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Indian jihadis are fighting in Syria, says Assad's envoy

I for once am agreeing with the GoI, that we should not try to get them back. They will come back, get pardoned and create more trouble here. Let Assad deal with them.

When did GOI take that stance ??
Now according to Indian Logic, India is a terrorist country. :rofl:
My comment is reply to this
And that post was reply to the thread.

and not in reply to thread, I mean u can send these hawks also with ur sunni and shias, they ll be very helpful there
or u don't have any hindu hawks ?

Our Hindu terrorists are busy killing Muslims and Dalits. Most of them are working to help NaMo win the upcoming election. Dalits are busy for the independence of Dalitistan. They have "2 Fiction Theory" based on "2 Nation Theory." You see, they are very busy right now. But I promise we will join the Holy Jihad once we have the Dalitistan out of evil Hindostan.
Make sure they are shot dead if they ever return to India.

Most probably these jihadis were working in Arab countries, and went to Syria from there. Thats where they all get radicalized anyways.
This envoy is seriously mistaken. These are Hindus disguised as Muslims out to give the Muslims a bad name. If Kasab a Hindu/Sikh could disguise himself as a Muslim and run amok in Mumbai, what makes the envoy disbelief that these are Hindu nationalists waging a war against his government? Syria should declare evil India an enemy
Syrian Regime is not a very reliable source but this might be true.

After all this doesn't surprise me at all as when muslims from coutries like China,UK,USA,France,Russia,Australi,Belgium and many other countries which have much smaller Muslim populations are fighting in Syria then India with more than 160 million muslims shouldn't surprise anyone.

BTW if large number of Indian fighters were present in Syria then ISIS,AL-Nusra wuld have uploaded a video showing Mujahideen from India.
We are already a terrorist country according to Pakistani logic.

Yea, but this really is a new development. India has become first country in the world which is a terrorist country by its own logic. :rofl:
Ambassador of a county is not supposed to indulge in loose talks as such in host country without any logical credible proof
Why are you surprised I am not in fact happy they are doing what they were supposed to helping and fight with their Muslim brothers against a brutal leader who has killed his own people for decade in fact first it was his father now he is killing Muslims

I can see you encouraging jehadis everywhere..When are you planning to take your AK-47 and go to jihad in alllahs path..?Will that ever happen..?
[Bregs];4730633 said:
Ambassador of a county is not supposed to indulge in loose talks as such in host country without any logical credible proof

Ambassador of country on the verge of total collapse might indulge in some loose talks...Since there's no significant relation between India and Syria and Syria(as we know it) might cease to exist in a couple of months he can fool around a bit!
Syrian army should kill these SOB's and dump their bodies in the the mediterranean.
Syrian army should kill these SOB's and dump their bodies in the the mediterranean.

You know what would be funny??If the US bombs Syria and the FSA wins and establishes a government and sends one of these Indian guys as an ambassador to India!
Yea, but this really is a new development. India has become first country in the world which is a terrorist country by its own logic. :rofl:

No, you are missing the key words of Indian logic like traing camps,state sponsored, financial support ,denial when faced with Evidence etc....

Try harder next time.

You know what would be funny??If the US bombs Syria and the FSA wins and establishes a government and sends one of these Indian guys as an ambassador to India!

What next.. Will he blow up himself in his office while in India.:lol:
Thats great news.

Let all jihadis leave for Syria and get killed. More they gets killed better for us.

@ Syrians -- Kill them all.
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