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Indian Helicopter Discussion

Yes it is proven by pilots of your country. :devil: ( Note to moderator. I did not start it again . :-) )
Must be why you people worship us then :) ( note to mods, I never personally insulted anyone)
Where did you bring that piece of info from? I haven't heard of anything coming out of any man or women even on space missions, max that can happen is blood draininng out of / or rushing towards head/brain and causing black / red out. how much an individual can take that is totally dependent on individual tolerance which has nothing to do with gender.

It's basic physiology and physics. The uterus floats in the body, extreme g forces will literally push it out of the body. Have a look at the training for men and women. The women are subjected to lower g force than the men. Why? If both were equal then why not the same training?
Uterus wont fly out. Stop making retarded comments with zero scientific basis.

I am not trying to prove that men and women are SAME physically. Then there wouldnt be MEN and WOMEN.

But you could say I am a feminist. I believe women are equal to men, and even though in general terms they might be physically weaker. For things like flying fighter jets, you dont need to have superman strength. You need to be physically fit. And women generally ARE more fit than men. Its just the way the female physiology is. They live longer. Their hearts dont stress as much as a man's does (due to reduced body mass) etc etc.,

Getting angry at opposing opinions.....yep you are a feminist alright. Do you have a survey of 6 billion people to show that women are more fit? No? Then stop saying dumb things. Besides, I've seen plenty of fatties out there.

If you think men and women are equal then why not have the same physical training? What are you scared of? You said both are equal so let's have equal training
It's basic physiology and physics. The uterus floats in the body, extreme g forces will literally push it out of the body. Have a look at the training for men and women. The women are subjected to lower g force than the men. Why? If both were equal then why not the same training?

Thats actually incorrect. The uterus DOES NOT float inside the body. This is a myth thats around on the internet and has been around since before the Industrial revolution. Nonsense is what it is.

In reality, The uterus is located inside the pelvis immediately dorsal (and usually somewhat rostral) to the urinary bladder and ventral to the rectum. The uterus is primarily supported by the pelvic diaphragm, perineal body and the urogenital diaphragm. Secondarily, it is supported by ligaments and the peritoneum (broad ligament of uterus)

Thats from wiki.

And women can actually withstand higher G forces, like I explained previously.

Getting angry at opposing opinions.....yep you are a feminist alright. Do you have a survey of 6 billion people to show that women are more fit? No? Then stop saying dumb things. Besides, I've seen plenty of fatties out there.

If you think men and women are equal then why not have the same physical training? What are you scared of? You said both are equal so let's have equal training

I dont get angry at opposing opinions. I get angry at retarded and unscientific comments.

I dont need a survey of 6 billion people. Its a fact that women live longer on an average. Its a fact that they have lesser body mass. Its a fact that their hearts stress much less. Think about this in another way ignoring science for a moment. Women bear babies. So their bodies do have to be a little bit more perfect than a man's.

And I am not talking about fat women or fat men. Fat people cant serve in the military.

And yes, I am talking about equal training. Am not talking about less training for women. That should never be the case. In the army we advocate certain standards and if women QUALIFY they should be able to serve. Of course a lot will fail, but this doesnt mean they shouldnt. But this is in the Army.

As for the airforce, for the 4th or 5th time, yes the female body can indeed withstand more G force - given they are healthy and well exercised.
Thats actually incorrect. The uterus DOES NOT float inside the body. This is a myth thats around on the internet and has been around since before the Industrial revolution. Nonsense is what it is.

In reality, The uterus is located inside the pelvis immediately dorsal (and usually somewhat rostral) to the urinary bladder and ventral to the rectum. The uterus is primarily supported by the pelvic diaphragm, perineal body and the urogenital diaphragm. Secondarily, it is supported by ligaments and the peritoneum (broad ligament of uterus)

Thats from wiki.

And women can actually withstand higher G forces, like I explained previously.

I dont get angry at opposing opinions. I get angry at retarded and unscientific comments.

I dont need a survey of 6 billion people. Its a fact that women live longer on an average. Its a fact that they have lesser body mass. Its a fact that their hearts stress much less. Think about this in another way ignoring science for a moment. Women bear babies. So their bodies do have to be a little bit more perfect than a man's.

And I am not talking about fat women or fat men. Fat people cant serve in the military.

And yes, I am talking about equal training. Am not talking about less training for women. That should never be the case. In the army we advocate certain standards and if women QUALIFY they should be able to serve. Of course a lot will fail, but this doesnt mean they shouldnt. But this is in the Army.

As for the airforce, for the 4th or 5th time, yes the female body can indeed withstand more G force - given they are healthy and well exercised.

Alright, I admit that using "float" was a bad way to describe it. The fact remains that the uterus needs to expand to accommodate a baby so it is not held as tightly as other body organs. If it was then it would not be able to hold a full size fetus.

You talked about providing scientific evidence, and then you made a bunch of broad generalizations. So should I get angry at you and call you a bunch of names now?

