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Indian Listening Station In Oman Monitoring Pakistan's Naval Communications

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Well that answers why we shouldn't trust arabs. Good thing that our policy is shifting from gulf countries to Iran.

Ha ha ha...Brotherhood wet dreams with the arabees!

On serious note there is no need to trust either - we should have a neutral relationship focused on exporting our products and importing their energy!

Do you really think Pakistan can afford to mess with Oman Sir better if this news is true we should talk to them messing with Oman will mean you pissed of Saudi Arabia and UAE and in fact you just kicked your economy

And thanks to wahabi traitors present among our ranks in the millitary and armed forces!
How exactly do you justify taking out Omani infrastructure in the event of hostility with India? Listening is a passive process, if you're too concerned about privacy then stop communicating over wireless.

And you have to prove it as SIGINT installation before doing any misadventures.

Indian infrastructure on Omani soil.
Actually big massive dish antennas are needed for listening stations to accumulate enough signals for analysis..
here is a view of a British Listening station.

RAF Menwith Hill - Google Maps

Ok this one is masive and covers the whole of Atlantic and North sea..Plus listens to almost all satellite coms...But still even a local listening station will need some dish antennas and difficult to hide.

If there is any hidden station constructed by India it cant be too powerful..may be listening to some local traffic...

Of course that must be true. They spend all their time listening to local FM stations.......
Radio Dhofar has very nice music. :D

Indian infrastructure on Omani soil.

Still OMANI SOIL, is'nt it. :P
Indian infrastructure on Omani soil.

Can be civilian structure, like Indian embassy operates schools on UAE, Qatar and other gulf states. Justified enough reason to take them out in the event of hostility.

Having an antenna on the roof doesn't make it a military installation. :coffee:
Indian infrastructure on Omani soil.

Oman is also a staunch ally of the US. The US regularly operates F-16s from Oman. If you don't know what happens to countries who attack a nation protected by the US, remember what happened to Iraq when it attacked Kuwait. The entire American war machine came thundering on them. That will happen to any country that attacks Oman.

But discounting that also, what exactly do you expect to get by bombing a listening post during war? That would be like closing the stables after the horse has bolted. The real work of the listening post is during peace time, spying on Pakistan navy and listening to their conversations and getting intelligence. It is going on as I type this, and as you read this. If there is a good time for pak to bomb that place, it is now. But you can't do that, can you?

During war, that post will probably be abandoned, and any Pakistani missile would fall on some disused buildings in the Omani deserts. And then pak will pay the price for that by living without oil for a while.
Indian infrastructure on Omani soil.
It doesnt work the way you want to make it sound.

It makes no difference whatsoever. By the same token if you think you can attack Indian assets in Russia during a war with us, you are welcome to try.

If the infrastructure is located in a third country and is actively not hampering your operations, any attempt to attack it will be construed as an act of war by any self respecting nation.

And i very seriously doubt that the Arab lovers in Pakistan would ever allow it. Secondly the blowback from this would be too severe when coupled with the biggest war Pakistan would be occupied with in its Eastern front and Indian Navy south of Karachi.

At best Pakistan will ask for it to be shut down during the war. Most likely it will be complied with. But then..our purpose would still be solved. As i said, these listening stations are for peace time intel gathering, not war time. It would have served its purpose already by the time war came.
During war, that post will probably be abandoned, and any Pakistani missile would fall on some disused buildings in the Omani deserts. And then pak will pay the price for that by living without oil for a while.

Oman is not the only country to export oil!
Oman is not the only country to export oil!

No, it isn't. But attacking a gulf country (member of GCC and OPEC) with missiles as suggested above, will be tantamount to inviting an oil-free lifestyle for some time.
Ha ha ha...Brotherhood wet dreams with the arabees!

On serious note there is no need to trust either - we should have a neutral relationship focused on exporting our products and importing their energy!

And thanks to wahabi traitors present among our ranks in the millitary and armed forces!
Their are not Wahabi traitors propaganda by those touts of kufr who always like to attack Islam
Their are not Wahabi traitors propaganda by those touts of kufr who always like to attack Islam

Who are these touts of kufr you mention? Jews, or hindus, or Christians? CIA or mossad or RAW?
No, it isn't. But attacking a gulf country (member of GCC and OPEC) with missiles as suggested above, will be tantamount to inviting an oil-free lifestyle for some time.

Not an expert on such topics but I think the GCC, specially Saudis require the bomb too badly to counter Iran. And guess where would that bomb come from? I'm not sure how will they react but Pakistan too has some leverage over them.
Not an expert on such topics but I think the GCC, specially Saudis require the bomb too badly to counter Iran. And guess where would that bomb come from? I'm not sure how will they react but Pakistan too has some leverage over them.

We should stay away from this atomic diplomacy! GCC is across the sea Iran is right across with border with shared language history and heritage. We shouldnt stab ourselves but true Iran cannot be trusted as well!

Our response to Iranian bomb should resonate with the global community without any tilt or hilt!
Not an expert on such topics but I think the GCC, specially Saudis require the bomb too badly to counter Iran. And guess where would that bomb come from? I'm not sure how will they react but Pakistan too has some leverage over them.

PAkistan will never deliver bomb against iran to saudis.Yes,U.S can do this.
Not an expert on such topics but I think the GCC, specially Saudis require the bomb too badly to counter Iran. And guess where would that bomb come from? I'm not sure how will they react but Pakistan too has some leverage over them.

Pakistan (or anybody else) is not going to be able to export a nuke to Saudi or any other country. Exporting a nuke is very serious business, and such an act of destabilization will not be allowed to take place by the rest of the world, which has interests in that region. I don't think the Saudis nurture any hope of getting a nuke from a foreign country.

As far as Saudi's security is concerned, that is taken care of by the USA, and as long as they have the US to take care of them, they don't need anybody else. Most of the gulf states share that relationship with the USA, that their security is guaranteed by the countless number of huge American bases there. Forget Iran, not even Russia or China can attack these tiny gulf countries and get away with it. Apart from huge naval, air and army bases, the US also has an entire special forces command dedicated to this region. This region is of dear interest to the entire western world, for obvious reasons.
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