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Indian Listening Station In Oman Monitoring Pakistan's Naval Communications

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Even if there were a smoking gun, you'd still be protecting the arse of the Gulfee----Arab masters......... :what:

@arp2041, thanks for brining the treachery of the Gufleeeeeeez out in the open........... :enjoy:

Another lover of the "Ummah" .... some words of wisdom for legacy-Zia-droids:

Al hazzaa habba habba - niklay ga teray gaison ka bara dabba....... habooooooobshhhhyyyyyyyyyy..... :omghaha:

No need to act like a joker, when you can't handle a simple question?

What is the purpose of Indian embassy in Zahedan? and why do people from Pakistan, visit there?
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Pakistans missiles were named after men who decimated millions of hindus

Considering that pakistans missiles if fired at india will complete the same job

I think they are correctly named

Well said brother...unfortunately those Afghan/Arab and Turk rulers killed those people in the same region of Pakistan....they didn't decimated millions in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Assam etc. Those attackers killed the forefathers of those living in Punjab (Both India and Pakistan), Sindh, Delhi, Gujarat etc. Nobody would take pride in people who killed their forefathers...except ...and that's a shame. Even the Afghan's do not liked what you did and they lodged a formal complaint against the names..
There is no such thing as Indian...even in India you have got Keralities, Banglories, Hydrabadies, Indories..

Similarly in Pakistan we have got Pushtoons, Balochs, Punjabis, Sindhis, Seraikis, Hazaras, Baltis, etc etc..Pakistan is extremely diverse!

During my service I have stayed in Cochin, Kottayam (Kerala), Vishakhapatnam (AP), Ludhiana (Punjab), Guwahati (Assam), Delhi....and never once I have heard someone calling himself Keralite or Indori....when asked they all say they are Indian and they belong to the state of ...... What you said about Pakistan may be true...what you think about India isn't. Live it to understand it....
Well said brother...unfortunately those Afghan/Arab and Turk rulers killed those people in the same region of Pakistan....they didn't decimated millions in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Assam etc. Those attackers killed the forefathers of those living in Punjab (Both India and Pakistan), Sindh, Delhi, Gujarat etc. Nobody would take pride in people who killed their forefathers...except ...and that's a shame. Even the Afghan's do not liked what you did and they lodged a formal complaint against the names..

NO no, you let him be. Where would the poor fellow be without his Ghaznavis and Ghauris? After all the likes of Shahab-ud-Dawlah Maw'dud of the Ghaznavis laid siege around Lahore for 7 months and slaughtered its populace before being repelled, his ancestors on the other hand descended from the heavens- untouched and unsullied by the these great warriors.
See how much you guys get burned up

Our next missile shoyld be called the Aurengzeb, or Tamerlane or Tipu Sultan

The only alternative to bring the same effect is to call the next one the 'I phucked your mother missile'

Why not name some missiles on General Dyer, Lord Cornwallis etc. ... you can also name some as "Obama Drone"...they have done the same what Ahmad Shah Abdali, Mohammad Ghori or Mahmud of Ghaznavi did.
You Are right its just radio tower look @ the image

[/url] image upload[/IMG]

Actually big massive dish antennas are needed for listening stations to accumulate enough signals for analysis..
here is a view of a British Listening station.

RAF Menwith Hill - Google Maps

Ok this one is masive and covers the whole of Atlantic and North sea..Plus listens to almost all satellite coms...But still even a local listening station will need some dish antennas and difficult to hide.

If there is any hidden station constructed by India it cant be too powerful..may be listening to some local traffic...
You seem to be confused there was no pakistan

The dead were hindus, lahore was a hindu city, tamerlane killed hindus in modern india, so did akbar, aurengzeb, tipu sultan

The mughal empire conquered most of india

Why would we name missiles after obama etc, how would that hurt hindu/indian sentiment

There was no Pakistan....this doesn't mean that those areas were vacuum. People lived there since ages...have you heard of Indus valley civilization. Do you think those rulers completely wiped out the indigenous population and started a fresh colony. Mughal Empire conquered most of present North India... I do not understand how indigenous people whose forefathers were slaughtered, mothers and sisters raped.... forcefully converted feels proud of those invading dynasties. Those rulers not only killed millions in Lahore and adjoining areas...they also converted them. Now they are proud Pakistanis. It will be like Bangladeshis naming missiles after Gen A A K Niazi or Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Moreover I have not heard of any missiles by any country that is named after those who invaded and slaughtered their country or region in the past.
Now coming to Tipu...and I do not understand how a ruler of Mysore has got anything to do with Pakistan...
There was no Pakistan....this doesn't mean that those areas were vacuum. People lived there since ages...have you heard of Indus valley civilization. Do you think those rulers completely wiped out the indigenous population and started a fresh colony. Mughal Empire conquered most of present North India... I do not understand how indigenous people whose forefathers were slaughtered, mothers and sisters raped.... forcefully converted feels proud of those invading dynasties. Those rulers not only killed millions in Lahore and adjoining areas...they also converted them. Now they are proud Pakistanis. It will be like Bangladeshis naming missiles after Gen A A K Niazi or Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Moreover I have not heard of any missiles by any country that is named after those who invaded and slaughtered their country or region in the past.
Now coming to Tipu...and I do not understand how a ruler of Mysore has got anything to do with Pakistan...

A phenomenon in pyschology called the "Stockholm Syndrome" explains such occourances...
Dude, do you think I am fond of Iranians? :blink:

No need to act like a joker, when you can't handle a simple question?

What is the purpose of Indian embassy in Zahedan? and why do people from Pakistan, visit there?
Dude, do you think I am fond of Iranians? :blink:

Captain, you got any words for the fellow up top with the inflammatory posts. The British fog seems to have done his head in. If a guy can shovel that much religious hatred into a poor atheist sap like me then the fellows got some serious bells-a-ringing in his head.
This is another hoax, similar to chinese listening station in myanmar.

I think oman has fair working relation with pak. They wont allow it unless india does it secretly.
There are loads of hate-mongers... don't waste your time reading what they write....

Captain, you got any words for the fellow up top with the inflammatory posts. The British fog seems to have done his head in. If a guy can shovel that much religious hatred into a poor atheist sap like me then the fellows got some serious bells-a-ringing in his head.
Our ancestores conververted to islam as it is vastly superior to pagan hinduism

Its something hindus are shamed to admit that hinduidm with weird dracula gods, castes, lingham worship was an abomination

It was a mercy that our people rejected these horrendous cave man beleifs if weird scary gods and flying monkeys and came to.worship the one true god

So the muslims who like us worship the same one true god will always be heroes, who saved millions from the hindu abomination

The mughals dominated right up.to south india

Tipu sultan was yet another muslim ruler of india who kept hindus under control

The vast majority of hindus were utterly dominated by the muslim empires, you were weak cowards & had no hope of taking on muslim armies

:rofl::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha: This was hilarious ... I almost fell down. Man I thought it was just the lal topi...it seems its a phenomenon. May be genetic in nature....
Well said brother...unfortunately those Afghan/Arab and Turk rulers killed those people in the same region of Pakistan....they didn't decimated millions in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Assam etc. Those attackers killed the forefathers of those living in Punjab (Both India and Pakistan), Sindh, Delhi, Gujarat etc. Nobody would take pride in people who killed their forefathers...except ...and that's a shame. Even the Afghan's do not liked what you did and they lodged a formal complaint against the names..

very well mate.i wonder why people like him tend to forget about their origins.
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