Where is the evidence that women can handle higher G-forces?
And if this is true then why are women subjugated to lower requirements in training?
When you say retarded things like "Women are more fit than men" then you do need a survey. fitness is based on personal choices and ability, where you chose to eat, how much you chose to work out, where you live, etc etc all have an affect on this. By saying "women are more fit than men" you just sound really dumb.

Lower body mass is not indicative of fitness, lower body fat is... and guess what, by your own standards women are now less fit because on average women have higher body fat.
Hearts don't stress more than men?
any evidence for that?
This again is very personal. You will have more stress if you are a captain of an airplane vs cleaner at an office.

And there is no such thing as perfect, women's bodies are designed to carry babies and are adapted for that. Men's bodies are designed for protecting and providing for their families and are designed for that. There is no shame in saying that men and women are different, there is same in closing your eyes and living in dumb feminist fantasy land where Women can perfectly compete with men in certain areas.

Really? when did you mention equal training? You never said that once until that sentence. Logically speaking, you need to say what you mean and not just expect me to understand by your tone or how you brush your hair.
And really? I have never heard any feminist argue for same standards as men. You people cry and whine about getting the same pay and blah blah blah, but you never complain that to be a cop, or a fireman, or a solider you people have to do 2/3s the requirements of a man. No one likes a hypocrite, so kindly stop being one.

and for the 4.9x10^4th time, please show this evidence.

You know I don't even really care all that much about this topic, but when crazy feminists try to stop opposing opinions by throwing abuse then I feel I need to make my opinions even louder. :)

Our lasses - PAF. :pakistan:
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Okay stop getting your titties in a twist for no reason. I never yelled at anybody or called anyone any names.

The fact remains that the uterus needs to expand to accommodate a baby so it is not held as tightly as other body organs.

Yeah So does the Stomach. So in men the stomach will fly out. And same with the intestines. Oh and same with the lungs. In reality many body parts are not actually riveted down. Flying in a fighter get wont do anything to these organs.

Where is the evidence that women can handle higher G-forces?

I need to rephrase. I didnt mean to say women can handle HIGHER G-forces (which sounds like more than normal). I meant to say, Women can handle G Forces BETTER. They can handle it better because the distance between their brains and their hearts is lesser, and because their body mass is lesser, their hearts needs to work far less than a man's to pump blood to the brain and keep the person awake (instead of passing out).

And if this is true then why are women subjugated to lower requirements in training?

I dont advocate lower requirements in training. I think Ive said that time and again.

"Women are more fit than men" then you do need a survey. fitness is based on personal choices and ability, where you chose to eat, how much you chose to work out, where you live, etc etc all have an affect on this. By saying "women are more fit than men" you just sound really dumb.

I did lay pre conditions. I said, if the person is healthy, well exercised etc What I meant to convey was that the female physiology was a little bit more sophisticated and NOT WEAK.

Really? when did you mention equal training?

Please read back, Ive been saying this for the last 10 posts on this topic. I said if women QUALIFY then they should get to serve.

Here is your evidence, that men and women perform just as good. I never said Men and Women are the same. But they can PERFORM just as good.

As far as I know, PA has not yet inducted women in active combat roles/brances. Women are mostly in medical, education, and probably support roles.

Are you sure about that with respect to the army and its combat units? Very commendable, if true.

And if true, that would also be a hole in the theory that in India men are not prepared to be led by female officers. If Pakistan can do it, I would tell the men in India to deal with it.
Most free flowing thing in human body is blood, tell me about it being pushed out of body. Eyes are quite vulnerable too, they can pop out of theirsockets too, please share some examples, brain alos floates freely in the skull..........

If thatreally was the casetherewon't be any female pilots in western world.

It's basic physiology and physics. The uterus floats in the body, extreme g forces will literally push it out of the body. Have a look at the training for men and women. The women are subjected to lower g force than the men. Why? If both were equal then why not the same training?
Indian Army Gets Control Over Attack Helicopters

Nothwithstanding stiff opposition from the Air Force, government has decided to give the control of attack helicopters to the Army.

"We have received a letter from the defence ministry and we have been given the attack helicopters by the government," Army Chief Gen Bikram Singh told PTI here.

The Army had been demanding control over attack and medium-lift helicopters saying they are mainly used for its operations and that is why they should be under it. The IAF has been strongly opposing the demand.

Army had been maintaining that the induction of tactical and attack choppers into the force was an "inescapable operational necessity" as infrastructure along the borders with China is "far from satisfactory" and such assets would be required to cut down on the time for movement.

The tussle between the two Services over the issue had come out in open when IAF Chief Air Chief Marshal N A K Browne said the country cannot afford to have these "little air forces" doing their own things.

Defence Minister A K Antony had played down the tussle, saying it was a "family problem" and the Government was in the final stages of resolving the matter.

As per its plans, the Army wants to raise attack chopper squadrons as part of its strike corps and then raise them at every corps level.

FILED ON: OCT 12, 2012

Army Gets Control Over Attack Helicopters | news.outlookindia.com
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