vaccines and then it will be a sorry face like the time of fake wiki leaks.
So all that we have is hot air from Pakistani media. First it was weapons and ammo.. Then vaccines and then it will be a sorry face like the time of fake wiki leaks.
no its the Indians circulating these pix and opening different threads about it hoping to have the last laugh...Pakistanis already hate their media enough ...
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