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Indian human spaceflight program

ISRO2 sir, you've turned this thread into a joke. Have you ever been outside of mother India to see the world? I reckon you haven't (or you a just cognitively-deficient), because then you would know how childish that statement was. Are you aware that India is THE least advance nation in the entire world, containing ~half of the world's extreme poverty. Not a single one of your technological and scientific industry is even remotely indigenous. Even your space rocket and satellites are foreign. Korea's Samsung decision to instead build a solar mfg plant instead of a semiconductor plant foiled Bharat's desire for their first IC plant. Tiny South Korea (46 million) is light-years ahead of guys (please don't deny it....). Even North Korea (26 million), HK (15 million), and Singapore (11 million) are way ahead of you. China & Japan are ahead of all these, so how do you figure ISRO can even remotely exceed China and Japan? :woot:

It's not a matter of under-estimating or belittling ISRO, as I am not debating the likelihood of an Indian manned space mission by 2015. It's a matter of getting a reality check, and not underestimating CJK (China-Japan-Koreas).

Indian's chandrayan I has found water on the moon isn't it a great achievement for a country like India. Consider this as scientific achievement given to mankind by india.
Now can you mention a developed country which had successful moon missions which has done this feat before.
we are not saying india is advanced but certainly we have the potential to achieve. :victory:
Indian's chandrayan I has found water on the moon isn't it a great achievement for a country like India. Consider this as scientific achievement given to mankind by india.
Now can you mention a developed country which had successful moon missions which has done this feat before.
we are not saying india is advanced but certainly we have the potential to achieve. :victory:

Sir it seems some members here are childish. They comparing ISRO with other space agencies on basis of money spending. Our ISRO done what never been done before. Did u know who said that? It was NASA's 5 members who gave the interview. The lady said when the first pic of water came she was in banglore. She said her eyes were full of happiness tears when see saw that never before anyone seen it. So many money NASA spended but without much luck. Atlast our ISRO done it and guess what? It done it in burger cost. Cheapest mission ever on moon. Sir have u heard 2011 what ISRO planned? ISRO declared it will extract water from moons surface. Have anyone done that before? ISRO doing it. 2011 will be ISRO's year sir.
Indian human space flight program would be more advanced then any asian countries human space flight program. Thats ofcourse china and may be in future japan. Date is set. Its 2015. Test already started few years ago. ISRO has ablity to match NASA in few years as even NASA agreed that. ISRO really not pride of india. Its pride of ASIA. i have some pics of india's future human space flight programme. i will upload it later. ISRO's future bright. ISRO eyes big goals. Its because we dont fear failure. Thats what makes ISRO a successor of NASA as even NASA goes through failures and learns from it. Am big fan of ISRO. their future vision alot unique.

Seriously man...your posts are borderline inane..

Match Nasa in a few years?...well can ANY nation in the world make a Space shuttle today or in the near future. It is 30 year old american technology which NASA is about to discard due to age.Think about it that is the distance between American space technology and the baby steps others are making today.
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Sir are you gonna compare ISRO with other space agency by MONEY? Thats childish sir. Would you like to tell me how much NASA spend on moon orbitor compare to india's chandrayaan1? Am sure that would make u DIZZY. ISRO's missions are CHEAPEST COST. Yes i know china and japan light years ahead IN SPENDING MONEY. what did u gain from moon mission? We found WATER by spending hell of a lot LESS. go first find something and then match our ISRO. better watch NASA's video where the hail Chandrayaan1 terming it as MOST PRECIOUS AND IMPORTANT FIND EVER. do check how they thanked our ISRO. NASA knew cheap way to launch mission is by the help of ISRO by joining our ISRO. Thank you.

i think he is talking about population

Sir it seems some members here are childish. They comparing ISRO with other space agencies on basis of money spending. Our ISRO done what never been done before. Did u know who said that? It was NASA's 5 members who gave the interview. The lady said when the first pic of water came she was in banglore. She said her eyes were full of happiness tears when see saw that never before anyone seen it. So many money NASA spended but without much luck. Atlast our ISRO done it and guess what? It done it in burger cost. Cheapest mission ever on moon. Sir have u heard 2011 what ISRO planned? ISRO declared it will extract water from moons surface. Have anyone done that before? ISRO doing it. 2011 will be ISRO's year sir.

Wooah Fanboy/NOoB alert:coffee::lazy:
Seriously man...your posts are borderline inane..

