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Indian Listening Station In Oman Monitoring Pakistan's Naval Communications

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at night you can even see the lights of the coast of Oman from Balochistan.

BS,Not possible even if you have Superman's eyesight.:lol:.The distance between both coast are 400 miles.Earth's curvature won't make that impossible.

i think indian are good dreamers with great imagination -- so they can at least make a film about listening posts even in Botswana if they so desire.

in reality, Oman wouldnt be so stupid. I could see indian trying to do some covert snooping around and try to get some poor labourers or other expat workers of Pakistani origin to try stirring up trouble but as for getting Govt of Oman to concede its land to indians for espionage - it's would be illogical of them and they'd be creating an enemy just next door, which they wouldnt want

Lot of wish full thinking,Don't know about Botswana,but we do have listening ports at Madagascar and Mauritius.Indo-Omani relations is robust & one based on trust was the recent report which stated that the kingdom had approached India to carry out the task of fencing its International Borders with Yemen, a critical security measure to keep the kingdom safe from influence of Islamist terrorists.Indian Navy already has berthing rights in Oman.So if you consider all that up,you can see why Omanian's can allow us a listening post at their soil.So if you add Add all that,Madagascar,Mauritius Kochi and now Oman we can monitor now entire Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf 24/7.
All Arab countries have good relations with India and KSA itself has greater relations with India than Oman but that doesn't mean to ally you against Pakistan.

Pakistan Navy backs joint efforts to combat piracy

Sunday, 24 February 2013, 10 . 25 pm


Muscat: Pakistan Navy Ship (PNS) Jurrat and submarine Khalid have arrived at Port Sultan Qaboos as part of the efforts to further improve bilateral relations between the two countries, as well as between their naval forces.

Speaking to Times of Oman, Commodore Ahmed Saeed said that Pakistan Navy ship's visit to Oman aims at boosting cooperation and relations between the two countries and their navies.

"Pakistan and Oman have a long history of very good relations. Oman is our most friendly neighbour, and our partnership, particularly as far as naval exercises are concerned, has been going on for many years. Our ships have been coming to Oman, and their warships have been visiting our bases regularly," he said.

Anti-piracy efforts
Commodore Ahmed informed that the Pakistan Navy has joined coalition efforts in the Gulf of Aden/Somalia Coast, taking part in counter-piracy deployments. "These coalitions are the need of the hour to thwart common threats in the maritime sector," he added.

PNS Jurrat, a missile boat ac-quired from China, was commissioned into the Pakistan Navy in 1981. It was upgraded as a multipurpose auxiliary craft with enhanced capabilities and launched in 2002 at Karachi Shipyard, and commissioned in February 2006. The ship has participated in national and international exercises.

PNS Khalid is the first of the Agosta 90-B class submarines acquired by the Pakistan Navy from France, and was inducted into the fleet in December 1999.

Commodore Ahmed also said that naval forces have historically played a pivotal role in strengthening the bonds of friendship between nations through goodwill visits. "Naval ships are true ambassadors to represent their nations in the comity of maritime states. Besides goodwill, overseas deployments also serve common professional pursuits and inter-operability between allied navies," he said.

He noted that the Pakistani Navy enjoys cordial relations with the Royal Navy of Oman in all fields. "We hope this visit will open new avenues in bilateral cooperation,'' he added.
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As I said before, I wasn't trying to dispute the existence of lack thereof of the listening post in question. I was pointing out the futility of copy pasting some cherry-picked facts to bolster your claims, while ignoring the much larger facts that point in the other direction. You don't seem to have understood that lesson, since you now posted a link about the Pakistan navy joining the anti piracy efforts. Again, the same logic applies. India's fights in the gulf against piracy have been far greater, our navy and air force's joint patrols and training with Oman have been far greater too. Especially since we are the only two remaining major operators of the jaguars. Not to mention that we have full berthing and replenishing rights for our ships in Oman. etc etc. None of this proves we have a listening post there, but the point I am (again) trying to teach you, is that when you cherry-pick some facts that seemingly bolster your claim, do check out the same facts for the other side.
err.... from my point of view Pakistanis are extemely anti-Arabs and regard India and Arab countries both alike as a sponsors of terrorism and separatism in their country

Who told you this forum represent majority of pakistanis???unlike some blind hate especially against arabs and iranians,Common people here regard both as brothers....
Oman has been supportive of India on international fora on issues such as Kashmir and it supports India's bid for permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council.

