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Indian human spaceflight program

India's manned space mission will have IAF men
27 May 2009, 1630 hrs IST, IANS

NEW DELHI: When India's first manned mission to space takes off, possibly in 2017, it will have Indian Air Force (IAF) personnel on board.

"Let me promise you one thing, if there is a (Indian) man on moon (read space), it will be from the Indian Air Force," IAF chief Air Chief Marshal Fali Homi Major told reporters here.

According to sources, the IAF is to train two of its personnel for the mission, in collaboration with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). The proposed manned mission will follow India's successful lunar probe launch last year.

Major added that the IAF's Institute for Aerospace Medicine is working closely with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on the project.

The mission is likely to carry a two-member IAF crew. India's Squadron Leader Rakesh Sharma, who was part of the joint space programme between India and the erstwhile Soviet Union in 1984, was the first Indian to go into space.

Though ISRO wanted one of its scientists on the mission along with an IAF pilot, the air force proposed that both should be IAF personnel.

"The crew will consist of two members. We had a meeting with the ISRO scientists and they insisted on sending one scientist and one air force pilot, but we have proposed to depute one of our engineers also with them for training till the mission happens," a senior IAF official said requesting anonymity.

Under the ambitious $2.5 billion plan, India's space agency has proposed to put two people into space orbit at 274 km above the earth for seven days.

If the mission takes off, India will be the fourth country - after the US, Russia and China - to send a manned mission to space. India is not the only Asian country in the new space race - Iran recently announced it will attempt a manned space flight by 2021.

Dismissing the criticism of the huge costs involved in the mission, another senior IAF official listed its military advantages. He said it will help India acquire Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) capability.

"To place a spacecraft in orbit, we will require a bigger rocket booster. This large rocket booster will help India acquire ICBM capability," the senior official added.

He also said it would boost the country's reconnaisance capability. "To be in constant touch with the astronauts as they revolve around the earth, we will need to interlink our satellites, which in turn will boost our reconnaissance capability. Presently, we are able to get 15 minutes' feed daily from our satellites. The space mission will give us 90 minutes' feed," he said.

The decision to send astronauts into space follows the launch last October of India's first unmanned lunar mission, Chandrayaan-1, which signalled the country's entry into an elite club of nations that have reached the moon. Chandrayaan-1 is now orbiting the moon to compile a 3-D map of its surface, among other things. India is planning to launch its second unmanned lunar mission - Chandrayaan-2 - in 2011.

India's decision to go for a manned mission into space comes in the wake of China making great strides in its space pursuits. China completed its first space walk last year, and also shot down one of its own satellites in 2007.
Not true at all!
China has their space program least 5 years ahead of ours.Your comment is way not true.if you want to talk about ISRO and the Indian space research program talk without taking digs at any other country.

Sir any useful missions by other asian country apart from ISRO? 5years? That's huge. What about NASA? Better see what NASA says about ISRO. Dont go by YEARS. NASA went on moon in 1969. DIDNT FIND WATER. ISRO helped it. Would you like to compare space agency by YEARS or Missions findings? Thank you.
Sir any useful missions by other asian country apart from ISRO? 5years? That's huge. What about NASA? Better see what NASA says about ISRO. Dont go by YEARS. NASA went on moon in 1969. DIDNT FIND WATER. ISRO helped it. Would you like to compare space agency by YEARS or Missions findings? Thank you.

China has sent man to space and it's been almost 5 years now...they have had more capable rockets, more space launches than we've ever had...
Japan is an active contributor to the international space station ISS for long...
and NASA???
you sane?they've been working with re-usable space launchers(shuttles) for 40 years now...that's the kind of tech we still haven't mastered.I mean...don't even get me started on this one...their unmanned missions to mars(pathfinder)...space exploration crafts(voyager,etc)....the Hubble....dude it's one thing being patriotic but you are being very unintelligent even comparing ISRO to NASA.

NASA went on moon in 1969. DIDNT FIND WATER.

