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Indian HiCom's Car Attacked in Khulna

I saw many Muslim hating Indians. Indians must be extremists
-your logic

I know shibirs, some of the top dogs. They have nothing against Hindus. They are well educated and very open minded. Jamatis were not involved in any genocide until proven to be so lets leave the blind accusations. The hindus these day ont he other hand seem to be blaming AL for attacking them. Your opinion on that please

I knew a Shibir leader in Khulna who was killed by a BNP terrorist in 94. He was elected VP of BL College. Surprisingly enough, he got many Hindu students votes. Many students of greater Khulna area who couldn't afford study cost used to have financial aid from him personally regardless of religious identities.
Where is his hometown..Satkhira?

eh i was talking about myself :P i am from Feni. Thank god, AL terrorism is almost nonexistent there due to the Islamic people living in Feni.

I knew a Shibir leader in Khulna who was killed by a BNP terrorist in 94. He was elected VP of BL College. Surprisingly enough, he got many Hindu students votes. Many students of greater Khulna area who couldn't afford study cost used to have financial aid from him personally regardless of religious identities.

I knew this shibir member from Rajshahi. He is a successful doctor now. Somehow those chapati league members become corrupted constables, small ministers or hooligans :lol: And then they brand Shibir as terrorist :cheesy:
It doesn't seem to me, indian envoys always have proper security. My office is in a diplomatic zone, I always see this. Current slave govt. of BD serves its master more than it deserves. Only indian high commission was allowed to bring their own security forces after current govt. came in power.

Ok... thanks... but why i said that is because of the time and situation in BD (as heard/learnt thru reports)... and there are lot of people who try to fish in muddle waters... :)
He was not the target . may the the picketer through the cocktail randomly of which some blast near the car of high commissioner
I saw many Muslim hating Indians. Indians must be extremists
-your logic

I know shibirs, some of the top dogs. They have nothing against Hindus. They are well educated and very open minded. Jamatis were not involved in any genocide until proven to be so lets leave the blind accusations. The hindus these day ont he other hand seem to be blaming AL for attacking them. Your opinion on that please

Have you been sleeping for last few decades Sir Rip Van Winkle, Jamaat-e-Islami involvement in atrocities against Hindus in 1971 is well documented and needs a Google search to find out. Even back in 2001 jamatis were engaged in terrorising Hindus after BNP won the election, just because Hindus were exercising their democratic right(same sentiment is also shown in this forum by certain group of people).
Have you been sleeping for last few decades Sir Rip Van Winkle, Jamaat-e-Islami involvement in atrocities against Hindus in 1971 is well documented and needs a Google search to find out. Even back in 2001 jamatis were engaged in terrorising Hindus after BNP won the election, just because Hindus were exercising their democratic right(same sentiment is also shown in this forum by certain group of people).

I find his post and attitude of deep denial so illogical, I did not even reply to that post. I used to think such deep illogical denial was only found west of India. He thinks his character certificate to jamatis is some kind of an argument.

And those were not petty crimes, the crimes were horrible crimes committed to such a scale that only with deep denial one can make sense of it, frivolous logic is only the garnish.
I find his post and attitude of deep denial so illogical, I did not even reply to that post. I used to think such deep illogical denial was only found west of India. He thinks his character certificate to jamatis is some kind of an argument.

And those were not petty crimes, the crimes were horrible crimes committed to such a scale that only with deep denial one can make sense of it.

Yeah I also find this logic - I know a jamati who's a good person hence all jamatis are good, as laughable. I'm sure there were good nazi follower as well. It's the organisation, not the individual which matters. If an organisation condone a certain crime then any individual which is related to the same also become guilty of it.
Have you been sleeping for last few decades Sir Rip Van Winkle, Jamaat-e-Islami involvement in atrocities against Hindus in 1971 is well documented and needs a Google search to find out. Even back in 2001 jamatis were engaged in terrorising Hindus after BNP won the election, just because Hindus were exercising their democratic right(same sentiment is also shown in this forum by certain group of people).

alright mate, show me the documentary. Lets see what is written in it.