Indians are too desperate to get Arabs on their side through making things up, the thing that will never happen on the expense of a Muslim country like Pakistan. I challenge you here to prove that Oman supported Indian view of Kashmir, and by the way the line in Wiki was quoted from here:
The Hindu : News : Oman hails UNSC seat for India
well I never said I am right it was just my observations Pakistanis don't hate only house of saud but Arabs in general and often tend to get racist towards them again its just my observation of Pakistanis seeing their posts on internet it can be wrong

Pakistanis who are on the Internet are certain people. I don't think you can make this statement without talking to average Pakistanis.
As I said before, I wasn't trying to dispute the existence of lack thereof of the listening post in question. I was pointing out the futility of copy pasting some cherry-picked facts to bolster your claims, while ignoring the much larger facts that point in the other direction. You don't seem to have understood that lesson, since you now posted a link about the Pakistan navy joining the anti piracy efforts. Again, the same logic applies. India's fights in the gulf against piracy have been far greater, our navy and air force's joint patrols and training with Oman have been far greater too. Especially since we are the only two remaining major operators of the jaguars. Not to mention that we have full berthing and replenishing rights for our ships in Oman. etc etc. None of this proves we have a listening post there, but the point I am (again) trying to teach you, is that when you cherry-pick some facts that seemingly bolster your claim, do check out the same facts for the other side.

Arabs relations with India are based on mutual interests but their relation with Pakistan is brotherly and as well based on mutual interests. There is a difference. All the lines quoted from Wiki regarding Oman -Pakistan relations are correct and I can back them with sources.

Yea, so?


It's a big fat lie that Oman supported India on Kashmir.
Arabs relations with India are based on mutual interests but their relation with Pakistan is brotherly and as well based on mutual interests. There is a difference. All the lines quoted from Wiki regarding Oman -Pakistan relations are correct and I can back them with sources.

Damn. You just didn't get the point, I guess.

Third time - I wasn't addressing the issue of the thread at all.

Nah, forget it. Can't really wake a man pretending to sleep.
Damn. You just didn't get the point, I guess.

Third time - I wasn't addressing the issue of the thread at all.

Nah, forget it. Can't really wake a man pretending to sleep.

It bothered me that some Pakistanis believed this article, and some Indians started daydreaming about it. It's important to state facts.
NO no, you let him be. Where would the poor fellow be without his Ghaznavis and Ghauris? After all the likes of Shahab-ud-Dawlah Maw'dud of the Ghaznavis laid siege around Lahore for 7 months and slaughtered its populace before being repelled, his ancestors on the other hand descended from the heavens- untouched and unsullied by the these great warriors.

Well said brother...unfortunately those Afghan/Arab and Turk rulers killed those people in the same region of Pakistan....they didn't decimated millions in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Assam etc. Those attackers killed the forefathers of those living in Punjab (Both India and Pakistan), Sindh, Delhi, Gujarat etc. Nobody would take pride in people who killed their forefathers...except ...and that's a shame. Even the Afghan's do not liked what you did and they lodged a formal complaint against the names..

Little is taught in Pakistani history that these Ghaznavi's and Ghauris were just savage looters and pillagers who indiscriminately killed who ever came into their way and in these expeditions, inhabitants of modern day Pakistan - be it muslims or hindus were killed with equal savagery. But as with all Islamic history, lies become holy and oppressors become Allah's viceroy on earth!

Our ancestores were pagan hindus, how and why in gods name should we identify with them

Our main enemy today is hindu india as muslims in pakistan naming missiles after muslim generals who destroyed hindus makes perfect sense, surely you can see that

So were the ancestors of Abhrahm and most of the prophets and their companions. Ironically speaking Abrahmic religions did not churn out any civilizations, it was always the idolaters, pagans and infidels conquering the heights of science and technology!
Who told you this forum represent majority of pakistanis???unlike some blind hate especially against arabs and iranians,Common people here regard both as brothers....

We are nobody brother and sisters to be a pawn in dirty game to settle 7th century rivalries. We are looking forward to address our economic woes and demand nothing more than a fair market for our exports!
well I never said I am right it was just my observations Pakistanis don't hate only house of saud but Arabs in general and often tend to get racist towards them again its just my observation of Pakistanis seeing their posts on internet it can be wrong

Pakistanis are bitter about some circles within whose financing breeds trouble in our grounds.

But to suggest Pakistanis hate Arabs is beyond ridiculous. Millions of Pakistanis live in Arab countries; majority of Arabs are Muslim so why should we hate them?

Many instances in which they've helped us and we've helped them.

PDF views don't always reflect Pakistan views as a nation. It's a web forum.
BS,Not possible even if you have Superman's eyesight.:lol:.The distance between both coast are 400 miles.Earth's curvature won't make that impossible.

Gawadar area is much higher than sea level where as Omani coast is lower than sea level as one can easily see the elevation from an Omani coast. It is not the light directly but the reflection cast by it on water.
Indians are too desperate to get Arabs on their side through making things up, the thing that will never happen on the expense of a Muslim country like Pakistan. I challenge you here to prove that Oman supported Indian view of Kashmir, and by the way the line in Wiki was quoted from here:
The Hindu : News : Oman hails UNSC seat for India

india will be last country to get desperate for arabs :lol:.You can keep pakistan and use their army and services when needed.
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