ISRO helped it. Would you like to compare space agency by YEARS or Missions findings? Thank you.
the only help ISRO did was to carry their "water-finding" instrument near the lunar surface in an orbit.The instrument was theirs.So is the result of the finding.It was till now a theory put forward by many space associations that there may be water on moon.
Seriously there is nothing ISRO has done that NASA isn't capable of doing...one thing that goes in ISRO's favor is there shoe-string budget and efficiency.
we are good but we have a long way to go.
China has sent man to space and it's been almost 5 years now...they have had more capable rockets, more space launches than we've ever had...
Japan is an active contributor to the international space station ISS for long...
and NASA???
you sane?they've been working with re-usable space launchers(shuttles) for 40 years now...that's the kind of tech we still haven't mastered.I mean...don't even get me started on this one...their unmanned missions to mars(pathfinder)...space exploration crafts(voyager,etc)....the Hubble....dude it's one thing being patriotic but you are being very unintelligent even comparing ISRO to NASA.


the only help ISRO did was to carry their "water-finding" instrument near the lunar surface in an orbit.The instrument was theirs.So is the result of the finding.It was till now a theory put forward by many space associations that there may be water on moon.
Seriously there is nothing ISRO has done that NASA isn't capable of doing...one thing that goes in ISRO's favor is there shoe-string budget and efficiency.
we are good but we have a long way to go.

Sir am fedup replying everyone. Why dont u just g0ogle it? Ok then better read this first and if u want more million proofs then let me know. Thank you
ISRO found water on moon 10 months ago - India - NEWS - The Times of India
Sir any useful missions by other asian country apart from ISRO? 5years? That's huge. What about NASA? Better see what NASA says about ISRO. Dont go by YEARS. NASA went on moon in 1969. DIDNT FIND WATER. ISRO helped it. Would you like to compare space agency by YEARS or Missions findings? Thank you.

ISRO FOUND WATER ON MOON BEFORE NASA IN JUNE. Isro told that to NASA but nasa told ISRO to not make it official until SEPTEMBER. Our MOON IMPACTOR SIZE OF SHOE BOX DETECTED WATER ON MOON WHEN IT IMPACTED ON MOON'S SURFACE IN JUNE WAY BEFORE NASA DISCOVERD IT BY ITS OWN SATTELITE THAT OUR CHANDRAYAAN CARRIED. There is difference between NASA's sattelite and india's MOON IMPACTOR SATTELITE. we found water in june and shown it to NASA lady who was in our banglore. Then she got tears of happiness. They america focused on that spot where our moon impactor found water. Got the point? WATER DISCOVERY WAS BY ISRO. Nasa just confirmed it by bringing more pictures of it by their own sattelite. Thank you.

Check your facts again. NASA had found traces of water in the moon rocks brought back by the Astronauts in 1970's. Also, two US spacecraft, Cassini and the Deep Impact probe, found evidence of water in the moon’s soil in 1999. What the MIP and M3 on Chandrayan did was reconfirm what was always suspected of.

Scientists discover water on the moon

WATER is widespread on the surface of the moon – even in the hottest areas, scientists said yesterday.
Separate analyses using data from India’s Chandrayaan-1 satellite and two US spacecraft, Cassini and the Deep Impact probe, found evidence of water in the moon’s soil and showed it was widespread across its entire surface, according to a series of articles to be published in the journal Science.
Carle Pieters, lead scientist for the instrument used on the Indian spacecraft to make the finding, admitted: “This is not what any of us expected a decade ago.” The finding blows away accepted beliefs that water could not exist on the moon’s surface, especially in very hot areas near the equator. In fact, trace amounts of water found in rocks brought back by the Apollo astronauts were dismissed as contamination once back on Earth.
A Nasa instrument called the Moon Mineralogy Mapper on Chandrayaan used the data from light reflecting off the lunar surface to determine the make-up of the soil and found the water as well as hydroxyl, composed of one hydrogen and one oxygen atom against water’s two hydrogen atoms to one of oxygen.
When the initial data showed evidence of water, the scientists tried to dismiss it as water residue on the spacecraft that had been picked up on Earth, Pieters said. But the Chandrayaan data was then compared with decade-old data from Cassini’s 1999 fly-by and recent data from Deep Impact. “It’s completely conclusive; there’s no question whatsoever,” she said.
The Cassini data was never examined to check for water on the moon, in part because it took years to calibrate its instruments to counteract the effects of Earth water on the spacecraft.
The moon’s water is located within two millimetres of the surface, but the moon is still quite dry, with about a litre of water for every ton of soil. “Even the driest deserts in the Earth have more water than are at the poles and surfaces of the moon,” Nasa scientist Jim Green said.
The US space agency Nasa is in the midst of another year-long look at the lunar surface to prepare the way for a planned return of humans to the moon.
Yesterday’s announcement is seen as complementing the ongoing mission, which next month will crash a satellite into the moon to look for water further beneath the surface. Astronomers had hoped to determine whether water could be hidden in the shadowy craters of the moon near its poles, where a lack of sunlight would prevent ice from evaporating.