No such harsh atrocities were recorded in 2001. I have plenty Hindu friends and not even their far relatives became victim. Maybe there was some individual events but you can't blame it on the Jamat party as a whole.

I find his post and attitude of deep denial so illogical, I did not even reply to that post. I used to think such deep illogical denial was only found west of India. He thinks his character certificate to jamatis is some kind of an argument.

And those were not petty crimes, the crimes were horrible crimes committed to such a scale that only with deep denial one can make sense of it, frivolous logic is only the garnish.

How is my illogical? i am just asking for proof. How could kader mollah join Dhaka University and get out of there with a high grade and being a great student if he was such a big *******? remember, DU is the campus of student politics and most likely filed with Chatra league goons by then. It was the place where many protests emerged from. Now somehow those people in DU did't know about his crimes but suddenly we all realized that he was a criminal.

Was his name on the war criminal list made? no. was any of the leaders of Jamati Islami in the list? no. was there any proof in the ICT where people saw the action committed by them by their own eyes? no. Yes one guy did see, in cross examination, he was asked when the independence day was. He didn't know. Several other written proofs were given too but none of them were signed by the ones who wrote it. In sayedee's case, he got arrested for murdering some guy whose wife actually filed a case against his murderer. Was there sayedee's name? no. Now according to International law, they are not guilty in anyway possible call it illogical or whatever you wish.

Now you will ask how come they got awarded death penalty/sentence? well, welcome to Bangladesh. You will not find a single thing that has no link with politicians. :lol:
1) No they will not attack. They will arm a certain section of the population and create an insurgency.

2) They have done that before. In 1971 Bengali Indian Army soldiers posed as Mukti Bahini and did battle in East Pakistan. The same could happen again. What we are seeing today has never happened in the 42 years history of Bangladesh. Never has so many people been killed like in the last two months. The situation is unique. We should all be prepared for anything. If you say nothing will happen and we are left defenseless and unprepared then it will be the fault of people like you if something adverse does occur.

3) And yes India has attacked us in Roumari and in Pilkhana and may have been behind the assassination of Ziaur Rahman. They also sponsored the Shanti Bahini and JMB. Each of these incidents constitutes an act of war ....

1) If the situation is unique today, it is due to AL politics and not India's.

2) 1971 was different. You cannot draw parallel to the events of BD in 1971 with those of today. It was Mukti Bahini and it was our own people who started the fighting and continued until the 1st week of December when the regular IA troops attacked the PA positions. But, like an extremist jamaati you are taking a position of denying the truth. You are insulting our freedom fighters' role in that war. In reality, Muktis were in the front of IA troops. Check out the truth before following the Jammati point of view blindly.

3) Was Roumary a war or a border incident? Don't you know that BDR attacked, seized a BSF post, took the BSF guards captive, and captured a controversial territory, two nights after which the IA troops attacked the BoP at Roumary to take revenge? I really wonder why you do not know these facts, but here you are trying to scare us always with your pet stupid RAW theory and now an imminent Indian attack.

Do you think we all are a stupid bunch of people without matter in our heads? Pilkhana was done also by the AL, and not by Indian troops. For such a small operation by the trigger happy BDR, does AL needed an IA invasion force when only four (may be more) AL outsiders entered the main gate and started the first firings and killings when Gen. Shakil and his officers were forced out of Durbar Hall at gun point? This event started the chain reaction of more killings.

Grow up more before you write another Chapter of your RAW-sponsored book!!!
why Jamatis did it 20 meters away from his car if they are as extremists as taliban according to the forum, is beyond me :cheesy: maybe @eastwatch saw the action so let us ask him for that.