Match Nasa in a few years?...well can ANY nation in the world make a Space shuttle today or in the near future. It is 30 year old american technology which NASA is about to discard due to age.Think about it that is the distance between American space technology and the baby steps others are making today.

sir in baby step we achieved alot more then what NASA achieved. 30years old technology? That's even great. America went on moon in 1969 by old technology. Today they have latest technology yet they lack gutts to go on moon. We would love to be 30years behind NASA. its better chance for ISRO to land man on moon.
instead of making this thread, who is what and who is great. i want to know more abt our space program and its development going forward...
sir in baby step we achieved alot more then what NASA achieved. 30years old technology? That's even great. America went on moon in 1969 by old technology. Today they have latest technology yet they lack gutts to go on moon. We would love to be 30years behind NASA. its better chance for ISRO to land man on moon.

Sir you are a troll sir...sir trolls are the same in every nationality sir..good day sir..
Indian human space flight program would be more advanced then any asian countries human space flight program. Thats ofcourse china and may be in future japan. Date is set. Its 2015. Test already started few years ago. ISRO has ablity to match NASA in few years as even NASA agreed that. ISRO really not pride of india. Its pride of ASIA. i have some pics of india's future human space flight programme. i will upload it later. ISRO's future bright. ISRO eyes big goals. Its because we dont fear failure. Thats what makes ISRO a successor of NASA as even NASA goes through failures and learns from it. Am big fan of ISRO. their future vision alot unique.

What a typical Indian!

yeah,India is the greatest nation in the universe.(there is no one of……):)

hehe,then please do not compare with us chinese ,forget china,Thanks:lol:
What a typical Indian!

yeah,India is the greatest nation in the universe.(there is no one of……):)

hehe,then please do not compare with us chinese ,forget china,Thanks:lol:

Isro is is not comparable to nasa but we are with Chinese and Japanese agency ,there are not very large gap between isro and Chinese and Japanese agency...Isro can fill those gap,we have lots of mission to come and we hope for sucess...

Don't make this thread a troll,its Indian man mission thread,not.......

ISRO2 control you emotion dude and member other then Indian origin try to search other thread to troll if you can't contribute...:police:
M8 they just say anything they want
but are not able to complete most of the things on time
u should know these things:sniper:

They met the last few deadlines , why not give them the benefit of the doubt[/QUOTE]

Sir there is difference between ISRO and DDRO. One believes in completing work on time and other believes in delaying work as much as it could. ISRO never been late. ISRO made more world records in short time. Including 16th successful launch.
Isro is is not comparable to nasa but we are with Chinese and Japanese agency ,there are not very large gap between isro and Chinese and Japanese agency...Isro can fill those gap,we have lots of mission to come and we hope for sucess...

Don't make this thread a troll,its Indian man mission thread,not.......

ISRO2 control you emotion dude and member other then Indian origin try to search other thread to troll if you can't contribute...:police:

Sir you have compared ISRO with chinese space agency. Same thing was said to ISRO in an interview. Our ISRO said we are on per with NASA. What ISRO lack is one achievement and thats sending man in space. He said we wont be a match against many countries in military and economy but we are per with NASA and by 2015 we will be truely on per with NASA. Now our neighbours might wont like it but ISRO done more then asian space agencies. Example china sended moon orbitor to take pictures that america doing since 1960s. While ISRO sended moon orbitor to find something. Now tell me sir which was most advanced moon orbitor till now? Yes it was our chandrayaan1. Prove me wrong if u can. Infact 2011 or 2013 chandrayaan-2 would be 6 times more advanced then chandrayaan1. NASA wants to join our chandrayaan-2 which ISRO building with russian space agency. Our moon rovers getting ready now. Thank you.
We are in Par with NASA?


1. We have highly talented people
2. We(ISRO) are giving better value fro money spent, I.e. ROI is good
3. We have good confidence.
4. We have two sapce carft PSLV, GSLV which are mature..


1. the budget on which we operate is tiny
3. NASA has much more experience in space exploration ... they have missions from sun to pluto
4. NASA workforce is much more higher than ISRO..
5. their knowledge base is much more higher.
6. Nasa has full understanding of cryogenic, semi Cryogenic engines
7. Hubble,Chandra, ISS , etc etc etc.. there are so many things.
8. GPS

dont interpret wrongly what ISRO told . what they told is we are in par with others in doing certain things..

but they have not told we are in MATCH to NASA... these two are totally different...

It is evolving we will one day Be Match to NASA .. but not now.
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