Regarding other Asian countries. Japan sent its moon probe SELENE in September 14th, 2007 to make a detailed map of the moon. China's first moon satellite Chang'e-1 was launched into space on October 24, 2007. Both Japan and China have more powerful launcher rockets than ISRO. Japan is part of the International Space Station and actively contributes to the pro gramme. China has a booming space industry. It regularly builds and launches Telecommunication satellites for other countries. China has already sent man to space in their own rockets in 2003, which India is expected to do earliest in 2015, almost 12 years later.
At present, Chinas Long March-3B (CZ-3B) launcher can put a 5Tonne satellite in Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO), whereas India's GSLV Mk-2 can put only 2.5Tonne satellite in GTO and 11 Tonnes to Low Earth Orbit (LEO). Compare this to Saturn-V rocket which can put 118 Tonnes into LEO, which NASA used to send astronauts to moon in Apollo missions in 1960's and 1970's.
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I start suspecting ISRO2 is making fun of India. We should just ignore him for good.

I doubt he is making fun. The way he uses 'sir' like punctuation marks in his sentences, he sounds like a south-Indian, probably Tamilian. I doubt a fellow Indian will make fun of ISRO..
He is definitely a Noob with very limited knowledge and doesn't have the attitude to to learn. A frog-in-the-well intoxicated with news of ISRO's achievements is making him make stupid and dumb statements.
Sir i did that before. I reported it and guess what i got the warning saying they didnt found anything offensive in that. So i promised i wont report it again.

Ok then, good luck and carry on with your trolling. In the meanwhile, I have started to report ALL of your trollish and noObish posts. Hope you will understand why most of the sane Indian members are having allergic reaction to your posts.
Sir u have posted over 1300 posts but ur this post is childish. What did i said in my most previous post? i said ISRO told we not sended man in space thats why we not yet famous. ISRO chief said we are ahead of other asian space agencies in most unique missions which are not easy. The only mission we lack is MANNED MISSION. when we achieve that in 2015 then by one kick we are ahead of other space agencies and truely OFFICIALLY a real compitetor of NASA. even though NASA said they dont want ISRO to be compitetor. They want to work with ISRO. Now about finding water. Sir as i said ur statement bit childish. Please keep your self updated. ISRO FOUND WATER ON MOON BEFORE NASA IN JUNE. Isro told that to NASA but nasa told ISRO to not make it official until SEPTEMBER. Our MOON IMPACTOR SIZE OF SHOE BOX DETECTED WATER ON MOON WHEN IT IMPACTED ON MOON'S SURFACE IN JUNE WAY BEFORE NASA DISCOVERD IT BY ITS OWN SATTELITE THAT OUR CHANDRAYAAN CARRIED. There is difference between NASA's sattelite and india's MOON IMPACTOR SATTELITE. we found water in june and shown it to NASA lady who was in our banglore. Then she got tears of happiness. They america focused on that spot where our moon impactor found water. Got the point? WATER DISCOVERY WAS BY ISRO. Nasa just confirmed it by bringing more pictures of it by their own sattelite. Thank you.

well said ISRO2 our probe has also found water before NASA did. they have waited to get the confirmation :cheers:
don't forget lot of talent in NASA is of indian origin :yahoo:
I doubt he is making fun. The way he uses 'sir' like punctuation marks in his sentences, he sounds like a south-Indian, probably Tamilian. I doubt a fellow Indian will make fun of ISRO..
He is definitely a Noob with very limited knowledge and doesn't have the attitude to to learn. A frog-in-the-well intoxicated with news of ISRO's achievements is making him make stupid and dumb statements.

No South Indian or any human I have worked with uses "sir" 10 times in a sentence. He is a deliberate troll out here either to irritate Pakistani members or embarrass Indian ones.
I doubt he is making fun. The way he uses 'sir' like punctuation marks in his sentences, he sounds like a south-Indian, probably Tamilian. I doubt a fellow Indian will make fun of ISRO..
He is definitely a Noob with very limited knowledge and doesn't have the attitude to to learn. A frog-in-the-well intoxicated with news of ISRO's achievements is making him make stupid and dumb statements.

aw c'mon hombre...south-indians are the brainiest of our lot....he is someone who's had a lot to read recently...might be a teenager...
or might be a "trojan troll"
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