I very much understand that since I or anybody here was not a witness to the car bombing incident, therefore, no one can be certain about who did this. I also agree that it can also be an AL conspiracy of hitting the car and blame the Jamaatis. But, unless India itself is not a part of this operation, no govt (even AL) will ever do it because it will not be seen kindly by the neighbour country's govt.

Similar bombings happened also in front of the Hotel President Pranab Mukherjee was staying. It could have been the doing of the Jamaatis, but it could have also been done by the AL govt in order to finger pointing at the extremists. But, we really do not know.

Another incident I will write here in this thread because I could not find the relevant thread. It is about the possible harassment/bombing/lynching of BKZ while on her way to President Pranab. Only yesterday I met a very close relative of the DGFI Chief who was transferred after it was alleged that he had asked BKZ not to visit because there was a security risk. The close (how close I will not divulge) relative answered to me in a very diplomatic way that the Chief only did what he was supposed to do as the head of an intelligence agency.

Now, I am sure AL was hatching a plot to kill or hurt BKZ while on her way to the President. But, I cannot just see India itself is a part of such a low level duplicity. We have to understand that the foreign intelligence agencies, specially the CIA, will find out the reality that may cause a diplomatic uproar and a mistrust of India.
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I very much understand that since I or anybody here was not a witness to the car bombing incident, therefore, no one can be certain about who did this. I also agree that it can also be an AL conspiracy of hitting the car and blame the Jamaatis. But, unless India itself is not a part of this operation, no govt (even AL) will ever do it because it will not be seen kindly by the neighbour country's govt.

Similar bombings happened also in front of the Hotel President Pranab Mukherjee was staying. It could have been the doing of the Jamaatis, but it could have also been done by the AL govt in order to finger pointing at the extremists. But, we really do not know.

Another incident I will write here in this thread because I could not find the relevant thread. It is about the possible harassment/bombing/lynching of BKZ while on her way to President Pranab. Only yesterday I met a very close relative of the DGFI Chief who was transferred after it was alleged that he had asked BKZ not to visit because there was a security risk. The close (how close I will not divulge) relative answered to me in a very diplomatic way that the Chief only did what he was supposed to do as the head of an intelligence agency.

Now, I am sure AL was hatching a plot to kill or hurt BKZ while on her way to the President. But, I cannot just see India itself is a part of such a low level duplicity. We have to understand that the foreign intelligence agencies, specially the CIA, will find out the reality that may cause a diplomatic uproar and a mistrust of India.

One told me DGFI chief was ousted for different reason. IKB took the decision and current guy is direct IKB guy, he adamantly did it...don't know what is right.
One told me DGFI chief was ousted for different reason. IKB took the decision and current guy is direct IKB guy, he adamantly did it...don't know what is right.

I also did not believe in such a childish AL plot to bomb, kill or hurt BKZ when she would be going to meet the Indian President who, politics aside, is also our Jamai. But, you have to take note of the timing. The dismissing was just after President left. Note also that the former DGFI Chief's cousin is a PA for BKZ. The army Chief of staff is the DGFI Chief's direct boss. So, it is natural that the govt will ask the boss to remove him. Anyway, as the thing stands, only Allah knows what is the truth.
I also did not believe in such a childish AL plot to bomb, kill or hurt BKZ when she would be going to meet the Indian President who, politics aside, is also our Jamai. But, you have to take note of the timing. The dismissing was just after President left. Note also that the former DGFI Chief's cousin is a PA for BKZ. The army Chief of staff is the DGFI Chief's direct boss. So, it is natural that the govt will ask the boss to remove him. Anyway, as the thing stands, only Allah knows what is the truth.

Yeah..the reason he told me to oust DGFI chief was Shahbagh issue. That guy was pure BAL, he backed Shahbagh. IKB was very disturbed with that guy and IKB himself decided to remove him and employ there a new guy. It as he told me was not on govt. instruction. Things are not going well there, it's assumable but what's actually happening is mystery. But he told me that now DGFI is not serving BAL interest because of IKB and this new guy.

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